Germany 1890-1945 Democracy and Dictatorship

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German goverment system 1890

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German goverment system 1890

Kaiser appointed the chancellor, Kaiser was supreme ruler

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How many states were there in Germany

25 states

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What was the most powerful german state

Prussia, 2/3 of population and half the territory

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Who was the first german chancellor

Otto von bismarck 1871-1890

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By 1914, What industries did Germany lead

Chemical and Steel. Produced twice as much steel as britain, produced 1/3 of worlds electrical goods

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Population growth from 1871-1914

40Mil →68Mil

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Social ideas in Germany 1890-1914

Traditional in both rural and urban areas, many people had conservative views

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Social reform in Germany 1890-1914

1912, SPD controlled around 30% of seats, socialist movement was growing

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What are the Navy Laws 1914 and why where they introduced

Wilhelm II wanted a navy to match Britains, The Navy Laws allowed them to build more battleships

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Consequences of the war on the german people 1918

Poor living standards and shortages, 600k widows and 2 million fatherless children and bankrupcy

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When did Germany surrender

11th November, Kaiser abdicated on the 9th, Socialists took over Bavaria

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Who became new leader of the German Republic

Friedrich Ebert, leader of the largest politicle party SPD

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How was the Riechstag now run 1918

Proportional representation, alot more democratic

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What undemocratic rule was introduced in 1918

Article 48, in crisis the president could rule directly using emergancy powers

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When was the treaty of versailles signed

June 1919, Weimar Government was now known as the November criminals and damged german pride

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Conditions of Treaty of Versailles

6.6 Billion must be paid, Germany had to reduce army to 10k, Give up all overseas land and industrial, take blame for the war

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When did the French seize the industrial land of Germany

January 1923, they seized the Ruhr and German workers went on strike and economy collapsed

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The Sparticist Rebellion

January 1919 - Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, communist group and were defeated by freikorps

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What did germany do to try and solve economic issues?

Print off more money, lead to hyperinflation

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Prices of bread JAN-NOV 1923

250 marks →200mil

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What social class was hit the hardest by hyperinflation

The middle class, all savings were now worthless

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Who was the economic saviour of the hyperinflation 1923

Gustav Stresemann, Chancellor

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The Kapp Putsch

March 1920 - Wolfgang Kapp, led 5k Freikorps to try and seize government, defeated by workers strikes

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The Munich Putsch

November 1923 - Adolf Hitler, attempted to seize power, defeated quickly and hitler was senternced to 5 years house arrest

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What did Stresemann do to help?

Introduced Renetenmark, Ended the strike in the Ruhr, Great Coalittion in Parliament to agree on policies quicker

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What were the recovery plans?

Dawes Plan 1924 - 40Bil in American Loans

Young plan 1929 - ¼ TOV reperations, 59+ years to pay back

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What were the international agreements?

Locterno Pact 1925 - France, Belgium and Germany would respect their borders

League of Nation 1926 - Showed trust

Kellog Pact - Agreement to peace

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When was the Nazi party formed?

February 1920

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What was the 25 point programme?

Nazi ideology and established the parties goals, aswell as promising better healthcare and education for “true germans”

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What is the SA?

Formed Feb 1921, Hitlers personal army used to indimidate other parties

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What happened after the Munich Putsch?

Nazi party was banned until 1925

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How did life improve for workers in the German Golden Years? WUH!?

W- Wages, improved pay

U- Unemploment, significantly decreased

H- Housing, mass housing projects were introduced and proived 2Mil houses

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How did life improve for women in the German Golden Years?

More women in employment, divorces were now easier, womens sport was introduced, 114 women in reichstag between 1919-1932

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What was weimar culture?

Art, Film and Theatre developed, Bauhaus was an artistic and architectual movement, The Berhaus institution was made

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Why did some people oppose weimar culture?

Many people though germany was straying away from traditional values

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Who was the Nazi Propaganda minister?

Joseph Goebbels, 1933, Made the Hitler Myth which glorified him

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What were the main messages of Nazi propaganda

Instead of trying to change public views, rather extremified them, such as turning over the TOV and to revive traditional culture

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How did nazi’s control media

They controlled 82% of the newspapers by 1944 and censored media they didnt agree with and all forms of media had to be approved

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What were the rallies

The Nuremberg Rallies were annual events to promote Nazi party, furthermore the olympics were used to try and show white superiority but failed when black athletes won gold

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What systems were set up in Germany to favor the government?

Special courts in 1933, which could suspend basic rights of people

The peoples court in 1934, for more important political crimes and they were normally always found guilty

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How did Nazi’s try and control the churches?

Since many germans were already Christian, it would be hard to get rid of them, as Hitler feared that the church would teach against Nazi ideology

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How did the Nazis control the Catholic Church?

July 1933, concordant was signed between Hitler and Pope, however Hitler went against it very quickly and many Catholic groups were dismantled. 1935, priests were put on trial

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How did the Nazis control the Protestant Church

Although there were 28 different groups with Protestantism, one group emerged as the German Christians and alligned with Nazi values. By 1936 all churches formed to form The Reich Chuch, with Mein Kampf replacing the bible

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Which Christian individuals opposed Nazi rule

Protestant Dietrich Bonhoffer, helped smuggle Jews out of concentration camps and planned to assassinate Hitler before his death

Catholic Bishop Clemons von Galen oraganised protest against Nazi Racial policies but Nazi’s could not kill him as it would displease German Nazis

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How were Women treated in Nazi germany.

Nazi' ideology meant that women should focus on family and in 1936, women were not allowed to be lawyers and many other professions, however by 1939 they returned. Kinder Kuche Kirche

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How were girls treated in Nazi Germany

They were taught classes such as cookery and were indoctrinated to pick an aryan husband

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How did life improve for workers during Nazi Germany?

Unemployment fell due to en between 18-25 being eligible for work schemes in The National Labour Service. Schemes such As Strength through Joy and Beauty of Labour provided benefits. Volkswagen was created as the Workers Car

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How did Nazis attempt to Indoctrinate children

Hitler youth, prepared boys for the Army and gave them a sense of a responsibility became involved with War Efforts

Maiden League, taught girls basic skills and gave them an escape from life at home

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What was Nazi Racial Policy

The nuremberg laws were introduced in the 1930s to try and create a purer Germany, it meant many races and ethnicities were sterilised or murdered

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How were Jews treated during Nazi Germany (Pre 1939)

Kristallnacht November 1938, in 1938 some jews were given one way passports, children were kicked out from school. The Nuremberg Laws meant Jews could not be classified as citizens

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Who was the Nazi Economy Minister

Hermann Goering, Introduced 4 year plan in 1936 to help prepare for war, additionally focused on making germany self sufficient

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Political opposition to the nazi’s

The left wing such as KPD and SPD served as opposition yet they were infiltrated by Gestapo many time

Rosenstrausse protest women whos non aryan husbands got taken away and they protested against it until they relase

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Youth groups that opposed Nazis

Edelweiss pirates, general nuisance and caused ruckus

The Swing Youth, listened to banned music and smoked, rebelled against norms

The white rose, group of uni students and wrote anti nazi propaganda

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How germany was affected near the end of the war?

By 1942, rationing was very low and many people were suffering, men of all ages were expected to join the war and by 1943, Germany were prepared for defeat.

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How did bombing affect Germany in 1943?

THe bombing led to many deaths and caused half a millon civillians to be killed

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What was the final solution?

The plan to exterminate around 11 million jews aswell as other minorities. Jews were forced to live in ghettos before being transported to concentration camps.

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Effects of the holocaust

over 6 million jews were killed and many found it unbelievable that such inhumane acts were committed

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