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Election of 1824

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Election of 1824

No one won a majority of electoral votes, so the House of Representatives had to decide among Adams, Jackson, and Clay. Adams won and became president with the support of Clay

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Corrupt Bargain

Refers to the claim from the supporters of Andrew Jackson that John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay had worked out a deal to ensure that Adams was elected president by the House of Representatives in 1824 even though Jackson won the popular vote.

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Whig Party

Political party formed in 1834 to oppose policies of Andrew Jackson (supported federal rights, national banks, tariffs, strong central gov)

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American System

Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy.

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Election of 1828

Jackson defeats John Quincy Adams in this election, becoming our 7th President

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Universal White Manhood Suffrage

the extension of voting rights to all white males, even those who did not own property

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"common man"

the idealized description political supporters of Jackson used to promote his candidacy for president.

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Democratic Party

A political party formed by supporters of Andrew Jackson after the presidential election of 1824. (state/individual rights, no national bank and tariffs)

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voter turnout

the property requirement to vote was dropped so there was a higher number of voters than there was in previous years

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spoils system

A system of public employment based on rewarding party loyalists and friends (corruption/jackson abusing power)

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Parlor Cabinet vs. Kitchen Cabinet

parlor cabinet-the official US cabinet

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kitchen cabinet-unofficial "cabinet" that Jackson consults

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John C Calhoun

Jackson's vice-president, resigned after Nullification crisis (life was threatened)

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1828 Tariff of Abominations

A protective tariff passed by Congress to protect industry in the north. It helped struggling businesses by taxing imported goods. The South was affected because it had to pay higher prices on goods the region did not produce (south didn't like).

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Nullification Crisis

South Carolina threatened to secede (withdraw) from the U.S. if tariffs were not reduced

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Different parts of the country developing unique and separate cultures

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-north: industry/federal gov/no slavery

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-south: agriculture/state gov/slavery

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Force Bill

gave the president power to use military force to collect tariffs if the need arose (jackson abusing power)

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Compromise Tariff of 1833

A new tariff proposed by Henry Clay & John Calhoun that gradually lowered the tariff to the level of the tariff of 1816 to please the southerners

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Indian Removal Act

law passed in 1830 that forced many Native American nations to move west of the Mississippi River

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Worchester v Georgia

The Supreme Court decided Georgia had no jurisdiction over Cherokee reservations. Georgia refused to enforce decision and President Jackson didn't support the Court. (jackson moved the Indians anyway-abuse of power)

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Trail of Tears

the forced removal of Cherokees and their transportation to Oklahoma

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Second Bank of the United States

Jackson fought against this institution throughout his presidency, proclaiming it to be an unconstitutional extension of the federal government. Ended up withdrawing federal money without congress approval (abuse of power)

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Bank War

Jackson believed the Bank of US had too much power and was too rich. Vetoed the 2nd Bank charter and withdrew gov't money from the US Banks and put it into "pet banks"

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pet banks

Popular term for pro-Jackson state banks that received the bulk of federal deposits (were not stable and will lead to economic problems)

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Martin Van Buren

Jackson's successor, Served as secretary of state during Andrew Jackson's first term, vice president during Jackson's second term, and won the presidency in 1836

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Martin Van Ruin

Van Buren took office right when Panic of 1837 hit, it was blamed on him which helped Whigs in 1840 election

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Panic of 1837

A financial crisis in the United States that led to an economic depression caused by having no federal bank

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Texas War for Independence

the 1836 rebellion of Texans against Mexican rule that resulted in Texas becoming an independent nation

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Texas Annexation

Originally refused in 1837, as the U.S. Government believed that the annexation would lead to war with Mexico and didn't have a solution for the slave/nonslave issue. Eventually was annexed when President-elect Polk approved in 1845.

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William Henry Harrison

(1841), was an American military leader, politician, the ninth President of the United States, and the first President to die in office.

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"Tippecanoe and Tyler too"

William Henry Harrison's campaign slogan.

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John Tyler

elected Vice President and became the 10th President of the United States when Harrison died 1841-1845, President responsible for annexation of Mexico after receiving mandate from Polk, opposed many parts of the Whig program for economic recovery

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"log cabin and hard cider"

Description of the election of 1840 in which the Whigs tried to promote Harrison's humble backgrounds through the image of log cabins.

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Louisiana Purchase

the territory, including the region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains

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War of 1812

started the idea of Manifest destiny (increased sense of nationalism)

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Adams-Onis Treaty

Agreement in which Spain gave up all of Florida to the United States

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Missouri Compromise

"Compromise of 1820" over the issue of slavery in Missouri. It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states.

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Monroe Doctrine

A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

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Stephen Austin

American who settled in Texas, one of the leaders for Texan independence from Mexico

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The Alamo

Texan people who were killed-stirred support for Texas independence

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Treaty of San Jacinto

Rio Grande southern border of Texas and Texas gets independence

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Lone Star Republic

Nickname for Texas after it won independence from Mexico in 1836

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Manifest Destiny

1800s belief that Americans had the right to spread across the continent.

