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Define domestic violence

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Define domestic violence

Any incident of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse in the home

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What did Boulton find out?

That women take responsibility for a child's security and well-being

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What does postman argue and why?

He argues that childhood is disappearing. as a result of children having the same rights as adults, disappearance of unsupervised games, similarities in clothing etc...

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what 2 functions does parsons say the family perform?

primary socialisation and stabalisation of adult personalities

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According to engels, why is monogomy essential in class society?

for the inheritance of private property

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what do radical feminists believe?

men are the enemy and that the family and marriage are key institutions in keeping women below men

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What percent of children are now born outside of marriage?


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At what age are women having children now?


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What reason does Murray give for the increase in lone parent families?

Over generous welfare state

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WHat does Murray say the solution to dependency culture is?

Abolish welfare benefits

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What is the instrumental role by Parsons?

Aimed at achieving success at work and being the breadwinner, this is the husbands role

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What is the expressive role by Parsons?

Aimed at primary socialisation and taking care of the emotional and mental needs of the family and if there is an ill family member, this is the mothers role.

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Segregated conjugal roles

Where the couple have separate roles, such as the man making the money and woman doing housework. They also spend leisure and activities separately

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Joint conjugal roles

Where the couple share tasks such as housework. They tend to spend leisure time together

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What do Young and Wilmott argue?

That men are now taking on greater share of domestic tasks, particularly in younger and more affluent couples.

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What is the March of Progress view?

The society is gradually becoming more and more equal

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What is Young and Wilmott's symmetrical family?

The idea that the roles are being shared more e.g. women working more and men doing more domestic work

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What 4 social changes have encouraged the rise of the symmetrical family

1. Changes in women's position 2. geographical mobility 3. New technology 4. Higher standards of living

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Why do feminists reject the march of progress view?

They argue that little has changed

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Why does Ann Oakley criticize Wilmott and Young?

She argues that their claims are exaggerated, with husbands only helping their wives around once a week.

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What are the statistics of Oakley's reserach

She found that only 15% of husbands had a high level of participation in housework and only 25% had a high level of participation in childcare

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What is sex-typing tasks?

When specific roles are assigned to a specific sex e.g. woman washing clothes and man washing car

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What did Ferri and Smith find out?

That men took responsibility for childcare in less than 4% of families

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What is emotion work?

Taking care of someones, emotional and mental well-being

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What 3 activities make up the triple shift?

Housework, Paid work and emotion work

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According to Southerton, why is it now harder for mothers to organize quality time?

Peoples time has become more fragmented, and mothers are the main people in the triple shift, meaning they have lots of responsibility

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What is the cultural/ideological explanation for division of labour?

Division of labour determined by patriarchal norms & values that shape the gender roles in our culture

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What is the material.economic explanation for division of labour?

Women generally earn less than men, so it makes sense for men to do paid work and women to do housework

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What 3 points do Barrett and McIntosh make about family resources?

1. Men gain more from women's domestic work than they give back in financial support 2. The financial support that husbands give to their wives is often unpredictable and come with 'strings' attached 3. Men usually make the decisions about spending on important items

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What is Pahl and Volgers allownace system?

When men give their wives an allowance to spend based on their financial income, and the man retains any surplus income

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What is Pahl and Volgers pooling theory?

When both partners have access to income and joint responsibility for expenditure

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Who holds the march of progress view in childhood?

Aries and shorter

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What is the reasoning for postmans view of childhood disappearing?

The increase in televison culture, and decrease in print culture

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What does Opie oppose about Postmans argument?

She says that he over emphasises on the impact of television

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What is the predicted amount a parent spends on their child by their 21st birthday?


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According to Jenks, what is the difference between childhood in modern and postmodern society.

1. Adults are becoming more protective 2. relationships are now becoming more unstable

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According to Palmer, what are the causes of toxic childhood?

