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Chapter 26: Defenses Against Disease

26.1 Overview of the Immune System

  • The immune system fights infections and cancer to keep us healthy.

  • The immune system contains lymphatic organs such as the red bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen.

  • Lymphoid tissue can also be found in the tonsils and appendix.

Lymphatic organs.

Lymphatic Organs

  • Each of the lymphatic organs has a particular function in immunity, and each is rich in lymphocytes, one of the types of white blood cells.

Red Bone Marrow

  • Most bones in a child have red bone marrow

  • In an adult, red bone marrow is still present in certain bones:

    • Skull

    • Sternum (breastbone)

    • Ribs

    • Clavicle

    • Pelvic bones

    • Vertebral column

    • Ends of the humerus and femur nearest their attachment to the body

  • Red bone marrow produces all types of blood cells.

  • Lymphocytes differentiate into B lymphocytes (B cells) or T lymphocytes (T cells).

  • B lymphocytes are produced and mature in the bone marrow.

  • T lymphocytes mature in the thymus.

  • B lymphocytes produce antibodies.

  • T lymphocytes kill antigen-bearing cells outright.

Cells of the Immune System


  • The thymus is soft and bilobed.

  • The size of the thymus varies and is larger in children.

  • The thymus shrinks as we get older.

  • The thymus plays a role in the maturing of T lymphocytes.

  • Immature T lymphocytes migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus.

  • T lymphocytes mature in the thymus.

  • Only 5% of T lymphocytes leave the thymus.

  • T lymphocytes that react with our own body die.

  • T lymphocytes that can attack foreign cells leave the thymus and enter lymphatic vessels and organs.

Lymph Nodes

  • Lymph nodes are small, ovoid structures along lymphatic vessels.

  • Lymph nodes filter lymph and keep it free of pathogens and antigens.

  • Lymph is filtered as it flows through a lymph node because the node’s many sinuses (open spaces) are lined by macrophages.

  • Macrophages are large, phagocytic cells that engulf and then devour as many as a hundred pathogens and still survive.

  • Lymph nodes contain many lymphocytes and are instrumental in fighting infections and cancer.

  • Some lymph nodes are located near the surface of the body and are named for their location.

  • For example, inguinal nodes are in the groin, and axillary nodes are in the armpits.

  • Physicians often feel for the presence of swollen, tender lymph nodes in the neck as evidence that the body is fighting an infection.

  • This method is a non-invasive, preliminary way to help them make a diagnosis.


  • The spleen is located in the upper left abdominal cavity and is about the size of a fist.

  • The spleen filters the blood and contains red pulp and white pulp tissue.

  • The red pulp sinuses filter the blood of pathogens and debris, including worn-out red blood cells.

  • The white pulp contains lymphocytes that fight infections and cancer.

  • The spleen's outer capsule is thin and can burst due to infection or severe blow.

  • Other organs can fulfill the spleen's functions, but individuals without a spleen are more susceptible to infections.

  • People without a spleen may need to receive certain vaccinations and antibiotic therapy indefinitely.

Other Locations of Lymphoid Tissue

  • Tonsils and the appendix are lymphatic tissue structures.

  • Tonsils are located in the pharynx.

  • The appendix is attached to a portion of the large intestine.

  • Both tonsils and appendix belong to the immune system.

Cells of the Immune System

  • The immune system consists of lymphatic organs, lymphatic tissues, and various cells.

  • The cells in the immune system help distinguish between self and nonself cells.

  • Pathogens are identified by the presence of antigens, which are usually proteins or carbohydrates.

  • The immune system provides immunity by repelling foreign substances, pathogens, and cancer cells.

  • There are two levels of immunity: nonspecific immunity and specific (adaptive) immunity.

  • Nonspecific immunity repels pathogens indiscriminately, while specific immunity requires a certain antigen to be present.

26.2 Nonspecific Defenses and Innate Immunity

  • The body has innate immunity.

  • Innate immunity is composed of various types of nonspecific defenses.

  • Nonspecific defenses are the first line of defense against most types of infections.

  • Nonspecific defenses include:

    • Barriers to entry.

    • Inflammatory response.

    • Complement system.

    • Natural killer cells.

Barriers to Entry

  • Skin and mucous membranes in respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts act as mechanical barriers to pathogens.

  • Oil gland secretions contain chemicals that weaken or kill certain bacteria on the skin.

  • The upper respiratory tract has ciliated cells that sweep mucus and trap particles up into the throat.

