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Totalitarian Dictators go to 26-3 bolshevik stuff

How do they come to power in the 1920s & 1930s?

i. Italy

ii. Germany


  • The versailles treaty is a mess

  • Eventually Hyper inflation - prices are going up ridiculously, up 100% a week. Someone thought to print more money. The more money there is, the less valuable it becomes. Germany has no gold so they printed more and more money. There is a picture of a 1 million note. Since there are more money, the money is “worth less”. The money printed was not backed by gold reserves

    • Weimar Republic → germany but weimar germany to diffrentiate it from hitler germnay and kaiser germany, to seperate them.

    • german communists inspired by bolsheviks - revolution is dangerous centered in berlin

  • Dawes Plan → rips the german government; from 1925-28 everything is fine and everything is working.

    • 1923 - nazis try to take over the German government. NASDP - National Socialist German Workers' Party

    • putsch → tries to take over the government of Germany by taking over Unich but the capital of Germany is Berlin. Makes no Sense. In unich the building that was trying to be taken over was a beer hall. try to rouse up and convice a bunch of drunk germans. Hitler and luderdorff and his boys are put on trial for treason - highest crime on the state for overriding the beer hall. A sentence for treason can mean you will be executed.

  • Hitlers Trial

    • all the boys were sorry but Hitler was like HELL NO ILL DO IT AGAIN, thus he is given a prison sentence while none of the other men did.

    • Mai Kampf - a book he wrote when he had a lot fo extra time. He is relaying the party. 1925 - released from prisn and Germany is doing perfectly fine. He is mad no one is paying attention to him. The book is ready to publish in Germany because for some while it was not allowed. Mai Kampf illustrates ther is no group with Hitler; Hitler is the only leader of his own party.

  • January 1933 - Nazi Power Progression: Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg.

  • Reichstag Fire

    • Feb. 27, 1933

    • Marinus Van der Lubbe, found inside the building, Van der Lubbe was a Dutch radical communist and unemployed bricklayer.

    • Operatives of th Comintern arrested/tried/convicted

  • creation of the first concentration camps - Dachau Concentration Camps

    • March 1933 in Bavaria

    • Opened as a detention camp for political prisoners (Catholics, communists, others who opposed Nazi rule).

    • Expanded in 1937-1938

    • As the extermination camps were being lliberated in Poland, prisoners were deported to Dachau.

  • Night of Long Knives: Hindenburg dies and Hitler assumes he is president

    • elimination of the SA (Brown Shirts) - useful to beat up the opposition, the uniform gives them the confidence to perform. They are so powerful and forceful that they become a threat to Hitler so Hitler gets rid of the troops in his own party.

    • June 30, 1934 begins the purge

    • Army vs. SA

    • Potential rivals eliminated

    • Ernst Rohm - head of SA - killed July 2

  • Nuremburg Laws 1935

    • Laws to determine who was german and who was Jewish

    • Stripped Jews of their citizenship

    • Announced at the Nazi party rally at Nuremburg

  • 1936 - Rhineland re-armed

    • hitler was rebuilding the armed forces - in violation of versailles from 1933 on.

    • The “Wehrmacht” moves into Rhineland

    • No French resistance

    • March 6, 1936

  • 1936 - olympics

    • both winter and summer games were in germany

    • 1916 summer games cancelled (were to be in Berlin) due to WWI

    • Hitler originally opposed the games.

    • Germany cleared up the anti-semitic propoganda

    • Protests and boycotts never materialized

    • Aryan “superman” myth exposed

    • Press painted positive picture of Nazi state

  • Spanish civil war

    • republicans overthrew thei king in 11931

    • Fascist army officers in Sapnish west Africa try to overthrow the Republicans.


