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func - parsons

bridge the gap - universalistic vs particularistic expectations. Individual vs wider society.

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parsons eva


doesn’t apply to all young people

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func Durkhiem

social solidarity - education is functional to bring people together. promotes shared beliefs via history or sports.

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Durkhiem eva

can be problematic as not everyone shares the same history - todays society is more diverse

yet still relevant today - uk gov urging british values

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func Davis + Moore

Role Allocation - makes sure the important roles in society get put with the appropriate people

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eva Davis + Moore

critics consider meritocracy to be a myth and private schools to have an advantage due to finance.

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marx Willis

Lads and Ear’oles - A subculture that rejects education and picks on middle class boys

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marx Althusser

Idealogical State Apparatus - How education (religion, media and schools) teach capitalistic ideas and control. Success + Failure depend on you.

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eva Althusser

some students were aware they would fail

therefore not indoctrinated by the middle class curriculum

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marx Bowles + Gintis

The hidden curriculum - education’s purpose is to teach the younger gen to be a reliable workforce for the capitalist culture. School mirrors the work place and teaches to obey rules and authority.

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eva Bowles and Gintis


students often resist

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fem Heaton + Lawson

The Patriarchal Curriculum - There is barely any positive female role models in education for girls to look up to and it reflects wider society.

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eva Heaton + Lawson

still relevant but less so

many suggest boys suffer more

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fem Kelly

gendered language - in textbooks and story books. Women are usually invisible or the damsel in distress.

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eva Kelly

still relevant in academic books

starting to see changes in children books

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fem Culley

gendered spaces - boys dominating areas like the fields or IT rooms and pushing the girls to the side.

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eva Culley

Still relevant today

women only gyms and girls in STEM / WISE

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int Jones + Dindia

gendered labels - boys are praised more often than girls. observational research (?) Girls are expected more and praised less.

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eva Jones + Dindia

Swann ‘Poor Boys discourse’ - boys are seen as more disruptive and time wasted telling them off

too many diff results = inconclusive research

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int Gillborn + Youdell

teacher bias - teachers more likely to punish black Caribbean students. They are therefore more likely to reject school.

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eva Gillborn + Youdell

based on extensive research

but it was done in small samples

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int Rosenthall + Jacobson

self fulfilling prophecy - the IQ test, the higher class ended up doing better and being taught better. The lower class got worse grades.

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eva Rosenthall + Jacobson

ethical implications r wronngnggggg

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pm Foucalt

Creativity - surveillance stifles creativity. We lose creativity and it creates sneakier people- learning patterns for when a teacher is near to not be on phone etc.

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eva Foucalt

why r there so many art subjects

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pm Moore + Hickoxe

one size fits all - national curriculum is doomed to fail because society is rapidly changing.

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eva Moore + Hickoxe

impossible to cater to everyone in mainstream education

most people need the vital subjects

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pm Usher + Edwards

Life long education - there is no single best curriculum. Education should be life long and always accessible to help people/students reach their full potential.

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eva Usher and Edwards

ignoring the economic and political forces.

how would this be funded and how would it happen

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tnr Thatcher

league tables and parentocracy - league tables help parents decide which school is best for their children and therefore it is their fault if their children fail.

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eva Thatcher

only really effective for middle class

schools often worry more about OFTSED rather than parents now

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tnr Chubb + Moe

the voucher system - this is successful in helping schools get funding by parents. it increases the competition in schools and therefore ups the expectations nd values.

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eva Chubb + Moe

the market becomes unfair and then schools get unfunded

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tnr Buchannan + Tullock

monopolisation of education - education = business

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eva Buchannan + Tullock

limited consumer choices

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Differential Attainment - GENDER - MCROBBIE

OUT OF SCHOOL - Girls do better because they spend more time in their room, they have less extra curricular things to do. Would explain why they are better at essay subjects because of journalling and making zines.

