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APUSH Unit 1

Big Idea - Natives of American continents were a diverse people that had diverse societies based on the environments they lived in.

Native Americans before European

  • Before Europeans arrived, Native Americans were organized into diverse cultures

  • Nomadic hunters, farmers, fishing societies - very diverse set of people to deal with

  • Three major civilizations in central and south America

    • Aztecs/Mexica/Seneca

      • Capital city Tenochtitlan

      • Written language

      • Human sacrifice

    • Mayans

      • Irrigation

      • Powerful stone temples

    • Inca

      • Mountains in Peru

      • Covered around 350,000 square miles

      • Elaborate terrace irrigation

    • All three used maize as a primary crop; helped advance irrigation

  • Southwest Native Americans

    • Pueblo People

      • Farmers, planted maize

      • Sedentary - didn’t move around a lot

      • Pretty advanced

      • Made urban centers out of clay

  • Great Plains/Great Basin

    • Nomadic hunters, not super organized, but stayed in kinship bands

    • Ute

      • Nomadic

  • Northwest

    • Fishing villages

    • Developed permanent settlements

    • Examples

      • Chinook

      • Had extensive trade routes

      • Chumash

  • Mississippi River Valley

    • Good for farming, fertile soil

    • Trade up and down the river

    • Hopewell People - Traded extensively throughout America

    • Cahokia - Largest settlement, peak was 10-30,000 people

  • Northeast

    • Iroquois - Lots of farming, longhouses with extended family living there

European Exploration

  • Reasons for exploration

    • Population increase - population was finally rebounding after the Black plague

    • Political Unification - centralized governments led by monarchs

    • Desire for luxury goods - People want more stuff from Asia

  • Europeans wanted a water based route to Asia because land based route was controlled by Muslims - meant Europeans had no access to these trade routes

  • Prince Henry the Navigator - works for Portugal, wants to use Atlantic Ocean, goes around Africa

    • Updated astronomical charts, easier to keep track of where they were

    • Used Caravels, ships dedicated to trade

    • Astrolabe and Stern-Post Rudder

  • Spain wants to do this as well, and want to spread Christianity

  • Spain’s monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, sponsor Columbus’ project

  • Spain sends Columbus across the Atlantic, he wants to prove the World is round

  • End up discovering the Caribbean

  • Columbus lands in San Salvadore, Natives were kind to Columbus

  • Columbus sees gold, enslaves them

Columbian Exchange

  • Transfer of food, animals, minerals, people, and diseases between Old World and New World

  • Spanish shows up in Americas, want to conquer

  • Hernan Cortes shows up at Tenochtitlan with only around 1000 men, were 200-400 thousand Natives

  • Smallpox - Natives were not exposed to this disease, were not immune, heavily damaged them

    • Hispanola - Arawak and Taino People lost 300,000 people

    • Incas - 9 million to 500k

  • Food

    • Americas to Europe - Maize, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Cacao, Tobacco

    • Europe/Africa to Americas - Rice, Wheat, Soybeans, Rye, Oats, Lemons, Oranges

  • Animals

    • Europe/Africa to Americas - Horses, pigs, cattle, chickens

  • Minerals - Spanish plunder the Native American tribes for silver and gold, transforms their wealth - makes them really rich

  • Unprecedented Economic Growth

  • Europe was mainly defined by Feudalism, work for nobles for protection

  • Capitalism grows, economic system based on private ownership and trade between these people

  • Slave trade prominent as well - Native Americans, but mainly Africans

    • Middle Passage

  • Many European nations would go with Spain to the New World

  • Mercantilism - Depends on heavy government intervention

  • Joint Stock Companies - new model of funding, limited liability organization in which a plurality of investors pool their money to fund a venture

Labor Systems/Societal Restructuring in Americas

  • Europeans get involved in slave trade, change it significantly

  • Before, prisoners of war were made slaves, sometimes had more legal rights, and slave status was very rarely inherited

  • At ports in Africa, Europeans traded goods for people, specifically guns

  • Europeans found Africans weird due to different customs, refused to see them as human to justify slavery

  • Europeans say that Africans are descended from Canan, a Biblical figure who was cursed to be a servant for the rest of his life - use this to justify slavery

  • Europeans bring slaves over to solve labor problems - Native Americans make bad laborers

  • Encomienda System - Encomenderos (leading men) granted land, all natives that lived there are labor force, justified on religious grounds

  • Ferdinand and Isabella, monarchs of Spain, issue Requerimiento - pope granted Spanish monarchs to convert whoever was found in the Americas

  • Priests would be sent to the New World, whoever converted to Christianity would be protected

  • Christian natives would end up being enslaved anyway

  • System wasn’t working because the Natives would escape, die from disease, etc.