    • Nazis an italians contribute troops, planes, and supplies

    • american author and will eventually write something - Ernest hemingway

    • Franciso

  • Sapnish civil war intervention

    • ialy sen troops under Corpe truppe VOlontaire

    • Germany sneds the condor legion alson with financial aid for Spains fascists

  • 1938 Anshluss - Austria

    • aborted coup attempt in 1934 results in death of Austrian chancellor Dolfuss

    • 1938 referendum

    • Violates Treatyof St.Germain


  • 1938 - Sudetenland

    • Germany claims that

  1. He was born in Austria

  2. Corporal in German army WWI

  3. He joined National Socialist German workers Party in 1919

  4. Beer Hall putsch fails in 1923

  5. Nazi Party a very minor party 1923-29

  6. Nazi Party wins more seats during Great Depression

  7. Appointed Reich Chancellor in January 1933 --dies April 1945

Nazi Officials - Nazi Regime

  • Herman Goring (Goering) - highest official in the trials but commited suicide

    • Deputy Fuhrer and commander of the Luftwaffe (air force)

      • nuremburg party rallies, nuremburg laws, and no post war trials in nuremburg.

  • Joesph Goebbels

    • Propaganda Minister

  • Rudolph Hess

    • Deputy Fuhrer

      • he actually transcribed Mein Kampf

  • Albert Speer

    • Architect, Armaments Minister → given te task that are the war industries are producing, tried and convicted of prison labor/slave labor in these industries.

      • convinced Hitler that after the war there would be a new Berlin and as an architect he planned it out.

  • Heinrich Himmler

    • Commander of the S.S.

    • part of the S.S. training was you were given a puppy for a couple weeks and then after a couple months the test was to shoot it. If you shot it you passed and got the uniform. Not only jews were killed but 7 million russion prisoners of war.

iii. Turkey

Mustafa Kemal

Things to know → War hero, nationalist leader, ; secular state (modern nation, gets rid of the sultan); Modernized alphabet, education; Granted rights to wome; Banned religiou dress, and the fez; New national capital Ankara.

1930 - turkish women get the right to vote

Turkiye - how turkey was spelt at the time

abba - father in jewish

abu - father in arabic

attaturk - Mustafa Kemal attaturk → father of the turks

iv. Imperial Japan

  • Emperor Hirohito (r.1926 - 1989)

  • Took the name “Showa” or “Enlightened Peace”

  • Question: Is Hirohito really a dictator?

    • he is a puppet and some peopole wanted to execute him because his nation did terrible things like bomb the US.

      • Bismark is really running the government, Hirohito is hiding in his palace.

      • the communists were the only ones who opposed the government

      • one religion, one ethnicity, one midset

  • Who is the real dictator?

    • Hirohito emperor

    • Tojo Prime minister → doing the heavylifting, he will be tried and executed.

  • Japan conquers manchuria 1931 - 2

    • already had a sphere of influence since 1905 Russo-Japanese War

    • Already annexed Korea

    • Put Pu Yi in charge of puppet state


    • Mussilini quits the leagu of nations

    • Japan is being agressive and the leagu of nations can do nothing about it

  • Japan Rules Asia

    • Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

    • Asia for Japan” this is what they are spreading

    • japanese were a perpetuator for Imperialism - a common imperialist

  • September 2nd - japan surrenders


  • Vladimir Illyich Ulanov - Lenin - master mind of the plan

  • Lev Davidovich Breinstein - Trotsky- intellectual, very well read, he wants the global revoution to take place, all the workers work together.

  • Iossif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili - Stalin

  • Revolution phases

  • What happens after the revolution?

    • A new economic plan

      • Small private, businesses were ok, small profits were ok

      • Quotas - but surpluses were yours to sell

      • strategic bu temporary retreat from socialism

      • After 8 years of war… russia is dessimated

  • Testament letter - lenin wrote a letter airing out all the dirty secrets about Stalin, real life SOB. It was bout to not put Stalin anywhere in thsi government.

  • Trotsky vs. Stalin

    • Lenin died January 1924, but left a testament letter where he mentions that he does not trust Stalin.

    • Trotsky wanted global communist revolution - supported the COMINTERN.

    • stalin wanted “socialism in one country”


      • Lenin dies.

    • trotsky is so interested to what going outside of russia tha the didnt know what was going behind his back, inside russia.

