Apush Chapter 26-28 Review

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Department of Energy

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Department of Energy

established in 1977 as a response to the energy crisis (OPEC raised crude oil prices, high energy costs, had to cut back on energy). Aimed to address the country’s energy needs, promote energy conservation, and develop alternative energy sources.

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3 Mile Island (1979)

one of the nuclear reactors at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania experienced a partial meltdown. Radioactive waste in the surrounding environment. Raised public concern over safety of nuclear energy.

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Pardon of draft evaders

In 1977, President Carter issued a pardon to those who had evaded the draft and refused to serve in the military during the war. (was a promise made in his 1976 election campaign to end bitter divisions)

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Economic crisis

High inflation, high unemployment, slow economic growth. Carter cut federal spending and promoted energy conservation. Did not yield the desired results. Ppl confidence in government's ability to fix the economic problems declined.

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Egyptian-Israeli Camp David Agreement (1978)

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat & Israeli PM Menachem Begin met @ Camp David for peace talks & signed agreement. a) Egypt formally recognizes Israel’s right to exist. b) Israel agrees to withdraw from Sinai peninsula.

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SALT II agreements signed but NEVER ratified

was to cut back on the nuclear weaponry of the US & USSR b/c it was getting too competitive. Set limits on the # of weapons produced. Not passed by Senate as retaliation for USSR invasion of afghanistan.

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Iranian Revolution & oil crisis (1979)

pro-western Shah of Iran overthrown by Muslim Fundamentalist under the Ayatollah Khomeini. Carter put pressure on the Shah to allow more freedom & freeing of political prisoners, which led to the overthrow of the Shah. When oil sales resumed under the new regime, they were inconsistent and less→ higher prices. Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations increased production to offset the impact.

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Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan (1979)

USSR invaded to support communist groups. Carter then boycotted the 1980 olympics in Moscow & embargoed American grain shipments to the soviet union.

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Panama Canal Treaty

Called for the gradual return of the Panama Canal to the people and government of Panama. They provided for the transfer of canal ownership to Panama in 1999 and guaranteed its neutrality

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Iranian Hostage Crisis (1979)

anti-American Muslim student militants stormed U.S. embassy in Tehran and took American hostages, demanding that the U.S. return the exiled Shah who had arrived in the U.S. two weeks earlier for cancer treatments. Carter first tried economic sanctions to force the release of the hostages, but this failed. He then tried a commando rescue mission, but that had to be aborted. The stalemate hostage situation dragged on for most of Carter's term, and the hostages were never released until January 20, 1981-the inauguration day of Ronald Reagan.

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Recognition of People’s Republic of China (1978)

of “Red” China, resumed all diplomatic relations.

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Carter Doctrine

1980 SOU Address, states that the US would use military force if necessary to defend its national interests in the Persian Gulf.

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Bakke v. the Regents of the University of CA (1978) - Affirmative action - Imposed limitations on affirmative action to ensure that providing greater opportunities for minorities did not come at the expense of the rights of the majority. (EPC 14th amendment)

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New Conservatism

Sunbelt suburbanites and urban working class ethnics; antigovernment crusaders and advocates of a more aggressive foreign policy.

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Crisis of Confidence

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believed in freeing the individual from restraint and the Christian Right (sought to restore traditional values).

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Cold War Warriors

Desired a reinvigorated anticommunist crusade.

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Conservative Coalition

Cold Warriors came together in a powerful conservative coalition. They rose to power because of the end of the postwar economic boom (1973) and Carter’s inability to address it.

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a group of intellectuals who argued the 1960s caused a decline in moral standards and respect for authority. Believed government social programs did more harm than good.

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Christian Right

sought to restore traditional moral values to American life.

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Jerry Falwell

He founded the self-proclaimed moral majority and was a leading conservative activist of the 70s and 80s. He helped make evangelical Christians ally with the republican party.

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Silent Majority

Conservative Americans; many old ones who served in Vietnam.

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Moral Majority

devoted to waging a “war against sin” and electing “pro-life, pro-family, and pro-America” candidates to office, anti Equal rights amendment.

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Protestant Fundamentalism

Trying to bring religion in harmony with secular concerns.

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3rd Great Awakening

Evangelical Protestantism fluorised, new denominations. Carter was the first “born again” christian to become president.

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“Pro-life, pro-family, pro-America”

Candidates the moral majority wanted.

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Battling Roe v. Wade

Decision began among roman catholics (condemned abortion). Movement insisted that life begins with conception. Against those who believed in a woman’s right to choose.

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Failure of ERA

Equal RIghts Amendment; It was approved by Congress and sent to states for ratification; designed to take out obstacles for the full participation of women in public life. It aroused protest from ppl who wanted women to be homemakers

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Phyllis Schlafly

opposition to feminism

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Geraldine Ferraro in Election of 1984

Walter Mondale was 1st presidential candidate to have a woman vice president (Ferraro). Ferraro was the first woman to appear on a major-party presidential ticket.

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New Conservatism

Reagan cut taxes, deregulation (rolling back on communism), strengthening national defense, traditional values, and limited government intervention.