  • Africans didn’t know land as well and were immune to these diseases

  • Makes Spanish super wealthy, but mainly the upper class/nobles just getting richer

  • Spanish make a caste system so that they can tax people at the bottom more

  • Caste system was based on race

    • Peninsulares - Spanish and born in Spain

    • Criollos - Spanish, but born in Americas

    • Mestizos - Spanish and Native-American ancestry

    • Mulattoes - Spanish and African ancestry

    • Africans

    • Native Americans

Cultural Interactions between Europeans, Natives, and Africans

  • New society imposed on Americas by Spanish Hegemony

    • Hegemony = Domination of one nation by another

  • Spanish continues American expansion northwards, use missionaries to spread Christianity, known as the Mission system

  • Fundamentally different worldviews

    • Natives

      • Pantheists/Animists - Believe in natural world filled with spirits

      • Land is not a commodity - Cannot be carved up, bought and sold

      • Kinship networks of up to 70 people

    • Spanish

      • Catholic - Belief in single deity

      • Believe land is meant for private ownership

      • Spanish respects kinship, but focus on nuclear family

    • Adopted any ideas that would be useful

  • Natives adopt metal tools and horses, use them for warfare

  • Spain wants in on the fur trade, marry into Native tribes to get into it

  • Pueblo people do convert to Christianity in a way - worship him along with their other gods

  • Conquistadors have forced conversion, Natives see them and their Christ as evil - Pueblo people fight against them, kill 400 conquistadors, burn churches

  • Conquistadors return and once again conquer their land

  • News reaches Spain about the morality of this

  • A lot of people argue that they are bringing the worldview of the Old World to the Natives, and therefore helping them

    • Sepulveda - argues that Natives are less than human, benefit from the labor

  • Others disagree, most important was Bartolome de Las Casas - says that people who allowed this would lose god, Natives would end up hating god

    • de Las Casas saw the awful conditions for Natives with the Encomienda System, doesn’t want it in practice

    • de Las Casas ends up suggesting the use of Africans for labor instead, which is what Spain does


APUSH Unit 1

Big Idea - Natives of American continents were a diverse people that had diverse societies based on the environments they lived in.

Native Americans before European

  • Before Europeans arrived, Native Americans were organized into diverse cultures

  • Nomadic hunters, farmers, fishing societies - very diverse set of people to deal with

  • Three major civilizations in central and south America

    • Aztecs/Mexica/Seneca

      • Capital city Tenochtitlan

      • Written language

      • Human sacrifice

    • Mayans

      • Irrigation

      • Powerful stone temples

    • Inca

      • Mountains in Peru

      • Covered around 350,000 square miles

      • Elaborate terrace irrigation

    • All three used maize as a primary crop; helped advance irrigation

  • Southwest Native Americans

    • Pueblo People

      • Farmers, planted maize

      • Sedentary - didn’t move around a lot

      • Pretty advanced

      • Made urban centers out of clay

  • Great Plains/Great Basin

    • Nomadic hunters, not super organized, but stayed in kinship bands

    • Ute

      • Nomadic

  • Northwest

    • Fishing villages

    • Developed permanent settlements

    • Examples

      • Chinook

      • Had extensive trade routes

      • Chumash

  • Mississippi River Valley

    • Good for farming, fertile soil

    • Trade up and down the river

    • Hopewell People - Traded extensively throughout America

    • Cahokia - Largest settlement, peak was 10-30,000 people

  • Northeast

    • Iroquois - Lots of farming, longhouses with extended family living there

European Exploration

  • Reasons for exploration

    • Population increase - population was finally rebounding after the Black plague

    • Political Unification - centralized governments led by monarchs

    • Desire for luxury goods - People want more stuff from Asia

  • Europeans wanted a water based route to Asia because land based route was controlled by Muslims - meant Europeans had no access to these trade routes

  • Prince Henry the Navigator - works for Portugal, wants to use Atlantic Ocean, goes around Africa

    • Updated astronomical charts, easier to keep track of where they were

    • Used Caravels, ships dedicated to trade

    • Astrolabe and Stern-Post Rudder

  • Spain wants to do this as well, and want to spread Christianity

  • Spain’s monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, sponsor Columbus’ project