  • The stomach's acidic pH inhibits the growth of or kills many types of bacteria.

  • Normal bacteria in the large intestine and other areas prevent pathogens from taking up residence.

Structure of the skin.

The Inflammatory Response

  • The inflammatory response is important in defending against pathogens.

  • Neutrophils and macrophages are used to surround and kill pathogens.

  • Protective proteins are also involved.

  • Four hallmark symptoms of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.

  • Capillary changes in the damaged area cause the four signs of inflammation.

  • Chemical mediators, such as histamine, cause capillaries to dilate and become more permeable.

  • Increased blood flow brings white blood cells to the area.

  • Increased permeability of capillaries allows fluids and proteins to escape into tissues.

  • Clot formation in the injured area prevents blood loss.

  • Excess fluid in the area causes pain associated with swelling.

  • Neutrophils are the first to arrive and actively phagocytize debris, dead cells, and bacteria.

  • If neutrophils die off in great quantity, they become pus.

  • If neutrophils are overwhelmed, they call for reinforcements by secreting cytokines.

  • Cytokines attract more white blood cells to the area, including monocytes.

  • Monocytes become macrophages, even more, powerful phagocytes than neutrophils.

  • Inflammation is the body's natural response to irritation or injury.

  • Chronic inflammation can last for weeks, months, or even years.

  • Anti-inflammatory medications can minimize the effects of various chemical mediators.

The inflammatory response.

The Complement System

  • The complement system is composed of blood plasma proteins designated by the letter C and a number.

  • Complement proteins complement certain immune responses, hence their name.

  • They amplify the inflammatory response by binding to mast cells and triggering histamine release.

  • They attract phagocytes to the site of infection.

  • Some complement proteins bind to the surface of pathogens already coated with antibodies, ensuring their phagocytosis by neutrophils or macrophages.

  • Certain complement proteins join to form a membrane attack complex, which creates holes in the surfaces of microbes.

  • The membrane attack complex causes fluids and salts to enter the pathogen, leading to its bursting.

Ways to get rid of pathogens.

Natural Killer Cells

  • Natural killer (NK) cells are large, granular lymphocytes that kill virus-infected cells and tumor (cancer) cells by cell-to-cell contact.

  • NK cells attack and kill cells that have lost their ability to produce self-proteins.

  • Cells of the body have self-proteins on their surface that bind to receptors on NK cells.

  • When NK cells can't find self-proteins to bind to, they kill the cell using the same method as T lymphocytes.

  • NK cells are not specific, and their numbers do not increase when exposed to a particular antigen.

  • NK cells have no means of "remembering" an antigen from previous contact with it.

26.3 Specific Defenses and Adaptive Immunity

  • Nonspecific defenses are the first line of defense against infections.

  • If nonspecific defenses fail, specific defenses or adaptive immunity come into play.

  • Specific defenses respond to antigens, which may be components of a pathogen or cancer cell.

  • Antigens act as markers that a pathogen may be present in the body.

  • The immune system detects the marker and begins to actively look for cells that possess the antigen.

  • Lymphocytes are capable of recognizing antigens because their plasma membranes have receptor proteins.

  • B lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and give rise to plasma cells, which produce antibodies.

  • T lymphocytes mature in the thymus and do not produce antibodies.

  • Some T lymphocytes regulate the immune response and other T lymphocytes directly attack cells that bear antigens.

  • Immunity usually lasts for some time and is primarily the result of the action of B and T lymphocytes.

  • The immune system is able to distinguish self from nonself to aid, rather than disrupt, homeostasis.

Characteristics of B Cells

B Cells and the Antibody Response

  • Each B cell can only bind to a specific antigen that fits the binding site of its receptor.

  • The receptor is called a B-cell receptor (BCR).

  • B cells are activated when an antigen binds to their BCR.

  • Activated B cells divide and produce many plasma cells and memory B cells.

  • This mechanism is called the clonal selection model.

  • B cells are stimulated by cytokines to divide and produce plasma cells.

  • Plasma cells have extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum for mass production and secretion of antibodies.

  • Antibodies produced by plasma cells are identical to the BCR of the activated B cell.

  • Memory B cells are responsible for long-term immunity.

  • Memory B cells quickly divide and give rise to more plasma cells capable of producing the correct antibodies if the same antigen enters the system again.

  • Once the threat of an infection has passed, the development of new plasma cells ceases, and those present undergo apoptosis.