Rapid technological and cultural changes

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Gender inequalities among children

Boys tend to have more freedom and girls do more domestic work

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What are Murdock's 4 functions of the family?

stable sex drive, reproduction, primary socialisation, economic

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why has deindustrialisation caused the family to shrink from extended to mobile?

to be geographically and socially mobile

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What are liberal feminists?

femeninists who believe that society is becoming more equal, but there is more work to do

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what did chester claim about family diversity in he UK?

he came up with the theory of a neo-conventional family with a dual earner family. he also says that most people are liely to live in a nuclear family at some point n their lifetime

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what is the new rights view on family?

their view is that the nuclear family is correct

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why are the new right concerned with lone parent families?

they argue:
- lone mothers can’t discipline their children properly
- lone-parent families leave boys without an adult male role model, which can affect their education and success in wider society
- likely to be poorer and burden a welfare state

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criticisms of the new right

Oakley argue that the new right assume that men and womens roles are fixed by biology

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How did Romania try and up the birth rate in the 80s?

It restricted contraception and abortion, made divorce more difficult to obtain, lowered the legal age of marriage to 15 and made unmarried adults and childless couples pay more income tax

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functionalist perspectives on social policy

they argue that state benefit such as the NHS and education system benefit the family

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Criticisms of the functionalist view on social policy

it assumes that there is a march of progress with social policy steadily making the family better and better

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what did charles murray believe about the welfare state?

he believes that over generous welfare benefits encourage teenage pregnancy, with more boys growing up without a good male role model

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what point did Stacey make about women’s choice in relationships?

more and more women are choosing to leave their families and establish new ones to meet their needs of happiness

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How many British nationals emigrated form the UK in 2012?


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How can emigration of british nationals affect other family members?

those left behind, particularly the elderly are affected as there are less family members to take care of them

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Globalisation has led to a greater rate of emigration. in the UK this happens mostly because of better job opportunities, so the whole family will move


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How has globalisation caused a change in employment and what is the effect on the family?

decline in manufacturing in the UK due to globalisation, most of which were male dominated. this has lead to an increase in women working as more tertiary sector jobs are available, resulting in joint conjugal roles and more dual earner families, promoting teh march of progress

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globalisation has resulted in more ethnic groups in the UK. In groups such as asian and indian families, cohabitation and divorce is less acceptable, so less of it is seen, resulting in different experiences of the family


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what is a limitation of cultural deprivation theory according to Keddie?

A child can’t be deprived of their own culture, and argues that working class children are culturally different not deprived

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How can diet and health impact educational achievement, according to Howard?

People from poorer homes have lower intakes of energy, vitamins and minerals, as well as a weaker immune system

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How does linguistic skills and students first language affect results?

in 2010, students whose first language was english performed 3.2 percentage points better when it came to gaining 5 GCSEs A*-C

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How does attitudes and values of ethnicities affect educational success?

A lack of motivation among many black children leads them to not be willing to make the necessary sacrifices needed for long term success

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According to Moynihan, how does family structure affect educational success?

Many Black families are headed by a lone mother, meaning that their children are deprived of adequate care as she struggles financially

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What does Murray say about does family structure affects educational success?

He says that the high rate of lone parenthood and lack of a positive male role model leads to underachievement of ethnic minorities

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According to Pryce, how does family structure affect educational success for Asians in comparison to Black Caribbeans?

He says that Asians are more resistant to racism than Black Caribbeans, so they have a higher self worth

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What did Sullivan find out about the share of women’s domestic work it 1975, 1987 and 1997?

He found that the women did less and less domestic work, whereas men did more and more, displaying a march of progress

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What is the difference between how men and women view roles in te family in 1984 and 2012?

In 1984, 45% of men and 41% of women said that it was the mans job to make money and womens to do housework, but in 2012, this number was only 13% fro men and 12% for women

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What percent of fathers take responsibility for caring for a sick child?


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According to Gershuny, what is the relation between parents and children in equal tasks?

If a couple’s parents had an equal relationship, they are more likely to have an equal relationship themselves

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What did Future foundation find out in relation to parents tasks in comparison to their children?

Sons claim to do more domestic work than their fathers and daughters do less than their mothers

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What is the relation Kan found out about for women’s income and domestic work?

for every £10,000 a woman earns, she does 2 hours less domestic work per week

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According to Dobash and Dobash, when does domestic violence occur?

When the husband sees his authority challenged, such as a wife asking why he was home late for meal

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Why does domestic violence occur according to radical feminists?

Emphasis the role of patriarchal ideas

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What is the materialist explanation for domestic violence?

Domestic violence occurs as a result of a lack of resources

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