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How was Britain changed by World War I?

Positives after WWI

Telephones and new technology


Public Transport

Women got the vote

Women began to earn money

Better transport- more holidays and leisure time

Better housing

Construction lines- mass production is faster

Globalisation- bigger businesses

Easier food production

Long dresses replaced- more practical for women

Richer businesses

Cinemas made accessible to all

Dance halls

Go to beaches

Workweek cut

Women more independent

Birth control introduced- work instead of having children

Exercise and fitness groups

Sports teams got larger

British Legion for ex-servicemen

Courses and classes introduced by charities to help get jobs

Negatives after WWI

No help/work for injured veterans- homeless and begged

Thousands of ‘shell-shock’ (PTSD) veterans

Millions of disabled soldiers

Families struggling and hard to find jobs

Weaponry factories took time to change

Childcare hard to find

Construction lines boring

Less jobs available- women in work

Gap of wealth grew

Inflation got worse

Men faced rejection in jobs- replaced by women during the war

Inadequate pensions and jobs for government

Government useless


How was Britain changed by World War I?

Positives after WWI

Telephones and new technology


Public Transport

Women got the vote

Women began to earn money

Better transport- more holidays and leisure time

Better housing

Construction lines- mass production is faster

Globalisation- bigger businesses

Easier food production

Long dresses replaced- more practical for women

Richer businesses

Cinemas made accessible to all

Dance halls

Go to beaches

Workweek cut

Women more independent

Birth control introduced- work instead of having children

Exercise and fitness groups

Sports teams got larger

British Legion for ex-servicemen

Courses and classes introduced by charities to help get jobs

Negatives after WWI

No help/work for injured veterans- homeless and begged

Thousands of ‘shell-shock’ (PTSD) veterans

Millions of disabled soldiers

Families struggling and hard to find jobs

Weaponry factories took time to change

Childcare hard to find

Construction lines boring

Less jobs available- women in work

Gap of wealth grew

Inflation got worse

Men faced rejection in jobs- replaced by women during the war

Inadequate pensions and jobs for government

Government useless