B cells and the antibody response.

The Function of Antibodies:

  • Antibodies are immunoglobulin proteins.

  • They can combine with a specific antigen.

  • The antigen-antibody reaction can produce antigen-antibody complexes.

  • These complexes mark the antigens for destruction.

  • The complexes can be engulfed by neutrophils or macrophages.

  • The complexes can activate the complement system.

  • The complement system makes the pathogens more susceptible to phagocytosis.

ABO Blood Type

  • Antibodies can be understood by examining human blood types.

  • Blood types are categorized as A, B, AB, or O based on antigens in red blood cells.

  • Type O blood has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma.

  • Giving type A blood to a person with type O blood will cause agglutination.

  • Type O blood can be given to a person with any blood type.

  • Other red blood cell antigens are used in typing blood besides A and B.

  • The donor's blood should be put on a slide with the recipient's blood to determine compatibility.

Blood Types

T Cells and the Cellular Response

  • T cells have unique T-cell receptors (TCRs) when they leave the thymus, just like B cells.

  • T cells require an antigen-presenting cell (APC) to recognize an antigen.

  • Macrophages become APCs by ingesting and destroying a pathogen.

  • The APC travels to a lymph node or spleen where T cells congregate.

  • An antigen from a virus is combined with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein after being digested in a lysosome.

  • The MHC + antigen complex is presented to a T cell.

  • The two main types of T cells are helper T cells (TH cells) and cytotoxic T cells (TC cells).

  • TH cells recognize antigens presented by APCs with MHC class II molecules on their surface.

  • TC cells recognize antigens presented by APCs with MHC class I molecules on their surface.

  • Apoptosis contributes to homeostasis by regulating the number of cells present in the immune system.

  • T-cell cancers can result when apoptosis does not occur as it should.

  • T cells that have the potential to destroy the body's own cells undergo apoptosis in the thymus gland.

Characteristics of T Cells

Activation of a T cell.

Functions of Cytotoxic T Cells and Helper T Cells

  • Cytotoxic T cells specialize in cell-to-cell combat.

  • They have storage vacuoles containing proteins called perforins or enzymes called granzymes.

  • When a cytotoxic T cell binds to a virus-infected or cancer cell presenting the antigen it has learned to recognize, it releases perforin molecules, which perforate the target cell’s plasma membrane, forming a pore.

  • The cytotoxic T cell then delivers a supply of granzymes into the pore, and these cause the cell to undergo apoptosis.

  • Once cytotoxic T cells have released their perforins and granzymes, they move on to the next target cell.

  • Cytotoxic T cells are responsible for a cellular response to virus-infected and cancer cells.

  • Helper T cells specialize in regulating immunity by secreting cytokines that stimulate B cells and cytotoxic T cells.

  • Cloned T cells include memory T cells that live for many years and can jumpstart an immune response to an antigen that was dealt with before.

  • HIV infects helper T cells and other cells of the immune system, inactivating the immune response and making HIV-infected individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections.

  • Infected macrophages serve as reservoirs for the HIV virus.

Cytotoxic T cells and the cellular response.

Tissue Rejection

  • Certain organs (skin, heart, kidneys) can be transplanted from one person to another if the body does not reject them.

  • Rejection occurs due to cytotoxic T cells and antibodies destroying foreign tissues in the body.

  • The immune system distinguishes between self and nonself when rejection occurs.

  • Organ rejection can be controlled by selecting the organ carefully and administering immunosuppressive drugs.

  • The transplanted organs should have the same type of MHC proteins as the recipient to avoid being antigenic to the recipient's T cells.

  • Immunosuppressive drugs inhibit T cell response to cytokines, weakening all types of immune responses.

26.4 Immunizations

  • After an infection, a person may become immune to it.

  • Childhood diseases like measles and mumps can provide lasting immunity.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases usually do not provide lasting immunity.

  • Vaccines are substances that stimulate the immune system without causing illness.

  • Vaccines can be made from pathogens or genetically engineered bacteria.

  • Immunization promotes active immunity, which is long-lasting.

  • Active immunity is dependent on memory B and T cells.

  • Passive immunity is temporary and can be obtained through prepared antibodies.

  • Newborns receive passive immunity from their mothers, but it soon disappears.

  • Gamma globulin injections can provide passive immunity but may cause serum sickness.

Active immunity due to immunization.

