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New Note

Judicial INSTITUTIONS - What are the most important institutions in this system of government?

I think answer to what the most impotant institutions in this system of government are the federal courts. Supreme courts, state courts, district courts, etc.

JUdicial OFFICIALS (Who are the different officials which are members / run this branch of government?) There are Judges , lawyers, Juries, Senators , Justices, Supreme court justices, and the president.

Judicial FUNCTIONS (What are the primary functions of this branch of government?)

I believe answers to this would be the law, the constitution, the bill of rights.

Judicial POLICIES  (What is this branch’s role in the making or enforcing of policy)

The judicial branch evaluate the laws to make sure that they are fair and equal.

Judicial Checks and Balances - how is this branch of government limited in power and also how does it limit the power of other separate branches ? The judicial branch hold other branches in check by holding officials of other branches and entire systems of government accountable in the court of law. They evaluate and follow laws made by other branches.

Judcial POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY - how does this branch represent the will of the people and protect the common good The Judicial branch holds public criminal trials in which citizens participate as juries. The goal of the united states is to treat every person the same in the court of law.

Judicial ABUSE OF POWER - What are some systemic issues that are embedded within this branch of government Judges and Juries have personal prejudices and beliefs that they may or may not take into account when they are participating in a public trial.

LegislativeInstitutions: Senate,  House of representatives     Legislative Functions: Committee members, Make the laws                             Legislative Role in policy: It initiates and approves laws that deal with everything from healthcare to changes in our taxes.    Legislating popular sovereignty: Holding public investigation committees help the public learn about key problems and issues facing the nation for study, discussion

Legislative Checks and balances: After a bill is introduced the speaker of the house sends it to the appropriate committee

Abuse of power:It can draw criticism away from members who might have to take an unpopular atand on a bill if it did reach the floor89.

Executive. Institution: Congress supreme court, constitutions, Federal court, Presidential office.

Executive Function: Military, federal court judges.

Executive Policies: Laws, bills, lawmaking power, foriegn policy, Executive order

Executive Popular sovereignty: State of the union

Executive Checks and balances: President limited to two terms, impeachment


New Note

Judicial INSTITUTIONS - What are the most important institutions in this system of government?

I think answer to what the most impotant institutions in this system of government are the federal courts. Supreme courts, state courts, district courts, etc.

JUdicial OFFICIALS (Who are the different officials which are members / run this branch of government?) There are Judges , lawyers, Juries, Senators , Justices, Supreme court justices, and the president.

Judicial FUNCTIONS (What are the primary functions of this branch of government?)

I believe answers to this would be the law, the constitution, the bill of rights.

Judicial POLICIES  (What is this branch’s role in the making or enforcing of policy)

The judicial branch evaluate the laws to make sure that they are fair and equal.

Judicial Checks and Balances - how is this branch of government limited in power and also how does it limit the power of other separate branches ? The judicial branch hold other branches in check by holding officials of other branches and entire systems of government accountable in the court of law. They evaluate and follow laws made by other branches.

Judcial POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY - how does this branch represent the will of the people and protect the common good The Judicial branch holds public criminal trials in which citizens participate as juries. The goal of the united states is to treat every person the same in the court of law.

Judicial ABUSE OF POWER - What are some systemic issues that are embedded within this branch of government Judges and Juries have personal prejudices and beliefs that they may or may not take into account when they are participating in a public trial.

LegislativeInstitutions: Senate,  House of representatives     Legislative Functions: Committee members, Make the laws                             Legislative Role in policy: It initiates and approves laws that deal with everything from healthcare to changes in our taxes.    Legislating popular sovereignty: Holding public investigation committees help the public learn about key problems and issues facing the nation for study, discussion

Legislative Checks and balances: After a bill is introduced the speaker of the house sends it to the appropriate committee

Abuse of power:It can draw criticism away from members who might have to take an unpopular atand on a bill if it did reach the floor89.

Executive. Institution: Congress supreme court, constitutions, Federal court, Presidential office.

Executive Function: Military, federal court judges.

Executive Policies: Laws, bills, lawmaking power, foriegn policy, Executive order

Executive Popular sovereignty: State of the union

Executive Checks and balances: President limited to two terms, impeachment