PSYC 330 - Chapter 9 (alcohol)

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process by which the heating of a fermented mixture increases its alcohol content

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proportion of alcohol in a beverage, by volume

typically used in reference to distilled spirits and equals twice the percentage of alcohol

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% of alcohol of major alcoholic beverages

beer - 4% wine - 12% distilled spirits 40 - 50%

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ethyl (ethanol) alcohol

grain alcohol

produced in fermentation

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methyl alcohol

wood alcohol

produced synthetically

if you drink it you will go blind

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isopropyl alcohol

rubbing alcohol

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drinkers dictionary

author - Benjamin Franklin

contains more than 235 terms to describe a drunkard

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french - salon

reflection of rural community of American West

typical clientele - aggressive men more inclined to exploit other men, women, and nature

drinking characterized by downing large quantities of whiskey for purpose of engaging in explosive behavior

scapegoat for rebirth of temperance movement

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heavy drinking

drinking associated with negative consequences - health problems, accidents, job and family problems, and symptoms of dependence on alcohol

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quantity of alcohol

based on beverage sales figures for each state or shipments and tax receipts data

then translated to amounts (gal.) of pure alcohol

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binge drinking

consuming at least 3 (for men) or 4 (for women) drinks on at least one occasion

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sites of action

depresses CNS

dissolving in lipid membranes - disturbs normal chemical actions there

reduces action potential amplitude - NT release and transmission of impulses across synapse are inhibited

acts on GABA - benzodiazepine receptors

enhances serotoninergic and dopaminergic activity

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major factors influencing absorption

eating while drinking rate at which alcoholic beverage is consumed drinks with higher concentration of alcohol are absorbed quicker food substances in beer slow absorption carbonated beverages absorbed quicker

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30 to 90 minutes

time between stopping drinking and peak concentration of alcohol in blood

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shutting of the pylorus valve that occurs in some people when they drink very large quantities of alcohol

prevents whatever is in stomach from passing to intestines

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one standard drink

the alcohol equivalent in a drink of beer, wine, or distilled spirits

SD = 0.5 oz of alcohol - about alcohol content in 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of table wine, or 1 ounce of 90 proof to 100 proof whiskey

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blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

amount of alcohol in bloodstream

legal level for intoxication in all 50 states, DC, and PR is 0.08%

calculated as BAC = NSD (number of standard drinks) x (0.025%) - NHD (number of hours since drinking began) x (0.015%)

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alcohol dehyrodenase

enzyme in stomachs that women have less of - prevents them from metabolizing as much alcohol in stomach

breaks down alcohol in liver to acetaldehyde

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drug that interferes with the metabolism of alcohol so that people soon feel very ill if they drink while on a regimen of it - used as part of treatment program for alcohol dependence

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process where the energy in foods is released in form of heat and work

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phase 1 of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

onset - few hours after drinking stopped (BAC can still be > 0.000%)

symptoms - shakes, profuse perspiration, weakness, alcohol and drug seeking; agitation, headache, anorexia, nausea / vomiting, abdominal cramps, increased heart rate, exaggerated and rapid reflexes; visual and auditory hallucinations may follow in increased intensity (when severely intoxicated - acute alcoholic hallucinosis)

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phase 2 of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

onset - within 24 hours of drinking cessation

symptoms - grand mal seizures (ranging from one seizure to continuous severe seizure activity w/ little or no interuption)

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phase 3 of alcohol withdrawal syndrome

onset - ~ 30 hours after drinking cessation (most protracted phase and may last 3 to 4 days) (commonly called delirium tremens (DTs))

symptoms - severe agitation, confusion and disorientation; almost continual activity; very high body temp and abnormally rapid heartbeat; terrifying hallucinations (visual, auditory, tactile); delusions with high potential for violent behavior without medical management; death during DTs occur due to increased fever, cardiovascular collapse, or traumatic injury

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end of alcohol withdrawal course

onset - 5 to 7 days after drinking stopped

symptoms - exhaustion and severe dehydration

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social detoxification

treatment of alcohol withdrawal without the use of medicine

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orientation to time

awareness of temporal specification - time of day, day of week, what year

one of the functions assess in a psychiatric mental status exam

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therapeutic uses for alcohol

solvent - combined with other ingredients in cough syrups mouthwashes and shaving lotions compounds created to treat skin problems ethanol sponges to treat fevers dehydrated alcohol injected close to nerves or sympathetic ganglia to relieve chronic pain in patients with inoperable cancer

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transient state of physical and psychological disruption caused by presence of toxic substance in CNS

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peripheral dilator

effect of alcohol - causes skin to feel warm and turn red

dilating effects on peripheral blood vessels causes some loss of body heat

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REM sleep

rapid eye movement

associated with dream activity and are one state in sleep cycle

alcohol suppress throughout the night

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failure to recall events that occurred while drinking even though there is no loss of consciousness

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partially recall events that occurred in full consciousness during a drinking occasion

reflect state-dependent learning

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short-term memory

memory for recent events

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long-term memory

memory for remote events

information enters LT mem through short-term memory

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onset - 4 to 12 hours after reaching peak BAC

symptoms - headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, fatigue, and thirst

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monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOIs)

drugs used to treat depressions that inhibit the activity of the enzyme monoamine oxidase which degrades NTs of norepinephrine and serotonin

alcohol can decrease effect of these prescribed meds

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"zero tolerance" laws

illegal for people under age of 21 to drive with measurable amounts of alcohol in their bodies