26.5 Disorders of the Immune System

  • The immune system protects us from disease by distinguishing self from nonself.

  • Sometimes, the immune system responds in a way that harms the body.

  • Allergies and autoimmune diseases are examples of harmful immune responses.


  • Allergies are hypersensitivities to substances in the environment.

  • Allergens are substances that cause an immune reaction.

  • Immediate allergic responses are caused by receptors attached to the plasma membranes of mast cells in the tissues.

  • Mast cells release histamine and other substances that bring about the symptoms.

  • Anaphylactic shock is a severe reaction characterized by a sudden and life-threatening drop in blood pressure.

  • Allergy shots may prevent the onset of an allergic response.

  • Delayed allergic responses are probably initiated by memory T cells at the site of allergen contact in the body.

  • A classic example of a delayed allergic response is the skin test for tuberculosis (TB).

  • Contact dermatitis is also an example of a delayed allergic response.

Autoimmune Diseases

  • Autoimmune diseases occur when cytotoxic T cells or antibodies attack the body's own cells as if they were antigens.

  • The cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, but they can sometimes occur after an individual has recovered from an infection.

  • Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that affects neuromuscular junctions, causing muscular weakness.

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that causes the breakdown of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, resulting in various neuromuscular disorders.

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus causes various symptoms prior to death due to kidney damage.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints.

  • Rheumatic fever and type 1 diabetes are suggested to be autoimmune illnesses.

  • There are currently no cures for autoimmune diseases, but they can be controlled with drugs.


  • AIDS is caused by HIV, which destroys helper T cells in the immune system.

  • Without helper T cells, the immune system can no longer fight off viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

  • Symptoms of AIDS include weight loss, chronic fever, cough, diarrhea, swollen glands, and shortness of breath.

  • HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, needle sharing, and from mother to child during birth or breastfeeding.

  • Advances in treatment have prolonged life, but new strains of the virus have emerged that are resistant to drugs.

  • AIDS vaccine trials are underway, but the process can take many years.

  • The human body's ability to suppress the infection keeps scientists hopeful that there is a way to help the body overcome HIV infection.

  • Suggestions for preventing HIV infection include abstaining from sexual intercourse, using a condom, and avoiding risky behavior such as intravenous drug use.


Chapter 26: Defenses Against Disease

26.1 Overview of the Immune System

  • The immune system fights infections and cancer to keep us healthy.

  • The immune system contains lymphatic organs such as the red bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen.

  • Lymphoid tissue can also be found in the tonsils and appendix.

Lymphatic organs.

Lymphatic Organs

  • Each of the lymphatic organs has a particular function in immunity, and each is rich in lymphocytes, one of the types of white blood cells.

Red Bone Marrow

  • Most bones in a child have red bone marrow

  • In an adult, red bone marrow is still present in certain bones:

    • Skull

    • Sternum (breastbone)

    • Ribs

    • Clavicle

    • Pelvic bones

    • Vertebral column

    • Ends of the humerus and femur nearest their attachment to the body

  • Red bone marrow produces all types of blood cells.

  • Lymphocytes differentiate into B lymphocytes (B cells) or T lymphocytes (T cells).

  • B lymphocytes are produced and mature in the bone marrow.

  • T lymphocytes mature in the thymus.

  • B lymphocytes produce antibodies.

  • T lymphocytes kill antigen-bearing cells outright.

Cells of the Immune System


  • The thymus is soft and bilobed.

  • The size of the thymus varies and is larger in children.

  • The thymus shrinks as we get older.

  • The thymus plays a role in the maturing of T lymphocytes.

  • Immature T lymphocytes migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus.

  • T lymphocytes mature in the thymus.

  • Only 5% of T lymphocytes leave the thymus.

  • T lymphocytes that react with our own body die.

  • T lymphocytes that can attack foreign cells leave the thymus and enter lymphatic vessels and organs.

Lymph Nodes

  • Lymph nodes are small, ovoid structures along lymphatic vessels.

  • Lymph nodes filter lymph and keep it free of pathogens and antigens.

  • Lymph is filtered as it flows through a lymph node because the node’s many sinuses (open spaces) are lined by macrophages.

  • Macrophages are large, phagocytic cells that engulf and then devour as many as a hundred pathogens and still survive.

  • Lymph nodes contain many lymphocytes and are instrumental in fighting infections and cancer.

  • Some lymph nodes are located near the surface of the body and are named for their location.