  • Spain sends Columbus across the Atlantic, he wants to prove the World is round

  • End up discovering the Caribbean

  • Columbus lands in San Salvadore, Natives were kind to Columbus

  • Columbus sees gold, enslaves them

Columbian Exchange

  • Transfer of food, animals, minerals, people, and diseases between Old World and New World

  • Spanish shows up in Americas, want to conquer

  • Hernan Cortes shows up at Tenochtitlan with only around 1000 men, were 200-400 thousand Natives

  • Smallpox - Natives were not exposed to this disease, were not immune, heavily damaged them

    • Hispanola - Arawak and Taino People lost 300,000 people

    • Incas - 9 million to 500k

  • Food

    • Americas to Europe - Maize, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Cacao, Tobacco

    • Europe/Africa to Americas - Rice, Wheat, Soybeans, Rye, Oats, Lemons, Oranges

  • Animals

    • Europe/Africa to Americas - Horses, pigs, cattle, chickens

  • Minerals - Spanish plunder the Native American tribes for silver and gold, transforms their wealth - makes them really rich

  • Unprecedented Economic Growth

  • Europe was mainly defined by Feudalism, work for nobles for protection

  • Capitalism grows, economic system based on private ownership and trade between these people

  • Slave trade prominent as well - Native Americans, but mainly Africans

    • Middle Passage

  • Many European nations would go with Spain to the New World

  • Mercantilism - Depends on heavy government intervention

  • Joint Stock Companies - new model of funding, limited liability organization in which a plurality of investors pool their money to fund a venture

Labor Systems/Societal Restructuring in Americas

  • Europeans get involved in slave trade, change it significantly

  • Before, prisoners of war were made slaves, sometimes had more legal rights, and slave status was very rarely inherited

  • At ports in Africa, Europeans traded goods for people, specifically guns

  • Europeans found Africans weird due to different customs, refused to see them as human to justify slavery

  • Europeans say that Africans are descended from Canan, a Biblical figure who was cursed to be a servant for the rest of his life - use this to justify slavery

  • Europeans bring slaves over to solve labor problems - Native Americans make bad laborers

  • Encomienda System - Encomenderos (leading men) granted land, all natives that lived there are labor force, justified on religious grounds

  • Ferdinand and Isabella, monarchs of Spain, issue Requerimiento - pope granted Spanish monarchs to convert whoever was found in the Americas

  • Priests would be sent to the New World, whoever converted to Christianity would be protected

  • Christian natives would end up being enslaved anyway

  • System wasn’t working because the Natives would escape, die from disease, etc.

  • Africans didn’t know land as well and were immune to these diseases

  • Makes Spanish super wealthy, but mainly the upper class/nobles just getting richer

  • Spanish make a caste system so that they can tax people at the bottom more

  • Caste system was based on race

    • Peninsulares - Spanish and born in Spain

    • Criollos - Spanish, but born in Americas

    • Mestizos - Spanish and Native-American ancestry

    • Mulattoes - Spanish and African ancestry

    • Africans

    • Native Americans

Cultural Interactions between Europeans, Natives, and Africans

  • New society imposed on Americas by Spanish Hegemony

    • Hegemony = Domination of one nation by another

  • Spanish continues American expansion northwards, use missionaries to spread Christianity, known as the Mission system

  • Fundamentally different worldviews

    • Natives

      • Pantheists/Animists - Believe in natural world filled with spirits

      • Land is not a commodity - Cannot be carved up, bought and sold

      • Kinship networks of up to 70 people

    • Spanish

      • Catholic - Belief in single deity

      • Believe land is meant for private ownership

      • Spanish respects kinship, but focus on nuclear family

    • Adopted any ideas that would be useful

  • Natives adopt metal tools and horses, use them for warfare

  • Spain wants in on the fur trade, marry into Native tribes to get into it

  • Pueblo people do convert to Christianity in a way - worship him along with their other gods

  • Conquistadors have forced conversion, Natives see them and their Christ as evil - Pueblo people fight against them, kill 400 conquistadors, burn churches

  • Conquistadors return and once again conquer their land

  • News reaches Spain about the morality of this

  • A lot of people argue that they are bringing the worldview of the Old World to the Natives, and therefore helping them

    • Sepulveda - argues that Natives are less than human, benefit from the labor

  • Others disagree, most important was Bartolome de Las Casas - says that people who allowed this would lose god, Natives would end up hating god

    • de Las Casas saw the awful conditions for Natives with the Encomienda System, doesn’t want it in practice

    • de Las Casas ends up suggesting the use of Africans for labor instead, which is what Spain does