AP World Chapter 14

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who were the nomadic people originally occupying the arabian pennisula

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who were the nomadic people originally occupying the arabian pennisula

the bedouins

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(570) how did muhammad grow up and what did he do for work

he grow in a difficult lifestyle, losing both of his parents and marrying a wealthy widow to support himself. he was a merchant which allowed him to learn about judaism and chritianity

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(610) how did muhammad undergo spirtual transformation

he went throigh a spiritual experience that told that allah was the one true diety and that he would reward the good and punish the bad. he believed that these beliefs were transporteed by gabriel a messanger of god

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why was there tension between muhammad and mecca ruling elites

ruling elites believed that muhammads preachings conflicted with there believeings as allah was the one god while many arabs were polytheistic, muhammad denounced greed and many ruling elites were rich, muhammad denounced idoltary while arabs profited of many shrines and deitys such as the ka’bba

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(622) what happened when the pressure from meccan ruling elites became to great

many of muhammads followers feld to eithiopia howevr muhammad didnt flee till after during a period known as the hijra (the start of the islamic calender) where he built a new city called medina

<p>many of muhammads followers feld to eithiopia howevr muhammad didnt flee till after during a period known as the hijra (the start of the islamic calender) where he built a new city called medina</p>
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what was the community called in medina

it was called the umma, and was a tight knit community with its own political/social code and religous traditions

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what did muhammad see himself as under allah

he saw himslef as the seal of the prophets the one final prophet that could tell more about god than christianity and judaism. however he still accpted influence from christianity prophets (abraham, moses) and judaisms 12 commandments

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(630) how did muhammad and his followers return to mecca

he said he was going on a pilgrimage to the ka’ba but really attacked mecca and forced them to have a government deddicated to allah. theuy also destroyed shrines and idoltary leaving the ka’ba as a symbol for meccas greatnes. he ended up creating an anual pilgrimage to the ka’ba called the hajj

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what were the 5 pillars of islam

  1. make an annual hajj to the kabba if able to 2) pray facing towards mecca daily 3) participate in ramadan fasting 4) give to the poor 5) acknowledge allah as teh one god and muhammad as his prophet

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what was jihad (struggle)

a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline

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what was islamic law known as

the sharia which drew inspiration from the quran but provided guidsance on every aspect of life

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(650) what was used to hold the teachings of muhammad

the quran (holy book of islam) and the hadith (covered muhammads deeds as a prophet)

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who succedded muhammad

abu bakr, he was known as a caliph

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what military expanions happened between 630 and 720

630 - took byzantine syria and mesopotamia, 640 byzantine egypt, 650 - sansanid persia, 710 hindus in india, 720 - northwest afroca

<p>630 - took byzantine syria and mesopotamia, 640 byzantine egypt, 650 - sansanid persia, 710 hindus in india, 720 - northwest afroca</p>
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what were the issues with appointed caliphs

ali was a relative of muhammad and believed he sjhould be caliph but abu bakr was stronger, he servedas teh fourth caliph but was then assasinated. teh shia sect was then created their own group taking influence from the traidional and more popular sunnin sect but centering it around ali and what he did

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who took over after ali

wealthy meccan merchants formed teh Ummayads whoch strictly ruled the dar al islam favoring the privlegded class and taxing (jizya) people who werent muslim which caused for revolt

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how did the ummayads fall

they focused more and more on luxury over eladership so they faced revolt from both the umma and civilians and fell

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who was the leader of these rebellions and what did he do

abbu al-abbas, he rallied with both shia, sunni, and otherr religions. he hosted a banquet with the ummayads and then assasinated them, starting the abbasid dynasty

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how were the abbasids different from the ummayads

they incorporated different races, religions, and cultures and were much better in government with meso/persia techniques in creating provinces

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(750) how did the abbasids grow rapidly

they calshed a lot with nomadic chines people during the battle of talas river (stopped tang from expanding), however that allowed them to conquer the turks, combine more militaries and conquer a lot of asia and the mediteranean

<p>they calshed a lot with nomadic chines people during the battle of talas river (stopped tang from expanding), however that allowed them to conquer the turks, combine more militaries and conquer a lot of asia and the mediteranean</p>
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how did abbasids mainatin a centralized form of rule

they built the capital at baghdad (modern day Iraq), the had ulama (scholars with religous knowledge) and qadis (judges) who made decisions, and maintained thousands of road systems

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what was the high point of the abbasid dynasty

under the rule of harun'-al rashid, abbasids had lost some control of their provinces but continued to bring in high taxes which allowed them to flourishg with wealth. stories say gold was thrown in the streets and elephants werre brought along with luxurious presents

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how did the abbasid dynasty fall

there was a lot of conflict between haruns sons for successor so provincial governors began to rule which caused a loit of rebellion and allowed mongol to attack them. however the seljuq turks who were part of the abbsid empire began to rule it effectivley expanding the empire and maintaing rule at baghdad until the mongols came in 1200 the sultan was the source of power

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how did hot climates grow agricylture

by tranplanting plants which allowed for a growth in food supply and population

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which two products were very important for manufacturing

cotton and paper, both of which were implemented by trade

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how did merchants trade is the dar al islam

they used the road systenms already established and used camels and carevans to naviagte hot and dry areas. they also did maritime trade, utilizing the chinese compass, the indian sail, and the mediteranean astrolabe

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what form of currency did the islams use on top of cash

the sakk or check

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what was islamic spain

it was called al-andalus, it was origanallly run buy berbers from norht africa but was then taken over by the ummayads who did not recognize teh abbsids. despite this al-andalus still took part in trade and were able to build a mgnificent capital at cordoba

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how did the quran affect the rights of women

arab women, despite the patriarchal society, did have freedome to divorce, inherit preperty, and start a bussiness. this was becuase muhammad was very nice to his wives and wanted to protect them not put them down. however the quran and sharia still enforced male dominance as they only recognized descent through the male line and would subject the sexual lives of women to the their male gaurdian, also men could have 4 wives women could have 1 man

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how did veiling of women come about

as islam expanded into teh byzantine and sansanid veiling was a sign of wealth done by upper class women and to discourage the attention of men. so this was adopted by islams in a way to gain male authority.

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How were islamic values promoted

Ulama and qadis used them politically, schools (madrasas) promoted islam, missionaries promoted islam

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Who were islamic missionaries

They were called sufis, they devoted their lives to spiritual awareness, and converted a lot of people to islam , al-ghazali was the most important as he said that only through devotion to the quran could somebody understand allah

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How did the islamic empire adapt the cultural traditions from other societies

They invited scholars from different empires and religions to become a more multifaceted empire

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What was persias influence on islam

Persian kings and regional governors -> islam caliphs and regional governors Persian literature -> mix with arabian language to create islamic literature, omar khayyan (rubiyat) composed a lot of famous persian literature

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What was indias influence on Islam

Hindi numerals -> arabic numerals and algebra Indian and greek astronomy and medicine -> muslim astronomy and medicine

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Greek influence on islam

Plato and aristotle -> muslim philosophy (faced resistance by sufi al-ghazi) Ibn rushd then focused more on aristotle than plato and shaped islamic philosophy and scholasticism However many devout muslims still wanted to resort solely to the quran so many madrasas covered less teaching of aristotle and more quran teachings

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