    • stalin is sick of Trotsky and has him killed in Mexico (1940)

  • 5 year plan - industrialization

    • Heavy industry development to make up 50 years of backwardness in 10

    • Tractors, locomotives made - consumers ignored

    • Quotas were met!!! (lies, but if you don’t like you are shot/exiled.

  • Collectivization - agriculture

    • small private famrs taken from the kulaks who were shot/exiled

    • these small farms turned into big community collective farms

    • Quotas set from Moscow

    • this is a total failure - collections of grain lead to massive starvation in areas such as ukraine

    • Russia has good resources but then the soviet union had to import resources in 1914 because they don’t know how to deal with the resources. They did not have brainpower

  • Murder of Sergoy Kirov

    • Kirov was the communist party boss in Leningrad

    • Such as a possible successor and/or rival to Stalin.

    • Assassinated December 1st, 1934

    • Did Stalin Order it?!?!?

    • Stalin is paranoid

  • Purges/Show Trials

    • Those who opposed or threatened Stalin were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit.

    • Even old Bolsheviks that worked with Stalin…

    • Those who did not support or fulfill the five-year plans were called “wreckers” and put on trial. 1/3 of the trained officers were taken.

  • Stalinist Architecture -Moscow

    • VDNH--think of it as Soviet Epcot center

    • Republics represented

    • Soviet achievements in Science and Technology

    • Moscow had no syscrapers

    • 7 buildings like this dominate the skyline

    • Large boulevards

  • border war with finland and societ russia 1939

  • hitler swallows austria and checkslovakia

  • poland gets split in half

Russian Revolution

  • Bolsheviks → a small Marxist group led by Vladimir Lenin that wanted to overthrow the czar so that the (industrial workers) could gain power to rule Russia as a Socialist country.

  • the Bolsheviks gained inspiration from Marxist ideas but their plan was different.

    • Marxist Idea: predicted a spontaneous uprising of industrial workers to overthrow capitalism

    • Bolsheviks: an elite group - themselves - to lead a revolution and keep much of the power over Russia.

  • Russia had gotten economically so bad that the arrival of WWI provided some relief for Nicholas and his top government officials.

  • war and fighting helped to provide patriotism

    • Russia was doing so bad in the war militarily that the Czr Nicholas took command even thoigh one of the military commanders said he sucked.

  • Czar Nicholas lost control of the nation as no one was listening to him.

  • March 15 → Nicholas was forced to abdicate, or step down, as Czar (march revolution but is now known as the february revolution as their calendars were off)

  • Bolshevism is now known as Marxism - Leninism

    • lenin was forced to live outside of Russia bcs of his revolutionary ideas but returned in April 1917

    • this return was arranged by Germany, which hoped lenin would stir unrest in Russia and weaken the Russian effort in WWI

  • Bolshevik Revolution : Kerenskys government ordered a final military offensive against the Central Powers and it didn’t work leading to a widespread rebellion in the Russian army. Officers were being slaughtered by their own men and Lenin saw these conditions ideal for a Bolshevik takeover.

  • November 1917 → Bolshevik factory workers known as the red Guard attacked the provisional government. (October revolution in Russian calendar time)

  • Russia was now in Bolshevik hands, and lenin becamethe nation's leaderr.

Lenin Radical Communist Program

  • he made private ownership of land illegal


Totalitarian Dictators go to 26-3 bolshevik stuff

How do they come to power in the 1920s & 1930s?

i. Italy

ii. Germany


  • The versailles treaty is a mess

  • Eventually Hyper inflation - prices are going up ridiculously, up 100% a week. Someone thought to print more money. The more money there is, the less valuable it becomes. Germany has no gold so they printed more and more money. There is a picture of a 1 million note. Since there are more money, the money is “worth less”. The money printed was not backed by gold reserves

    • Weimar Republic → germany but weimar germany to diffrentiate it from hitler germnay and kaiser germany, to seperate them.

    • german communists inspired by bolsheviks - revolution is dangerous centered in berlin

  • Dawes Plan → rips the german government; from 1925-28 everything is fine and everything is working.