"measurable" BAC's higher than 0.02% i

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disinhibition theory

alcohol releases behavior normally inhibited by society as result of depressant action on brain

whatever anxieties we have about social consequences of behavior vanish as result of alcohols pharmacological action

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.01 to 0.02

slight changes in feeling ; sense of warmth and well-being

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.03 to 0.04

feelings of relaxation, slight exhilaration, happiness; skin may flush; mild impairment in motor skills

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.05 to 0.06

effects become more noticeable; more exaggerated changes in emotion, impaired judgement and lowered inhibitions; coordination may be altered

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.08 to 0.09

reaction time is increased, muscle coordination is impaired; sensory feelings of numbness in cheeks, lips, and extremities; further impairment in judgement; legal level of intoxication reached

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.10

deterioration in motor coordination and reaction time; possible staggering and slow speech

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.15

major impairment in balance and movement; large increase in reaction time; large impairment in judgement and perception

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.20

difficulty staying awake; substantial reduction of motor sensory capabilities; slurred speech, double vision, difficulty standing or walking without assistance

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.30

confusion and stupor; difficulty comprehending what is going on; possible loss of consciousness (passing out)

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.40

typically unconsciousness; sweatiness and clamminess of skin; alcohol has become anesthetic

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effects of alcohol with a BAC of 0.45 to 0.50

circulatory and respiratory functions may become totally depressed ; LD 50 in humans

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Wernicke's disease

caused by nutritional deficiencies that occur in people dependent on alcohol

a chronic alcohol effect indirectly related to alcohol dependency

characterized by confusion, loss of memory, staggering gait, and inability to focus the eye

in absence of permanent brain damage - can reversible with vitamin B

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effects of heavy drinking on central nervous system

specific and general impairment in cognitive functioning

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effects of heavy drinking on the liver

minor reversible (w/ abstinence) damage to irreversible, sometimes fatal damage (cirrhosis)

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effects of heavy drinking on cardiovascular system

increased mortality from coronary heart disease and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases in general

alcohol-induced wasting of heart muscle (alcohol cardiomyopathy)

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effects of heavy drinking on endocrine system

effects on secretion of hormones in different hormone hierarchies or "axes" (e.g. - hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis)

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effects of heavy drinking on immune system

increased susceptibility to several infectious diseases

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effects of heavy drinking on gastrointestinal

cause of gastritis and increased of risk of pancreatitis

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effects of heavy drinking on multiple body systems

increased risk of contracting cancers - oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, lung, pancreas, colon, rectum neu

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neuropsychological tests

formal ways of measuring behavioral functions that may be impaired by brain lesions

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Korsakoff's syndrome

associated with damage to brain structure - affects memory

confusion and confabulation

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fabrication of events, when asked questions concerning then, because of an inability to recall

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fatty liver

earliest / most benign effect - characterized by fat accumulating in liver

reversible with abstinence from alcohol

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alcohol hepatitis

inflammation and death of liver cells

reversible with abstinence from alcohol and medical treatment

can cause death if severe enough and not treated

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accumulation of bile (in liver

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chromic inflammation disease of liver involving cell death and formation of scar tissue

death results because liver fails to metabolize various toxins and they accumulate in the body

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reproductive effects in men from alcohol

gynecomastia - formation of breasts in men - alcohol alters balance of estrogen and testosterone due to damage to liver

loss in sexual desire - impotence


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in biology - study of monsters or distortions in growth

FAS falls into class of alcohol teratology

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fetal alcohol syndrome

a congenital medical condition in which body deformation occurs or facial development or mental ability is impaired because the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy

Cluster of craniofacial abnormalities CNS dysfunction Pre- and / or postnatal stunting of growth Hearing, language, and speech disorders

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moderate drinking

range of one to three drinks a day (tendency for smaller amounts for women than men)

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french paradox

moderate drinking-health hypothesis

co-occurrence of a diet high in saturated fats and low incidence of coronary heart disease

study found one - two 4 oz glasses of wine a day is associated with improved health effects (lower heart disease)

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(t/f) humans have consumed alcohol since between 6000 BC and 5000 BC

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(t/f) in U.S. in 1830 adults' average alcohol consumption was about five drinks a day

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false - highest rates are in younger men ages 18 to 25

(t/f) highest rates of heavy drinking, and this greatest vulnerability to drinking problems, are in men between 40 and 45

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false - very easy. LD 50 of alcohol is about equal to drinking 1/5th of whiskey in an hour

(t/f) it is difficult to consume a lethal dose of alcohol

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(t/f) if not treated properly, alcohol withdrawal syndrome can be fatal

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(t/f) alcohol is a drug that has no legitimate medical value

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false - fully conscious during a blackout

(t/f) if you drink a lot and black out, it means you have lost consciousness

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false - correlated, but there are also cognitive, social, and behavioral factors to consider as well

(t/f) alcohol causes violent behavior

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false - pharmacologically, alcohol impairs sexual performance

(t/f) alcohol improves sexual performance

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(t/f) the cognitive deficits that seem to occur in some people as a result of years of heavy drinking are reversible

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false - only a minority of chronic heavy drinkers (10 to 20%) develop cirrhosis

(t/f) majority of individuals with severe alcohol use disorder eventually develop cirrhosis of the liver

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