Psychology Final Exam Flashcards

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psychodynamic approach

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psychodynamic approach

unconscious forces like wishes, hopes and desires can be hidden but still influences actions. the three parts are, id, superego, and ego.

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the one that is completely in the unconscious mind - seek things that are pleasurable and avoid things that are painful.

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unconscious and develops from childhood, we internalize what we see through parents and adults that are around is and then either act upon that behavior or avoid it.

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mediates the relationship between the Id and the superego. Reality principle rational thought and problem-solving skills, trying to find a middle ground between those two areas.

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thoughts that are not currently conscious but could be conscious. Long term memory, pieces of information we do not always use but can pull up when needed. 

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ideas, thoughts that you are fully aware of.

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what are the different defense mechanisms?

displacement, projection, repression, denial

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when we shift our emotions from one situation from ourselves to another person. Something that is making us upset is from the outside, so they take their anger to something else outside.  

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when we have a quality, we find within ourselves that we do not like so we push that emotions or hate of our issue onto a different person who may or may not have it.

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highly debatable, we can push things we do not want to think about into the unconscious as traumatic things into the back of the mind to we do not remember.

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when we do not acknowledge the source of our anxiety.

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the three different personality trait theories by Allport

cardinal, central, secondary

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cardinal trait

dominant trait and directs every step we take; a person is really known because this becomes their entire personality.  

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central trait

everyone has, general disposition and stays the same in all situations, as if you are an introvert in one situation, you are also going to be an introvert in another situation

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secondary trait

only relevant in certain situations. Not an anxious person but when in front of people you get anxiety.  

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the big five central traits

Functionally equivalent situations are those that cue a similar response from a person. openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism

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openness to experience

if are high usually like adventures and go with the flow. If low, they like structure and composition

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If high are thoughtfulness, organized, and have self discipline. If low are disorganized and also go with the flow.

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if high are usually likable and trustworthy, if low many would say they are suspicious

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if high those people like to talk, and are the life of the party. If low then they are introverted and usually stay to themselves and prefer to be alone.

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If high, are always worries and insecure, and show self pity, if low they are more calm and secure and self satisfied.

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Projective tests used to study personality

Rorschach inkblot test, a bunch of blot on a page and depending on what animal or object you see determines your personality.

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projective test - TAT - Thematic Apperception Test

picture of an ambiguous situation and they must create a story, based on the story it determines the type of personality you have.

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self report measuring personality

MMPI - with 567 true or false question, after answering determine your personality

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behavioral tests

the Myer - briggs test that is false with the different personality types in only eight categories, either extravert or introvert, sensor or intuitive, thinker or feeler, judger or perceivers. test was distributed by two ladies, and neither of these ladies had any training in anything psychological. Lacks validity and reliability.

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self concept

an understanding of who you think you are, usually contains to the cocktail party effect - blocking out noise that are not important to focus on what is important.

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working self concept

thinking about things that stand out the most in a certain environment, example if you are a male and you are in a room full of girls you would quickly notice that because of how much it stands out.

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self serving biases

characteristic ways of processing information to maintain a positive attitude toward the self. using self serving attributions, above average effect, idiosyncratic trait definitions, and overestimating our contributions

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self serving attributions

ways to boost our self-esteem, we give ourselves credit for positive outcomes and denying or discrediting others when bad outcomes happen as outside issues. When passing a test, you would say you are smart, but then failing a test instead of saying I should have studied more, you say it is the professor's fault

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above average effect

tendency for individuals to see themselves as above on characteristics that are vague and socially desirable

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idiosyncratic trait

seeing other as unusual or acting on weird or crazy behavior and calling yourself “different”

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Overestimating ability

believing you are better or more skilled than you actually are

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specific phobias (type of anxiety)

an extreme fear/emotional response of an object or thing that horrifies them

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is too broad to fall under the phobia belt, a fear and avoidance of places where escape or rescue might be difficult as if they get into a car and then go into a car a jam during traffic, they cannot get out, so they have a panic attack.

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Social anxiety disorder

extreme anxiety in situations when they are being observed or watched because they do not want to be negatively evaluated or judged.

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Generalized anxiety disorder

excessive anxiety not limited to one object they are simply scared and in fear all the time. Will have all the bodily functions of fear as sweating and rise in adrenaline but there is nothing causing that fear

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Panic disorder

sudden overwhelming attacks, fear or worry that happen in panic attack. Usually, you feel like it is hard to breathe or have a heart attack.  

