United States Government and Politics Unit 4 Test

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Republican Ideology/Policy

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Republican Ideology/Policy

They have a conservative party doctrine and value these things: no wasteful spending, strong national defense and military, limited regulation of the economy, low government spending and flat tax rates, maintaining cultural traditions, healthcare is a privilege, educational and religious freedom, traditional views concerning the right to privacy.

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Democrat Ideology/Policy

They have a liberal party doctrine and value these things: civil rights, civil liberties, women’s rights, right to privacy, more government services to solve public problems, increased government regulation on the economy, especially in regard to the environment, progressive taxes, and social welfare. Government should provide a safety net for people in need and pay for it with higher taxes

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Party Platforms

The party’s list of principles and plans it hopes to enact. This platform influences policy making. It can also include legacies of noted party heroes, specific proposals, and opposite party accusations.

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Democratic Party Platform

The platform is to expand healthcare with gov funding, full equality for women, no death penalty instead rehab, environmental and climate change action, LGBTQ+ rights, more inclusive with immigration, prochoice, right to privacy, increases government services for the poor, higher business regulation, focused on inclusion and minority rights. The support base comes from the liberal northeast and west coast.

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Republican Party Platform

This platform is to give job opportunities no handouts when it comes to poverty and welfare, national security/high military budget, the death penalty and severe punishment, traditional values concerning marriage (heterosexual), stricter immigration laws, 2nd amendment, and gun freedom, pro-life, oppose gov spending no expansion of entitlements, lower regulation on the economy, flat tax, etc. Voters come from the South, rural west, and midwest.

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Libertarian Party Platform

This platform is liberal on social issues, and conservative on economic issues. They believe that the government’s role is limited to protecting private property, resolving disputes, and supporting free trade.

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Majoritarian Policy Making

THis emerges from the interaction of the people with the government in order to put into place and carry out the will of the majority. Our democratic government respresents majority views with elected officials. Representatives and the president often reflect majority public opinion in hopes to be reelected. Initiatives and referendums can also reflect majority views.

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Interest Group Policymaking

Interest groups can have a strong influence and interact with all three branches in the policy making process. They fund candidates who support their agendas, push for specific areas of policy to satisfy their members/philosophy, and they testify in hearings. These interest groups allow for a pluralist approach where interests of a diverse population compete to create public policy that addresses as many groups or concerns as compromise allows rather than just the majority. Includes groups like the NRA and AARP.

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Balancing LIberty and Order

A balance between these two principles guide debate no matter the platform: The core belief in individual liberties and the role of government to promote stability and social order.

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A list of potential policy ideas, bills, or plans to improve society.

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The process by which the government at all levels recognize an issue, study it, and try to resolve it. 1) the issue gains attention 2)Congress uses it’s investigatory power 3)The government forms it’s policy on paper 4) They gradually work towards adopting the policy 5) THey find a way to finance the idea 6) They evaluate it after it’s implementation. Usually opposition is quick if it is not popular.

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Sin tax

When the government creates excise taxes on particular products or services like cigarettes or gambling . This hits only a few people which upsets less and many of these people won't stop making purchases even with higher taxes and or prices

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Keynesian Economic

An economic theory that the government should create the right level of demand to keep the market functioning at full capacity when demand is low the government should pour money into the economy by reducing taxes and increasing government spending and when demand is high the government should tax more and spend less. This Theory tends to be more liberal and is adopted by the Democratic Party. This stems from the economist John Maynard Keynes who inspired FDR during the Great Depression.

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Fiscal policy

The part of economic policy that is concerned with government spending and Taxation. Congress and the president have control over fiscal policy in United states. Examples of fiscal policy theories include keyesnian and supply-side economics.

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Multiplier effect

A mechanism by which an increase in spending results in an economic growth greater than the amount of spending. Output increases by multiple of The original change in spending.

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Supply-side Economics

The economic theory that the people should leave as much money as possible with the people laissez-faire will govern the market. Taxing less means more money in citizens Pockets therefore people will have more money to spend and spend it and spending will increase purchasing, jobs, and Manufacturing. The government will still earn tax revenue from increased spending and Increased jobs. People will also invest more boosting the economy in other ways. This also means limits on government regulations and reduce taxation. Conservatives and Libertarians side with this Theory.

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Where the government limits it's involvement in the economy letting supply and demand govern and self-regulate the market this means limits on government regulations. This is a key concept of supply-side economics.