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Neoconservatism/New Right

a conservative movement that emerged in the 1970s and gained momentum during Reagan's presidency. It emphasized a strong anti-communist stance, pro-business economic policies, and moral and religious conservatism.

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Reagan Revolution

Reagan aimed to reduce the size and influence of the federal government, promote free-market capitalism, lower taxes, and increased military spending.

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Reaganomics/Supply-side economics

reducing taxes → money saved in banks → banks loan money to businesses → businesses invest $ → increase in productivity

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2nd Gilded Age

It was characterized by a widening wealth gap, deregulation, and a focus on corporate interests.

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Deficit spending

economic policies, including tax cuts and increased military spending, led to big budget deficits (and even trade deficits as a result). The federal government spent more money than it collected in revenue, resulting in a growing national debt.

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New Federalism

aimed to shift power and responsibilities from the federal government to state and local governments

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Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981

A federal law passed to boost the economy, reduce inflation and increase employment. The largest income tax reduction in history. The law gave corporations tax breaks and cut taxes on capital gains, gifts, and inheritances.

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Missing Children Act

aimed to address the issue of missing and abducted children by improving coordination between law enforcement agencies. Authorized attorney general to collect and exchange information.

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Victim & Witness Act

sought to protect the rights of crime victims and provide them with support and assistance + guidelines for how officials respond to victims & witnesses.

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Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act (1985)

across the board spending cuts and was designed to get the federal deficit under control and mandated a balanced budget by 1991.

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Immigration Reform & Control Act (1986)

to amend, revise, and reform the status of unauthorized immigrant employees here because of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

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Tower Report

Tower Commission’s devastating report that placed much of the bungled Iran-Contra affair on Reagan’s loose management style.

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Sandra Day O’Connor appointment to Supreme Court

Despite Reagan's offensive position on feminism, he did name this woman as the first female Supreme Court justice

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Upper income groups enjoyed higher incomes from a deregulated marketplace, but the standards of living for the middle class declined.

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Reagan announces SDI plan

Escalated nuclear arms race by authorizing the Defense Department to construct a complex anti-missile defense system system in outer space that would intercept and destroy Soviet missiles in flight

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508- point stock market plunge (aka Black Monday)

Dow Jones dropped 508 points → panic among investors and people were selling stocks like crazy, but there were no buyers available. Led to significant loss of money for many.

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Massive Federal Debt

Tax cuts + large military spending created deficit. As a result, debt tripled over Reagan’s term.

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Personal computers

Technology like transistors and microprocessors made computers smaller and more accessible. Apple even created a computer for home use, and IBM followed suit with the production of PCs.

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Young urban professionals who were focused on career success, material wealth, and a lavish lifestyle. Had high paying jobs and flaunted their wealth. Greed is good mentality.

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Reagan Doctrine

U.S. provided overt and covert aid to anti-communist guerrillas and resistance movements in an effort to "rollback" Soviet-backed communist governments in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. To diminish Soviet influence, while opening the door for capitalism (and liberal democracy).

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Iran American hostages ends

just moments after Reagan was inaugurated as president, they were released after the signing of the Algiers Accords (US agreed to release Iranian assets frozen during the crisis and not interfere in Iran's internal affairs.)

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Solidarity movement in Poland

Polish trade union created in 1980 to protest working conditions and political repression. Began nationalist opposition to communist rule that led in 1989 to the fall of communism in eastern Europe.

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US marines killed in Lebanon (1983)

Beirut, Lebanon. Suicide bomber in a truck loaded with explosives crashed to US Marine barracks; >200 marines killed; Reagan withdrew troops (suffered no political damage)

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U.S. bombing of Libya (1986)

US launches air strikes against Libya in retaliation for the Libyan sponsorship of terrorism against American troops and citizens. The raid involved 100+ U.S. Air Force and Navy aircraft.Five military targets and "terrorism centers" were hit, including the headquarters of Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi.

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Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union (1985)

the Congress of People’s Deputies elected Gorbachev as the new president of the Soviet Union. The victory revealed serious weaknesses in Gorbachev’s power base. 2 reforms-

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Glasnost- “Openness” - to increase political transparency and freedom of speech

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Perestroika- “Restructuring” - to reform the Soviet economy, capitalism, private industry

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First Reagan-Gorbachev summit meeting

1985, Geneva Switzerland- first meeting in 8 years between both, to hold talks on international diplomatic relations and the arms race.

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Reagan administration backs Aquino in Philippines

Provided support to Corazon Aquino, president of the Philippines in 1986 after the People Power Revolution ousted the authoritarian regime of Ferdinand Marcos.

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Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)

Iraq invaded Iran, and resulted in a long stalemate. The US provided support to Iraq (viewed it as counterbalance to Iran’s revolutionary government).

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Iran-Contra scandal revealed

Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon; money from the arms sales was used to aid the Contras (anti-Communist insurgents) in Nicaragua, even though Congress had prohibited this assistance. Eventually his aides take the blame but his cred. damaged.