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James K. Polk

president who wanted to settle Oregon boundary dispute with Britain. wanted to acquire California. wanted to incorporate Texas into union.

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Oregon Country

Under "joint occupation" by US & Britain; increased immigration & interest

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"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"

slogan used in the 1844 presidential election as a call for us annexation of the Oregon territory at the 54 40 parallel or they would go to war with the British

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Rio Grande

Claimed by United States as southern boundary of Texas.

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Mexican War

War between the US and Mexico over Texas border issue and the US wanting to buy California and Mexico saying no. US won and gained California and finalized Texas border issue

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Spot Resolutions

Congressman Abraham Lincoln supported a proposition to find the exact spot where American troops were fired upon, suspecting that they had illegally crossed into Mexican territory.

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Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico-proposal failed

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Henry David Thoreau

American transcendentalist who was against a government that supported slavery. He started the movement of civil-disobedience when he refused to pay the toll-tax to support Mexican War.

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Civil Disobedience

A nonviolent, public refusal to obey allegedly unjust laws.

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty that ended the Mexican War, granting the U.S. control of Texas, New Mexico, and California in exchange for $15 million

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Mexican Cession

Lands sold by Mexico to the US following the Mexican War (texas, new mexico, california)

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Compromise of 1850

(1) California admitted as free state Texas entered as a slave state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) slave trade abolished in DC, and (4) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

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Popular Sovereignty

the people would decide whether the territory (New Mexico/Utah) was slave or non slave state

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Fugitive Slave Act

A law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders/stricter punishment for runaway slaves

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California Gold Rush

Mass migration to California following the discovery of gold in 1848

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Gadsden Purchase

purchase of land from Mexico in 1853 that established the present U.S.-Mexico boundary (bought to finish building railroad)

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Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

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"burned-over district"

Popular name for Western New York, a region particularly swept up in the religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening.

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Charles G. Finney

urged people to abandon sin and lead good lives in dramatic sermons at religious revivals

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Liberal Christianity

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1770's by "Mother" Ann Lee; Utopian group that prohibited marriage and sexual relationships; practiced celibacy (danced out sexual tension)

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Mormons (Latter Day Saints)

Founded by Joseph Smith, group that migrated to Utah to escape religious persecution, believed in a third book (book of Mormon), polygamy

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Joseph Smith

founder of Mormonism

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Brigham Young

successor to Joseph Smith, led Mormons to Utah, first governor of Utah

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having more than one spouse at a time

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Horace Mann

a prominent proponent of public school reform, & set the standard for public schools throughout the nation; lengthened academic year; pro training & higher salaries to teachers

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public education

a universal education system provided by the government and funded by tax revenues rather than student fees (educate everyone)

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penal (prison) reform

wanted change in harsh inhumane punishments for prisoners

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Dorothea Dix

A reformer in the movement to treat the insane as mentally ill, was responsible for improving conditions in jails, poorhouses and insane asylums throughout the US

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Alcoholism led to...

infidelity and domestic abuse -> women wanted change

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Temperance/Prohibition Movement

Attempts to limit or end the production, distribution, sale, and / or use of alcoholic beverages (backed strongly by women)

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Carrie Nation

(pro temperance movement) created sensation by raiding saloons + smashing barrels of beer with a hatchet

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Catherine Beecher

Female reformer that pushed for female employment as teachers

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"cult of domesticity"

idea that women were weaker than men and that they belonged at home

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Elizabeth Cady Stanton

A prominent advocate of women's rights, Stanton organized the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention with Lucretia Mott, wrote declaration of sentiments

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Lucreatia Mott

Quaker and American reformer who represented women's rights with Elizabeth Cady Staton

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Seneca Falls Convention

(1848) the first national women's rights convention at which the Declaration of Sentiments was written

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Declaration of Sentiments

declared that men and women are created equal

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Susan B. Anthony

social reformer who campaigned for women's rights, the temperance, and was an abolitionist, helped form the National Woman Suffrage Association

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Brook Farm

Transcendentalist commune founded by a group of intellectuals, who emphasized living plainly while pursuing the life of the mind. The community fell into debt and dissolved when their communal home burned to the ground in 1846.

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A philosophy stressing the relationship between human beings and nature, spiritual things over material things and the importance of the individual conscience (was anti-slavery, wanted well being to the poor, heath the the sick, and peace and justice to society)

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Ralph Waldo Emerson

American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self-improvement, self-confidence, and freedom. He was a prime example of a transcendentalist and helped further the movement.

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Henry David Thoreau Civil Disobedience

Wrote On Civil Disobedience while in jail for not paying taxes in protest against slavery

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