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OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder

obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors. Thoughts are frightening, they are afraid or stepping on the sidewalk and it will kill one of their family members, so they have the compulsions as checking multiple times, counting etc. To make sure everything is okay. They know their thoughts do not make sense and they know something is wrong, but they still get anxiety.  

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Acute stress disorder

a disorder in which stress and trauma symptoms last less then one month

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Post traumatic stress disorder

immediately disposed of the traumatic event or if they were close to the person the trauma happened to and they found out through a family or a police officer etc. People who have traumatic stress, they brains will show them their trauma many times.

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a mood disorder in which episodes of both depression and mania occur

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Mania episode

abnormally elevated levels of exhilaration, they are more likely to go on crazy/ risky endeavors. They do not need much sleep.

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Bipolar 1

more by the manic episode than the depressive episode, manic can go on for 7 days and are very intense.

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Bipolar 2

more depressive episodes and longer than bipolar 1 and less manic which is called hypomania

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A psychotic disorder marked by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized and incoherent
speech, inappropriate behavior, and cognitive impairments, split mind.

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positive symptoms of schizophrenia

presence of something that is not normal as hallucinations. Auditory hallucinations are the most common. Delusion as if someone is coming to get them or the government is coming to get them etc. Disorganization speech because what they say does not necessarily make sense. Behavior is disorganized they can have childish behaviors then switch to aggressive

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negative symptoms of schizophrenia

absences of normal behavior, no emotion when talking and no blinking, loss of motivation and not speaking.

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Acute schizophrenia (reactive)

sudden onset, usually have more positive symptoms then negative and have a higher recovery rate

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chronic schizophrenia (process)

slow development sees if later in life, more negative symptoms, and lower recovery rate.

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causes of schizophrenia

it is brain disease, there are genes that show that a child or person has schizophrenia. other ways are prenatal problems or with complications, dopamine and glutamate, and brain structure.

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a behavioral syndrome characterized by the persistent presence of inattention and/or impulsivity or hyperactivity that impairs functioning. moving too much, talking too much, and climbing etc. Childhood disorder. genetic component, can be passed down from parents. If they stay with their child until they are adults, then they will not have hyperactivity anymore but will not be able to stay on task. 

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personality disorder clusters

cluster A, Cluster B, and cluster c

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Cluster A

behaviors that are usually odd and eccentric

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Schizoid Personality disorder

cluster A, detachment from others, might have friends but do not want to see them or family and have lack of emotional expression with anyone. If they did go out, they did it because they want to not in anxiety

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Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster A, discomfort in their close relationship, they get delusions and hallucinations. Cognitive or perceptual distortions and odd behaviors. 

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Cluster B

behaviors that are more emotional, erratic, and dramatic

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Borderline Personality Disorder

cluster B, unstable emotions, unstable relationships, unstable self-image, emotional highs to low very quickly. A disorder characterized by a long-standing pattern of instability in mood. Self-mutilation as burning, cutting etc. And they have impulsive actions and may kill themselves but not on purpose.  

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Antisocial Personality Disorder

cluster B, these people do not have the way to get friends and they have no empathy for anything such as lawbreaking, violence, and other impulsive reckless acts. They have anger issues and are impulsive. Are very easily bored, so they cannot hold a job, or relationships. The brain is not working and communicating effectively. Fear response is a lot lower. Can lead to psychopathy but not always, willing to hurt others, and are manipulative. 

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Cluster C

behaviors that are more anxious and fearful.

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Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

is not OCD, an extreme need for perfection, excessive orderliness, an inability to compromise, and an exaggerated sense of moral responsibility.

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who were involved in the humane treatment movement

Philip Pinel, Benjamin Rush, and Dorothea Dix.

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the community mental health movement

aimed at moving out the mental illness and then they would go to a doctor later in the day that could help. 3-10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) in an institution max. However, since many people did have a home or a family to go back to, homelessness raised in America.

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Original approach to biological disorders

people understood that maybe some disorders were mental, and through biology the first wave was through sticking a icepick through the eye and into the brain and moving it around however that caused many problems, but shaped our way of understanding that there are biological brain defects that may causes disorders.

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new approach of biological disorders

explained that abnormal behaviors on the basis of underlying biological defects or abnormalities, taught us about syphilis and Alzheimer’s disease.

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psychological providers

believed that there was outside ways of fixing disorders or having cures as hypnosis and the unconscious mind.

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usually used to treat schizophrenia, target the positive symptoms, typical, atypical.

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used for people who suffer from depression anxiety, phobias, and OCD to boost serotonin.

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mood stabilizer

are to help bipolar disorders as lithium

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anti anxiety

tranquilizers, Benzes as Xanax, however are highly addictive.