  • For example, inguinal nodes are in the groin, and axillary nodes are in the armpits.

  • Physicians often feel for the presence of swollen, tender lymph nodes in the neck as evidence that the body is fighting an infection.

  • This method is a non-invasive, preliminary way to help them make a diagnosis.


  • The spleen is located in the upper left abdominal cavity and is about the size of a fist.

  • The spleen filters the blood and contains red pulp and white pulp tissue.

  • The red pulp sinuses filter the blood of pathogens and debris, including worn-out red blood cells.

  • The white pulp contains lymphocytes that fight infections and cancer.

  • The spleen's outer capsule is thin and can burst due to infection or severe blow.

  • Other organs can fulfill the spleen's functions, but individuals without a spleen are more susceptible to infections.

  • People without a spleen may need to receive certain vaccinations and antibiotic therapy indefinitely.

Other Locations of Lymphoid Tissue

  • Tonsils and the appendix are lymphatic tissue structures.

  • Tonsils are located in the pharynx.

  • The appendix is attached to a portion of the large intestine.

  • Both tonsils and appendix belong to the immune system.

Cells of the Immune System

  • The immune system consists of lymphatic organs, lymphatic tissues, and various cells.

  • The cells in the immune system help distinguish between self and nonself cells.

  • Pathogens are identified by the presence of antigens, which are usually proteins or carbohydrates.

  • The immune system provides immunity by repelling foreign substances, pathogens, and cancer cells.

  • There are two levels of immunity: nonspecific immunity and specific (adaptive) immunity.

  • Nonspecific immunity repels pathogens indiscriminately, while specific immunity requires a certain antigen to be present.

26.2 Nonspecific Defenses and Innate Immunity

  • The body has innate immunity.

  • Innate immunity is composed of various types of nonspecific defenses.

  • Nonspecific defenses are the first line of defense against most types of infections.

  • Nonspecific defenses include:

    • Barriers to entry.

    • Inflammatory response.

    • Complement system.

    • Natural killer cells.

Barriers to Entry

  • Skin and mucous membranes in respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and urinary tracts act as mechanical barriers to pathogens.

  • Oil gland secretions contain chemicals that weaken or kill certain bacteria on the skin.

  • The upper respiratory tract has ciliated cells that sweep mucus and trap particles up into the throat.

  • The stomach's acidic pH inhibits the growth of or kills many types of bacteria.

  • Normal bacteria in the large intestine and other areas prevent pathogens from taking up residence.

Structure of the skin.

The Inflammatory Response

  • The inflammatory response is important in defending against pathogens.

  • Neutrophils and macrophages are used to surround and kill pathogens.

  • Protective proteins are also involved.

  • Four hallmark symptoms of inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.

  • Capillary changes in the damaged area cause the four signs of inflammation.

  • Chemical mediators, such as histamine, cause capillaries to dilate and become more permeable.

  • Increased blood flow brings white blood cells to the area.

  • Increased permeability of capillaries allows fluids and proteins to escape into tissues.

  • Clot formation in the injured area prevents blood loss.

  • Excess fluid in the area causes pain associated with swelling.

  • Neutrophils are the first to arrive and actively phagocytize debris, dead cells, and bacteria.

  • If neutrophils die off in great quantity, they become pus.

  • If neutrophils are overwhelmed, they call for reinforcements by secreting cytokines.

  • Cytokines attract more white blood cells to the area, including monocytes.

  • Monocytes become macrophages, even more, powerful phagocytes than neutrophils.

  • Inflammation is the body's natural response to irritation or injury.

  • Chronic inflammation can last for weeks, months, or even years.

  • Anti-inflammatory medications can minimize the effects of various chemical mediators.

The inflammatory response.

The Complement System

  • The complement system is composed of blood plasma proteins designated by the letter C and a number.

  • Complement proteins complement certain immune responses, hence their name.

  • They amplify the inflammatory response by binding to mast cells and triggering histamine release.

  • They attract phagocytes to the site of infection.

  • Some complement proteins bind to the surface of pathogens already coated with antibodies, ensuring their phagocytosis by neutrophils or macrophages.

  • Certain complement proteins join to form a membrane attack complex, which creates holes in the surfaces of microbes.

  • The membrane attack complex causes fluids and salts to enter the pathogen, leading to its bursting.

Ways to get rid of pathogens.

Natural Killer Cells

  • Natural killer (NK) cells are large, granular lymphocytes that kill virus-infected cells and tumor (cancer) cells by cell-to-cell contact.