    • 1923 - nazis try to take over the German government. NASDP - National Socialist German Workers' Party

    • putsch → tries to take over the government of Germany by taking over Unich but the capital of Germany is Berlin. Makes no Sense. In unich the building that was trying to be taken over was a beer hall. try to rouse up and convice a bunch of drunk germans. Hitler and luderdorff and his boys are put on trial for treason - highest crime on the state for overriding the beer hall. A sentence for treason can mean you will be executed.

  • Hitlers Trial

    • all the boys were sorry but Hitler was like HELL NO ILL DO IT AGAIN, thus he is given a prison sentence while none of the other men did.

    • Mai Kampf - a book he wrote when he had a lot fo extra time. He is relaying the party. 1925 - released from prisn and Germany is doing perfectly fine. He is mad no one is paying attention to him. The book is ready to publish in Germany because for some while it was not allowed. Mai Kampf illustrates ther is no group with Hitler; Hitler is the only leader of his own party.

  • January 1933 - Nazi Power Progression: Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg.

  • Reichstag Fire

    • Feb. 27, 1933

    • Marinus Van der Lubbe, found inside the building, Van der Lubbe was a Dutch radical communist and unemployed bricklayer.

    • Operatives of th Comintern arrested/tried/convicted

  • creation of the first concentration camps - Dachau Concentration Camps

    • March 1933 in Bavaria

    • Opened as a detention camp for political prisoners (Catholics, communists, others who opposed Nazi rule).

    • Expanded in 1937-1938

    • As the extermination camps were being lliberated in Poland, prisoners were deported to Dachau.

  • Night of Long Knives: Hindenburg dies and Hitler assumes he is president

    • elimination of the SA (Brown Shirts) - useful to beat up the opposition, the uniform gives them the confidence to perform. They are so powerful and forceful that they become a threat to Hitler so Hitler gets rid of the troops in his own party.

    • June 30, 1934 begins the purge

    • Army vs. SA

    • Potential rivals eliminated

    • Ernst Rohm - head of SA - killed July 2

  • Nuremburg Laws 1935

    • Laws to determine who was german and who was Jewish

    • Stripped Jews of their citizenship

    • Announced at the Nazi party rally at Nuremburg

  • 1936 - Rhineland re-armed

    • hitler was rebuilding the armed forces - in violation of versailles from 1933 on.

    • The “Wehrmacht” moves into Rhineland

    • No French resistance

    • March 6, 1936

  • 1936 - olympics

    • both winter and summer games were in germany

    • 1916 summer games cancelled (were to be in Berlin) due to WWI

    • Hitler originally opposed the games.

    • Germany cleared up the anti-semitic propoganda

    • Protests and boycotts never materialized

    • Aryan “superman” myth exposed

    • Press painted positive picture of Nazi state

  • Spanish civil war

    • republicans overthrew thei king in 11931

    • Fascist army officers in Sapnish west Africa try to overthrow the Republicans.


    • Nazis an italians contribute troops, planes, and supplies

    • american author and will eventually write something - Ernest hemingway

    • Franciso

  • Sapnish civil war intervention

    • ialy sen troops under Corpe truppe VOlontaire

    • Germany sneds the condor legion alson with financial aid for Spains fascists

  • 1938 Anshluss - Austria

    • aborted coup attempt in 1934 results in death of Austrian chancellor Dolfuss

    • 1938 referendum

    • Violates Treatyof St.Germain


  • 1938 - Sudetenland

    • Germany claims that

  1. He was born in Austria

  2. Corporal in German army WWI

  3. He joined National Socialist German workers Party in 1919

  4. Beer Hall putsch fails in 1923

  5. Nazi Party a very minor party 1923-29

  6. Nazi Party wins more seats during Great Depression

  7. Appointed Reich Chancellor in January 1933 --dies April 1945

Nazi Officials - Nazi Regime

  • Herman Goring (Goering) - highest official in the trials but commited suicide

    • Deputy Fuhrer and commander of the Luftwaffe (air force)

      • nuremburg party rallies, nuremburg laws, and no post war trials in nuremburg.

