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Disillusioned by war and peace, Americans in the 1920s did all of the following except

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Disillusioned by war and peace, Americans in the 1920s did all of the following except

struggle to achieve economic prosperity.

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The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s was a reaction against

the forces of diversity and modernity that were transforming American culture.

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Immigration restrictions of the 1920s were introduced as a result of

the nativist belief that northern Europeans were superior to southern and eastern Europeans.

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The Immigration Act of 1924 discriminated directly against

southern and eastern Europeans and Japanese.

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Enforcement of the Volstead Act met the strongest resistance from

immigrants and big-city residents.

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According to John Dewey, a teacher's primary goal is to

educate students for life by active learning methods.

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After the Scopes "Monkey Trial"

fundamentalist religion remained a vibrant force in American spiritual life.

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The American radio industry was distinctive from radio in European nations because it

was a commercial business dependent on advertising.

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Automobiles, radios, and motion pictures

contributed to the standardization of American life.

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The most influential classical film of the 1910s, D.W. Griffiths' Birth of a Nation, stirred extensive protest \n by African Americans because

the film glorified the Ku Klux Klan and portrayed blacks as corrupt politicians or rapists.

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All of the following are true of Marcus Garvey, founder of the United Negro Improvement Association, except he

promoted the resettlement of American blacks in Africa.

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Warren G. Harding's weaknesses as president included all of the following except a(n)

lack of political experience.

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The primary reason that Warren G. Harding was willing to seize the initiative on the issue of international disarmament was that

businesspeople were unwilling to help pay for a larger United States Navy.

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The 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact

officially outlawed war as a solution to international rivalry and conflict.

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The Fordney-McCumber and Hawley-Smoot Tariff laws had the long-term effect of

shrinking international trade and making it impossible for Europe to repay American war loans.

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Which of the following was not a consequence of the American policy of raising tariffs sky-high in the \n 1920s?

The American economy slipped into recession.

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One of the major problems facing farmers in the 1920s was


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The McNary-Haugen Bill passed by Congress and vetoed by President Coolidge was aimed to assist American farmers by

having the federal government buy farm surpluses and sell them abroad.

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Senator Robert La Follette's Progressive party advocated all of the following except

increased power for the Supreme Court.

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America's major foreign-policy problem in the 1920s was addressed by the Dawes Plan, which

provided a solution to the tangle of war-debt and war-reparations payments.

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When elected to the presidency in 1928, Herbert Hoover

combined small-town values with wide experience in modern corporate America.

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President Hoover's approach to the Great Depression was to

offer federal assistance to businesses and banks but not individuals.

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The phrase Hundred Days refers to the

flood of legislation passed by Congress in the first months of Franklin Roosevelt's presidency.

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While Franklin Roosevelt waited to assume the presidency in early 1933, Herbert Hoover tried to get the president-elect to commit to

an anti-inflationary policy that would have made much of the New Deal impossible.

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The Glass-Steagall Act

created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure individual bank deposits.

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Franklin Roosevelt took America off the gold standard and adopted a managed currency policy designed to

stimulate inflation.

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The most complex and ambitious New Deal effort to achieve recovery and reform the entire American economy was the

National Recovery Administration.

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Senator Huey P. Long of Louisiana gained a large national following by promising to

"share our wealth" by raising taxes on the rich and giving every family $5,000.

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The first Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) raised the money that it paid to farmers not to grow crops by

taxing processors of farm products.

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The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 attempted to

reverse the forced assimilation of Native Americans into white society by establishing tribal self-government.

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The American Social Security System, established by the New Deal, differed from most European social welfare systems primarily because it

did not initially cover all categories of workers.

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President Roosevelt's Court-packing scheme in 1937 reflected his desire to make the Supreme Court

more sympathetic to New Deal programs.

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