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Article 1 of the Constitution gives the government power to lay and collect taxes and borrow money. The US taxes, charges fees, and borrows money to make Revenue

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Pollock V Farmers loan and Trust 1892

The Supreme Court ruled income taxes unconstitutional because Article 1 didn't specifically Grant Congress the power to specifically tax individuals. This reflected the late 1800s view of laissez-faire.

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Sixteenth Amendment 1913

To Trump the Supreme Court's decision in Pollock versus Farmers loan and Trust Congress passed this Amendment which allowed congress to tax people's incomes. Today the largest share of federal income comes from income tax on individuals.

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Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

An extension of the federal government responsible for overseeing the collection of taxes and administering the Internal Revenue code.

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Progressive tax

Our nation income tax is this type of tax meaning one's tax rate increases as one's income increases the highest tax bracket during the Trump Administration was 37% and middle class pays 12 to 22%. Public opinion supports a mildly progressive tax rate.

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Flat tax

Some conservatives want this type of tax where all citizens are taxed at the same rate regardless of their income.

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Tax as a social policy

Congress has used taxing power to draft social policy by encouraging certain behavior. Liberals give tax incentives to those who have electric vehicles or solar panels to protect the environment while conservatives push for Traditional Values by giving tax incentives to families with kids. Special interest groups also push for tax loopholes to favor certain people.

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Republicans want fiscal conservatism meaning lowering spending on discretionary costs while Democrats spend money liberally on social programs or other things such as the Arts and humanities. The president initiates the annual budget for both sides and on both sides the president spends more than the nation takes in through Revenue. However both sides argue about what to spend money on. It's important to realize that balancing the budget is almost impossible.

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Monetary Policy

How the government manages the supply and demand of its currency and thus the value of the dollar. How much a dollar is worth depends on how many printed dollars are available and how much people want them. The Federal Reserve board known as the FED controls monetary policy in the United States.

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The rising of prices and devaluation of the dollar which occurs when there are too many dollars in circulation.

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Federal Reserve Board

A part of the Federal Reserve system. Seven Governors appointed by the president at staggered intervals. This agency sets monetary policy by buying and selling securities and bonds, regulating money required at commercial Banks known as The Vault requirement, and setting interest rates. This is an independent agency a part of the executive branch.

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These are like a government ious that are paid back with interest. The FED sets rates for bonds and when to sell or purchase them. Our government makes Revenue when American people or foreign governments purchase them.

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Discount rate

The interest rate at which the government loans actual dollars to commercial banks. The rate fluctuates and has a ripple effect on the economy because more money given to Banks means that banks have lower interest rates, people buy more, and the economy is boosted. Lowering the interest rates can also increase inflation and vice versa.

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Reserve requirement

The requirement set by the Federal Reserve board as to how much money commercial Banks must keep in their vaults as a proportion of how much the bank rightfully owns. A low rate means Banks loan more and this also lowers interest rates.

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Independence and stability

Decisions at the FED can have a Monumental impact on the value of the dollar and the state of the economy. It is important that the FED is an independent agency within the executive branch. The president shapes Federal Reserve board appointments but they act with the Nations interest in mind and have 14-year terms for continuity the Chairman's four-year term staggers the president's term so the election does not become an issue.

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Milton Friedman

A conservative supporter of monetary policy as the best stabilizing factor in the economy. He was chairman of the Federal Reserve board. He supported the easy money policy which used lower interest rates to stimulate Banks to loan more money which stimulates consumption and economic growth this strategy hopes to accomplish steady economic growth with low inflation

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Alan Greenspan

He was Federal Reserve board chairman. He is a conservative supporter of monetary policy as the best stabilizing factor in the economy. He supports the easy money policy which is slow interest rates to stimulate Banks to loan more which stimulates consumption and economic growth this policy hopes to achieve steady economic growth with low inflation.

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The process of an ever expanding an increasingly interactive World economy. The nation has increased trading over the past two generations. The US can increase or decrease This Global trade. The goal is to have more exports than Imports so wealth from other nations enter the economy

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Trade balance

A favorable trade balance is when the nation exports more than an Imports this means that more money from other nations is entering our economy. A favorable trade balance is a measure of success. tariffs and import duties are helpful in protecting us Manufacturing

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NAFTA and the usmca

Trade agreements that lifted trade barriers among the US Canada and Mexico it was originally the North American Free Trade Agreement but was renewed under the Trump Administration as the usmca. They effectively lifted import taxes among these three countries. It is controversial because laissez-faire economist and proponents of globalization are happy while laborers and Manufacturing are afraid of Outsourcing.