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used for ADHD as adderall.

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When direct brain interventions are useful?

when there are people who are suffering from severe depression, there are different DBS’s that are input into the brain and body to help lower their symptoms.

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behavioral therapies

reinforcement and punishment, you identify what the problem is then try to change the behavior.

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Systematic desensitization

a person is to pick scenario's that are anxiety provoking and then they give them ways to calm them down and help them get over their anxiety. 

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Gradual exposure

similar to systematic desensitization however, they are also using the actual contact of the fear as a snake.

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Token economy

providing some type of reinforcement to a behavior wanted as a reward.

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REBT - Rational Emotive Behvaioral Therapy

target irrational beliefs people have of themselves, trying to show them rational views to help them see the rational point.

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CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

the most popular therapy option – combining behavioral approaches and helps them try different methods of being in different situations. Challenging thought processes and behavioral components such as managing emotion and collecting evidence to help them see what they can do better. 

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Third Wave Approach

using mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, dialectical behavior therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

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Dialectical behavior therapy

usually used for people who have borderline personality disorder, Specifically targeting extreme reactions with borderline helps with social skills and helps them accept when they have. 

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

emphasizes acceptance to deal with negative thoughts, feelings, symptoms, or circumstances.

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The Milgram Obedience Studies

the person who would be the teacher, would provide an increasing number of shocks, they wanted to see how long someone will continue shocking someone just because they are told to. Our social role is that we must obey a person in authority even if they tell us to do something, even if it hurts someone else and we do not want to do it. Disobedience increases when you see the person face to face, when there were two experimenters, and they were saying the opposite directions if the person were not wearing a lab coat and did not look like a doctor they would not continue.

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Fundamental Attribution Error

the tendency, in explaining others' behaviors, to overestimate personality factors and underestimate the influence of the situation. When people chose to act in a certain way even if we were told that someone was forced to do what they were told to do, we believe that they are just horrible people and chose to do that horrible act.

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the just world hypothesis

The need to see victims as the recipients of their actions, these people have a strong desire or need to believe that the world is an orderly, predictable, and just place, where people get what they deserve.

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Foot in the door

agree to small request then agree to a larger request. Continuing doing something for them because you are already doing it.

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Door in the face

give a large request to reject, for them to agree to a smaller requests, because it is more realistic.

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cognitive dissonance

When a person's beliefs are inconsistent with their behavior. is an anxiety level, because we must decide which one is me, the attitude, or your behavior. An example: saying it’s good and healthy to work out and eat well however you do not work out or eat healthy.

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Asch Line Study

they study which a person will change their own opinion and agree with a group because they do not want to be different and will continue with the conformity. the more people in the group then the more we agree because we do not want to be an outsider. Conformity decreases when someone voices their opinion, when there is another person that aligns with our belief in a larger group then we are more comfortable doing something, the publicity of the conformity.

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Normative social influence

the need for social acceptance, wanting to be apart of a group, as teenagers try to fit into their peer group.  

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Informational Social Influence

when we are in a situation, we do not know, we look at other to see how to act, and what to belief and do, so we can get information.

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Robbers Cave Experiment

group of 5th graders and sent them to summer camp, rattles and eagles, he wanted to make out group hostility, to “fight” each other because they are in specific groups. He saw those interdependent goals, where both groups had to work together to finish something then they became friends, and everyone saw each other as one large group and not in two groups. 

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The Doll Test

showing black children which doll would they like to play which more, a black or a white doll, and they saw that black children preferred the white dolls because society has taught the that white people are more likable and that they were good and black people were bad and that segregation gave African American children a sense of inferiority.

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not wanting to interact with people.

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anti - social

showing hate and hostility towards people, aggressive may have personality disorders

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the role of social media in mass shootings

coverage of mass shooters influences protectional shooters, promoting the belief that they will be rewarded with fame for their crime, gives a blueprint and a model for others to create. They want to avenge any time of wronging that has happened to them.  

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sense you can understand and share that feeling with a person, because you know what it feels like to walk in their shoes, you experienced it. 

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understanding someone's feelings, feeling of concern of compassion resulting from an awareness of the suffering or sorrow of another.

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Cognitive empathy

very similar sympathy, just knowing how someone else is thinking and trying to feel.  

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Emotional empathy

when you physically feel what another person is feeling.

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Compassionate empathy

understanding a person's perspective and feelings so you now try to help another person, it considers the entire person. 

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social exchange theory

social interactions are an exchange in which people seek to maximize their benefits within the limits of what is regarded as fair or just.

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