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Differential Attainment - GENDER - SUE SHARP

OUT OF SCHOOL - changing aspirations, girls in the 1970’s wanted things like marriage and more house wife centered. 1990’s changed, they want to work for themselves and get jobs.

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Differential Attainment - GENDER - SWANN

IN SCHOOL - Poor boys / Noisy boys discourse. Would say boys are disadvantaged in schools as they have less attention span and are louder- getting told off and distracted more. Would achieve worse than girls.

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Differential Attainment - GENDER - DEBBIE EPSTEIN

IN SCHOOL - Nerds - boys who appear as nerds/try hards are more likely to be victim of homophobic slurs and be discouraged by bullying. Whereas rejecting school appears more masculine.

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Differential Attainment - GENDER - MITSOS + BROWNE

IN SCHOOL - Coursework - girls are better at long term revision and boys are better at cramming. They perform better in speaking exams.

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Smith + Noble

OOS - Material Factors - Barriers to Learning , low income families can’t afford additional resources like textbooks or uniform - leading their children to get left behind in class or bullied and discouraged to try in education.

  • bursaries can help

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Raey

OOS - Material Factors - University, low income families can’t afford to pick the better universities that might be further away because accommodation is additional costs. It would easier to stay home or not go at all which would mean no degree and find it harder to earn better money

  • student loan should help but it barely covers rent

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Howard

OOS - Material Factors - Diet, Low income families cant afford the perfect diet that Howard suggests will help reach the students peak potential.

  • free school meals would help but the standards are so low.

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Douglas

OOS - Cultural Factors - Parental interest, says that middle class parents are much more interested in their childs education s they are the ones to show up to parents evening and w/c parents dont usually show.

  • they are busy working or resting after their long shifts

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Sugarman

OOS - Cultural Factors - Values, says that the working class have different values to middle class. They leave it up to fate more and try less because they think they don’t have a chance and therefore do badly in education.

  • classist + deterministic

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Murray

OOS - Cultural Factors - the underclass theory - the working class just don’t try.

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Rosenthall + Jacobson

IS - Labelling - the IQ tests, higher scoring better

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Becker

IS - Labelling -middle class teachers have an idea of an ‘ideal pupil’ that is middle class. This pupil speaks well, is polite, and smartly dressed. He argued that middle class teachers are likely to view middle class pupils as better.

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Lacey

IS - Labelling - higher sets - students will perceive that their teachers and schools have higher expectations of them if they are in the top sets. Bottom sets are usually based on behaviour management, rather than teaching.

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Bourdieu

CULTURAL CAPITAL - when u are the dominant culture in society. You’ve grown up around it all and therefore know of politics and broader knowledge.

gives them an advantage at school

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Differential Attainment - CLASS - Bernstein

CULTURAL CAPITAL - language codes - speaking ‘proper’ english is one code and then the other code is slang. expectations go with both of them.

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - Rex

Material Deprivation - Housing, ethnic minorities usually end up with worse housing due to racist landlords. The council favour those who have been around the longest. Worse housing can lead to worse education.

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - Noon

Material Deprivation - CV’s, ethnic minorities are less likely to be hired because of their ethnic names on their CV’s compared to white people. Lower income - worse education.

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - LINKS

Howard (diet) Smith and Noble (barriers to learning) Raey (university)

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - Murray

cultural factors the underclass theory

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - Chua

Cultural Factors - Chinese education, they are the top performers of education but this is argued its because of the high parental expectations. Tiger parenting pushes and pressures their children to get good academic achievements.

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - OTHERS

Bernstein (lang codes)

Bourdieu (cultural capital)

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - Ball

ethnocentric curriculum - the history tries to recreate a mythical age of empire and past glories whilst ignoring the history of black history and asian people.

  • people have black history month now

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Differential Attainment - ETHNICITY - Coard

links to ball but focusses on the whole school system.

focuses on christian holidays, school meals and uniform now allowing cultural variations. need of civilisation of the west and teaches ignorance.

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