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Social welfare

Government support for disadvantaged people to meet their basic needs. Many support it and varying degrees. Itwas enacted by new the new deal the Great Society and Barack Obama through Obamacare. It receives less support from Republicans and conservatives. Liberals however support social welfare as a safety net for the people.

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Mandatory spending

Congress must pay or spend money on these which are also known as entitlements and pay those who are legally entitled to the funds set aside by Congress Congress defines the criteria. This spending can't be reduced and makes up a large percent of our nation's debt.

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Government Services Congress has promised by law to citizens. Major contributions to annual deficit and overall debt. They include social security, medicare, medicaid, block grants, Financial aid, food stamps, money owed on bonds, interest rates owned, and other obligations.

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Third rail

The idea of privatizing social security or raising the retirement age has been compared to the untouchable third rail of a railroad track as it is electrically charged. This is because no politician wants to privatize Social Security or raise the retirement age even though debt is high because of groups like The AARP and the Shockwave of constituent disapproval as older people represent a very large percent of the voting block.

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Social Security Act of 1935

This act established social security. It created an insurance program that required the employee to pay a contribution or payroll tax into a fund to help unemployed disabled and retirees. Retirement benefits are given out to those who pay in. It is also given to less fortunate people under 65 if they can't meet basic survival needs. Social Security is the largest entitlement program and makes up 20% of federal spending. It has created a federal safety net for Citizens and has transformed the us into a well fare state. Both employed and their employers pay 12.4% into a trust fund which is separate from the general Treasury and the Social Security Administration handles funds and distribution of money.

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Means test

A test developed by the government to determine if the citizens meet the criteria and qualify for Aid through social security. Is to see if the less fortunate under 65 qualify

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This program helps to ease the medical costs of seniors over 65. The Department of Health and Human Services is in charge of it. It is funded by a 1.45 to 3.8% tax it includes four parts fund set aside for hospitalization Physicians Medicare Advantage and prescription drugs. It can cover up to 80% of healthcare costs

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This program provides healthcare insurance coverage for the poorest americans. Applying citizens must meet minimum income thresholds, be disabled, or be pregnant. Specific criteria must be met to receive Medicaid Aid

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The economic programs of President Ronald Reagan that says lower government social spending, lower taxes, and supporting free market activity. Programs like food stamps and public housing construction should be cut back. It is also referred to as trickle down economics and is the theory that by leaving more money in the hands of the rich it will trickle down to the poor. It also reflects conservative opposition to expensive government programs.

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Patient protection and Affordable Care Act( Obamacare)

Republicans are against this program and they try to chip away at funds for it. It is an act to expand HealthCare coverage and access to all citizens while improving quality and reducing costs it is meant to expand access to healthcare for AmericansAnd reduce costs for those who qualify.

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Wagner Act( National Labor Relations Act )

An act that created at the National Labor Relations Board a Federal Executive commission that regulates labor organizations and here's complaints of unfair labor practices. I also ensures workers rights to Collective bargaining. It protects unions

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Fair labor standards Act

And acts that established a minimum wage, a 40-hour work week, and required overtime pay at $150% normal wages

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Occupational safety and health administration OSHA

A government Administration that inspects factories and workplaces For Occupational hazards it is a regulatory agency that can find a company or close it down till problems are fixed

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Griswold v Connecticut 1965

A court case in which the Supreme Court established a precedent for the right to privacy on intimate matters. Connecticut state law forebode contraceptive devices for married couples and advice to use contraceptives could not be given by medical professionals this Connecticut Law was deemed unconstitutional

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Right to privacy

The precedent that citizens have the right to privacy on intimate matters such as abortion same-sex marriage and contraceptives liberals want more privacy rights while conservatives tend to oppose privacy rights and return for the protection of core Traditional Values

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Foreign intelligence surveillance Act

An ask that requires requests for information by the government must be authorized by a special court. This is in response to bipartisan worry about the government's easy access to personal info and this act was supported by both parties.

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Race to the top

An initiative that encourages states to compete for Grants to help them adapt rigorous standards, use data efficiently, and establish data-driven evaluations of teachers, and address underperforming schools.

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