AP World History Chapter 12 Review

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What were the MAIN causes of WWI?

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What were the MAIN causes of WWI?

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

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How did the industrial revolution affect social life?

It caused disunity and increasing rivalries of states for capital

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Which two European countries were newer and seeking power?

Germany and Italy

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Who was in the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

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Who was in the Triple Entente?

Britain, France, Russia

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Which specific event triggered WW1?

A Serbian nationalist killed the heir to the Austo-Hungarian throne

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Why was Europe so vulnerable to WW1?

The alliances and radical nationalism made a tense social atmosphere

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How did citizens initially feel about going into the military to fight for WW1?

Very excited and supported and even pressured the government to go to war

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What is conscription?

forced military service/draft

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How did the role of women change during WW1?

Women worked in factories and some became flappers. Their work helped convince the United States, Germany, and Britain to give women the vote.

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How did WW1 affect colonies?

Colonial subjects had to fight alongside the Europeans and were subject to harsh segregation

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How did WW1 change the governments role?

Governments, like the German state, for example, assumed further control over the economy and got more power. German's economic policies were known as war socialism

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How did people feel about Europe's superiority after WW1 ended?

People were disillusioned and thought the war mocked Enlightenment ideas, they began questioning the superiority of Europe.

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How did WW1 affect lower classes after the war?

Lower classes moved up the social pyramid due to high casualties among the elite and educated

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How did consumerism change after WW1?

People bought a ton more goods after not having access to them for so long

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What was the Raw deal Germany got from the Treaty of Versailles?

-Reparations in 6,600 million Euros

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-Army was to be reduced

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W-War Guilt Clause 231

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What were the Fourteen Points?

Wilson's terms for ending the war and future wars and creating a League of Nations

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Who were the Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference?

United States, England, France, Italy

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What caused the Great Depression?

Agricultual Overproduction and the US Stock Market Crash-This hurt European investors and their colonies

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What was Keynesian economics?

Developed by John Keynes, it was used to bring back the economy after the Great Depression through public work programs and subsides

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Who led the Russian Revolution in 1917?

V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks

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Who was Joseph Stalin and what did his rule look like?

Dictator of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was economically stable, even prospering. However many people were wrongly imprisoned and thrown into Gulags. This was called the Great Purges

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Who were the Leaders of Fascism in Italy, Germany, and Japan?


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Japan-Had no prominent leader

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What was going on in Mexico during the Great Depression?

The Mexican Revolution occurred which pushed for land reforms and education

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What was Democratic Socialism?

A concept seeking greater regulation of the economy. It emerged during the Great Depression because while Capitalist countries were failing, the Soviet Union was prospering

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What was the New Deal?

A collection of reforms intended to restart economic growth in the Depression-era United States

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What is fascism?

A political movement that promotes an extreme form of nationalism, a denial of individual rights, a hatred of communism and a dictatorial one-party rule which supported war

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Why did fascism appeal to Italians?

It promised a strong and stable government, less unemployment, no communism, and rescuing the countries from the unfair Treaty of Versailles

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Why did fascism appeal to veterns in Germany?

They had been cut from the military right after fighting in a war, and were very disillusioned.

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What did the Latern Accords of 1929 establish?

Catholicism the official religion of Italy, sovereignty of the pope, and the pope agreed to take a neutral stance to everything Mussolini did.

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What did the Nuremberg Laws do?

took citizenship away from Jewish Germans

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How did Hitler gain support?

He brought Germany out of the Great Depression

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What did the Nazis believe?

the Germans were "racially superior" and that the Jews, deemed "inferior," were an alien threat to the so-called German racial community (Sceintific Racsim)

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Which Enlightmentr idea did the Nazis embrace?

The infinite perfectibility of humankind

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what was Moga and Mogo in Japan?

Moga were modern westernized young Japanese Women

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Mobo were modern westernized young Japanese men

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What were the Revolutionary Right and Cherry Blossom Society in Japan?

Movements that began Fascism in Japan-it took place during the Great Depression and was filled with extreme nationalism and believed in the nation centering completely around the emperor

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What are some ways Japans modernization created a tense atmosphere?

The rice riots, rising prices of rice and living spaces, and workers angry at their working conditions

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What did fascism in Japan look like?

No right-wing party, obsession of emperor, dominant military, censorship of media, nationalism taught in schools, zaibatsus dominated the industry-although the governments role in the economy expanded too

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which continent did WW2 start on?


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Elaborate on "Asia for Asians"

The Japanese used this as a "motto" for their colonizing efforts. They felt threatened by Chinese nationalism and seized Manchuria, left the League of Nations, and continued expansion.

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What was the Rape of Nanjing?

Terrible atrocities committed by the Japanese army against Chinese civilians which sparked international opposition

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Why did Japan conquer European colonies?

To gain resources and free itself from dependent on the West.

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Why did Japan bomb Perl Harbor?

America opposed Japan's conquests in Asia and restricted oil form them

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When did WW2 end officially?

September 2, 1945, a month after the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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How did Hitler slowly begin arming Germany for war?

He rearmed his Nazis, took back the Rhineland, tested aircrafts during the Spanish Civil War, and annexed Austria

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What was the Munich Agreement?

It was a negotiation with Germany that they could take over Sudetenland, and he won't takeover anymore land

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What was D-Day?

When England invaded Nazi France to liberate Europe from Germany

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What is blitzkrieg?

lightning war-fast war

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Which nation had the greatest deaths in WW2?

The Soviet Union

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How did colonies react to WW2 after the war ended?

They wanted their own freedom and the right to govern themselves after Churchill announced that every country had the right to do so

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What were some organizations created after WW2 to maintain peace?

The UN, World Bank, European Economic Community, and NATO

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What was the Marshall Plan?

the economic recovery package of aid from the United States to western Europe after World War II

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What did Stalin do after WW2?

He installed communist governments in many East European Countries

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What was the outcome of the Chinese Revolution of 1949?

China became Communist

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Which social class supported the CCP most?


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What was the outcome of Japan invading China in 1949?

They defeated Guomingdang's control over China and allowed the communists to take over

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What problems did becoming communist solve for China?

Foreign imperialism/colonialism and peasant exploitation

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