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Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty INF (1987)

Signed at Washington summit in 1987 between US and USSR (Reagan and Gorbachev), banning all nuclear & ground launched intermediate-range missiles from Europe.

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Star Wars

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Orbiting battle stations in space fighting missiles. Couldn't pay for or create it, just to spite Soviets.

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“Tear Down This Wall,”

1987 in a speech delivered in West Berlin, Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, was a powerful statement.

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Reunification of Germany

Tearing down the Berlin Wall in 1989 reunited Germany and ended communist regimes in the region.

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Growing capitalism and free market principles in Europe w/ fall of communism

Countries in the region transitioned to market-based economies and embraced capitalism. Adoption of free market principles, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and the integration of these countries into the global economy.

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Role of 3rd Party in Election of 1992 – Ross Perot

He attacked Bush and Clinton by saying they didn’t know how to deal with recession and debt. People supported him at first but it waned closer to election day -- Clinton won by a substantial margin.

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American Disabilities Act (ADA)

prohibited discrimination in hiring and promotion against ppl with disabilities and required that entrances be accessible to them.

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Clean Air Act

set air quality standards for carbon monoxide and other chemicals to decrease air pollution.

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*Federal Budget & Debt

Bush’s tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed to debt.

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Made vast new efficiencies; sale of information occupied the central place held by manufacturing.

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First developed during WWII to solve scientific problems and do hard calculations. The 1960s spurred development of improved computers.

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*27th amendment

Denies laws that vary the salaries of Congress members until the next terms of office come.

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“No new taxes”

Bush said he wouldn’t raise taxes.

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Panama & Noriega

Bish dispatched troops to Panama to overthrow General Noreiga’s government (former ally of the US who became involved in the drug trade). Success! New government & Noriega tried in Florida.

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Persian Gulf War/Operation Desert Storm

Iraq annexed Kuwait (oil rich) on the Persian Gulf.

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Why did we invade? US feared Hussein would attach Saudi Arabia (where most of US oil supplies came from) → Bush warned Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait or face war.

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Role of Saddam Hussein

Iraqi Dictator; He remained in place in Kuwait despite US warnings.

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Role of Saudi Arabia?)

Oil supplier for the US; The US retained a large military establishment

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Tiananmen Square (1989)

Student demonstrators occupied the area in Beijing, demanding greater democracy in China.

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Fall of Communism & End of Cold War (1989)

There were pro democracy demonstrations in Eastern Europe and Gorbachev said the Soviets would not intervene. The Berlin wall was demolished and Germany was reunified.

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Fall of Soviet Union (1991)

A group of military leaders attempted to seize power and overturn the government’s plan to grant more autonomy to various parts. Gorbechav was restored to office but resigned from the communist party. Many nations declared themselves sovereign → no more Soviet Union and 15 new nations instead.

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Changing U.S. – Soviet Relations

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German Unification

1991 = teardown of the Berlin Wall. East Germany was absorbed and the nation was reunified.

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New World Order

Mainly dealt with nuclear disarmament and strengthening power cooperation on economic and security problems.

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Election 1992, Election 1996

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Role of 3rd Party in Election of 1992 – Ross Perot

won 20 million popular votes but 0 electoral votes

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Social liberalism + conservatism

combined Social liberalism (abortion + gay rights + affirmative action) & conservatism (less gov’t bureaucracy + ending welfare) → used this to win the democratic nomination.

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Aid to Families w/ Dependent Children (AFDC)

was abolished in 1996 by Clinton– grants of money to states replaced it.

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Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

policy about homosexuality in the military. Prohibits any homosexual or bisexual person from disclosing his or her sexual orientation or from speaking about any homosexual relationships, including marriages or other familial attributes, while serving in the United States armed forces. The "don't ask" part of the policy indicates that superiors should not initiate investigation of a service member's orientation in the absence of disallowed behaviors, though mere suspicion of homosexual behavior can cause an investigation.

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Madeleine K Albright

First woman to have become the United States Secretary of State. She was nominated by U.S. President Bill Clinton, approved by unanimous senate vote.

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Health Care Reform (Hillary Clinton) fails

Planned to address rising cost of healthcare & increasing # of Americans who lacked health insurance. Failed b/c doctors, health insurance, & drug companies attacked the plan + too complex for voters + would expand federal bureaucracy. Therefore never passed.

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Welfare Reform Bill

Legislation that made deep cuts in welfare grants and required able-bodied welfare recipients to find employment.

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Republican majority in both houses (1994 Elections)

In 1994 midterms, Republicans gained majority in both houses. Setback for the Clinton administration. Led to Contract w/ America.

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Contract w/ America

Republican campaign which promised to curtail the scope of government, cut taxes & environmental+economic regulations, overhaul welfare system, and end affirmative action.

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Domestic Terrorism -

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Branch Davidians (1993)

Standoff between this religious cult and federal law enforcement in Waco. Ended in a tragic fire.

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Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)

in response to a government raids → truck bomb exploded

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Charges against him included perjury and obstruction of justice related to his extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky (WH intern). HOR impeached Clinton, but he was acquitted by the Senate.

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