Buttresses spaced across the surface
tapers downward so that rainwater washes off
resembles a mountain
Bent-axis plan
different heights
hands are folded - gesture of prayer
huge eyes; arms and feet cut away
placed in a temple to pray before a sculpture of a god.
wood inlaid with shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestone
broad frontal shoulders; bodies in profile; twisted perspective
reflects extensive trading network
Has two sides: War Side and Peace Side
Written in cuneiform | Akkadian language
One of the earliest law codes; 300 entries
Human-headed winged animal guardian figures
Meant to hold up the walls and arch of a gate.
Meant to ward off enemies both visible and invisible.
Carved from a single piece of stone.
Built for lavish receptions and festivals
proudly proclaim this complex as the seat of a great empire.
Built by Darius I and Xerxes I
Destroyed by Alexander the Great