  • NK cells attack and kill cells that have lost their ability to produce self-proteins.

  • Cells of the body have self-proteins on their surface that bind to receptors on NK cells.

  • When NK cells can't find self-proteins to bind to, they kill the cell using the same method as T lymphocytes.

  • NK cells are not specific, and their numbers do not increase when exposed to a particular antigen.

  • NK cells have no means of "remembering" an antigen from previous contact with it.

26.3 Specific Defenses and Adaptive Immunity

  • Nonspecific defenses are the first line of defense against infections.

  • If nonspecific defenses fail, specific defenses or adaptive immunity come into play.

  • Specific defenses respond to antigens, which may be components of a pathogen or cancer cell.

  • Antigens act as markers that a pathogen may be present in the body.

  • The immune system detects the marker and begins to actively look for cells that possess the antigen.

  • Lymphocytes are capable of recognizing antigens because their plasma membranes have receptor proteins.

  • B lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow and give rise to plasma cells, which produce antibodies.

  • T lymphocytes mature in the thymus and do not produce antibodies.

  • Some T lymphocytes regulate the immune response and other T lymphocytes directly attack cells that bear antigens.

  • Immunity usually lasts for some time and is primarily the result of the action of B and T lymphocytes.

  • The immune system is able to distinguish self from nonself to aid, rather than disrupt, homeostasis.

Characteristics of B Cells

B Cells and the Antibody Response

  • Each B cell can only bind to a specific antigen that fits the binding site of its receptor.

  • The receptor is called a B-cell receptor (BCR).

  • B cells are activated when an antigen binds to their BCR.

  • Activated B cells divide and produce many plasma cells and memory B cells.

  • This mechanism is called the clonal selection model.

  • B cells are stimulated by cytokines to divide and produce plasma cells.

  • Plasma cells have extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum for mass production and secretion of antibodies.

  • Antibodies produced by plasma cells are identical to the BCR of the activated B cell.

  • Memory B cells are responsible for long-term immunity.

  • Memory B cells quickly divide and give rise to more plasma cells capable of producing the correct antibodies if the same antigen enters the system again.

  • Once the threat of an infection has passed, the development of new plasma cells ceases, and those present undergo apoptosis.

B cells and the antibody response.

The Function of Antibodies:

  • Antibodies are immunoglobulin proteins.

  • They can combine with a specific antigen.

  • The antigen-antibody reaction can produce antigen-antibody complexes.

  • These complexes mark the antigens for destruction.

  • The complexes can be engulfed by neutrophils or macrophages.

  • The complexes can activate the complement system.

  • The complement system makes the pathogens more susceptible to phagocytosis.

ABO Blood Type

  • Antibodies can be understood by examining human blood types.

  • Blood types are categorized as A, B, AB, or O based on antigens in red blood cells.

  • Type O blood has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the plasma.

  • Giving type A blood to a person with type O blood will cause agglutination.

  • Type O blood can be given to a person with any blood type.

  • Other red blood cell antigens are used in typing blood besides A and B.

  • The donor's blood should be put on a slide with the recipient's blood to determine compatibility.

Blood Types

T Cells and the Cellular Response

  • T cells have unique T-cell receptors (TCRs) when they leave the thymus, just like B cells.

  • T cells require an antigen-presenting cell (APC) to recognize an antigen.

  • Macrophages become APCs by ingesting and destroying a pathogen.

  • The APC travels to a lymph node or spleen where T cells congregate.

  • An antigen from a virus is combined with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein after being digested in a lysosome.

  • The MHC + antigen complex is presented to a T cell.

  • The two main types of T cells are helper T cells (TH cells) and cytotoxic T cells (TC cells).

  • TH cells recognize antigens presented by APCs with MHC class II molecules on their surface.

  • TC cells recognize antigens presented by APCs with MHC class I molecules on their surface.

  • Apoptosis contributes to homeostasis by regulating the number of cells present in the immune system.

  • T-cell cancers can result when apoptosis does not occur as it should.

  • T cells that have the potential to destroy the body's own cells undergo apoptosis in the thymus gland.

Characteristics of T Cells

Activation of a T cell.

Functions of Cytotoxic T Cells and Helper T Cells

  • Cytotoxic T cells specialize in cell-to-cell combat.

  • They have storage vacuoles containing proteins called perforins or enzymes called granzymes.

  • When a cytotoxic T cell binds to a virus-infected or cancer cell presenting the antigen it has learned to recognize, it releases perforin molecules, which perforate the target cell’s plasma membrane, forming a pore.

  • The cytotoxic T cell then delivers a supply of granzymes into the pore, and these cause the cell to undergo apoptosis.

  • Once cytotoxic T cells have released their perforins and granzymes, they move on to the next target cell.

  • Cytotoxic T cells are responsible for a cellular response to virus-infected and cancer cells.

  • Helper T cells specialize in regulating immunity by secreting cytokines that stimulate B cells and cytotoxic T cells.

  • Cloned T cells include memory T cells that live for many years and can jumpstart an immune response to an antigen that was dealt with before.

  • HIV infects helper T cells and other cells of the immune system, inactivating the immune response and making HIV-infected individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections.

  • Infected macrophages serve as reservoirs for the HIV virus.

Cytotoxic T cells and the cellular response.

Tissue Rejection

  • Certain organs (skin, heart, kidneys) can be transplanted from one person to another if the body does not reject them.

  • Rejection occurs due to cytotoxic T cells and antibodies destroying foreign tissues in the body.

  • The immune system distinguishes between self and nonself when rejection occurs.

  • Organ rejection can be controlled by selecting the organ carefully and administering immunosuppressive drugs.

  • The transplanted organs should have the same type of MHC proteins as the recipient to avoid being antigenic to the recipient's T cells.

  • Immunosuppressive drugs inhibit T cell response to cytokines, weakening all types of immune responses.

26.4 Immunizations

  • After an infection, a person may become immune to it.

  • Childhood diseases like measles and mumps can provide lasting immunity.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases usually do not provide lasting immunity.

  • Vaccines are substances that stimulate the immune system without causing illness.

  • Vaccines can be made from pathogens or genetically engineered bacteria.

  • Immunization promotes active immunity, which is long-lasting.

  • Active immunity is dependent on memory B and T cells.

  • Passive immunity is temporary and can be obtained through prepared antibodies.

  • Newborns receive passive immunity from their mothers, but it soon disappears.

  • Gamma globulin injections can provide passive immunity but may cause serum sickness.

Active immunity due to immunization.

26.5 Disorders of the Immune System

  • The immune system protects us from disease by distinguishing self from nonself.

  • Sometimes, the immune system responds in a way that harms the body.

  • Allergies and autoimmune diseases are examples of harmful immune responses.


  • Allergies are hypersensitivities to substances in the environment.

  • Allergens are substances that cause an immune reaction.

  • Immediate allergic responses are caused by receptors attached to the plasma membranes of mast cells in the tissues.

  • Mast cells release histamine and other substances that bring about the symptoms.

  • Anaphylactic shock is a severe reaction characterized by a sudden and life-threatening drop in blood pressure.

  • Allergy shots may prevent the onset of an allergic response.

  • Delayed allergic responses are probably initiated by memory T cells at the site of allergen contact in the body.

  • A classic example of a delayed allergic response is the skin test for tuberculosis (TB).

  • Contact dermatitis is also an example of a delayed allergic response.

Autoimmune Diseases

  • Autoimmune diseases occur when cytotoxic T cells or antibodies attack the body's own cells as if they were antigens.

  • The cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, but they can sometimes occur after an individual has recovered from an infection.

  • Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that affects neuromuscular junctions, causing muscular weakness.

  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that causes the breakdown of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, resulting in various neuromuscular disorders.

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus causes various symptoms prior to death due to kidney damage.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints.

  • Rheumatic fever and type 1 diabetes are suggested to be autoimmune illnesses.

  • There are currently no cures for autoimmune diseases, but they can be controlled with drugs.


  • AIDS is caused by HIV, which destroys helper T cells in the immune system.

  • Without helper T cells, the immune system can no longer fight off viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

  • Symptoms of AIDS include weight loss, chronic fever, cough, diarrhea, swollen glands, and shortness of breath.

  • HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, needle sharing, and from mother to child during birth or breastfeeding.

  • Advances in treatment have prolonged life, but new strains of the virus have emerged that are resistant to drugs.

  • AIDS vaccine trials are underway, but the process can take many years.

  • The human body's ability to suppress the infection keeps scientists hopeful that there is a way to help the body overcome HIV infection.

  • Suggestions for preventing HIV infection include abstaining from sexual intercourse, using a condom, and avoiding risky behavior such as intravenous drug use.