  • Joesph Goebbels

    • Propaganda Minister

  • Rudolph Hess

    • Deputy Fuhrer

      • he actually transcribed Mein Kampf

  • Albert Speer

    • Architect, Armaments Minister → given te task that are the war industries are producing, tried and convicted of prison labor/slave labor in these industries.

      • convinced Hitler that after the war there would be a new Berlin and as an architect he planned it out.

  • Heinrich Himmler

    • Commander of the S.S.

    • part of the S.S. training was you were given a puppy for a couple weeks and then after a couple months the test was to shoot it. If you shot it you passed and got the uniform. Not only jews were killed but 7 million russion prisoners of war.

iii. Turkey

Mustafa Kemal

Things to know → War hero, nationalist leader, ; secular state (modern nation, gets rid of the sultan); Modernized alphabet, education; Granted rights to wome; Banned religiou dress, and the fez; New national capital Ankara.

1930 - turkish women get the right to vote

Turkiye - how turkey was spelt at the time

abba - father in jewish

abu - father in arabic

attaturk - Mustafa Kemal attaturk → father of the turks

iv. Imperial Japan

  • Emperor Hirohito (r.1926 - 1989)

  • Took the name “Showa” or “Enlightened Peace”

  • Question: Is Hirohito really a dictator?

    • he is a puppet and some peopole wanted to execute him because his nation did terrible things like bomb the US.

      • Bismark is really running the government, Hirohito is hiding in his palace.

      • the communists were the only ones who opposed the government

      • one religion, one ethnicity, one midset

  • Who is the real dictator?

    • Hirohito emperor

    • Tojo Prime minister → doing the heavylifting, he will be tried and executed.

  • Japan conquers manchuria 1931 - 2

    • already had a sphere of influence since 1905 Russo-Japanese War

    • Already annexed Korea

    • Put Pu Yi in charge of puppet state


    • Mussilini quits the leagu of nations

    • Japan is being agressive and the leagu of nations can do nothing about it

  • Japan Rules Asia

    • Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

    • Asia for Japan” this is what they are spreading

    • japanese were a perpetuator for Imperialism - a common imperialist

  • September 2nd - japan surrenders


  • Vladimir Illyich Ulanov - Lenin - master mind of the plan

  • Lev Davidovich Breinstein - Trotsky- intellectual, very well read, he wants the global revoution to take place, all the workers work together.

  • Iossif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili - Stalin

  • Revolution phases

  • What happens after the revolution?

    • A new economic plan

      • Small private, businesses were ok, small profits were ok

      • Quotas - but surpluses were yours to sell

      • strategic bu temporary retreat from socialism

      • After 8 years of war… russia is dessimated

  • Testament letter - lenin wrote a letter airing out all the dirty secrets about Stalin, real life SOB. It was bout to not put Stalin anywhere in thsi government.

  • Trotsky vs. Stalin

    • Lenin died January 1924, but left a testament letter where he mentions that he does not trust Stalin.

    • Trotsky wanted global communist revolution - supported the COMINTERN.

    • stalin wanted “socialism in one country”


      • Lenin dies.

    • trotsky is so interested to what going outside of russia tha the didnt know what was going behind his back, inside russia.

    • stalin is sick of Trotsky and has him killed in Mexico (1940)

  • 5 year plan - industrialization

    • Heavy industry development to make up 50 years of backwardness in 10

    • Tractors, locomotives made - consumers ignored

    • Quotas were met!!! (lies, but if you don’t like you are shot/exiled.

  • Collectivization - agriculture

    • small private famrs taken from the kulaks who were shot/exiled

    • these small farms turned into big community collective farms

    • Quotas set from Moscow

    • this is a total failure - collections of grain lead to massive starvation in areas such as ukraine

    • Russia has good resources but then the soviet union had to import resources in 1914 because they don’t know how to deal with the resources. They did not have brainpower

  • Murder of Sergoy Kirov

    • Kirov was the communist party boss in Leningrad

    • Such as a possible successor and/or rival to Stalin.

    • Assassinated December 1st, 1934

    • Did Stalin Order it?!?!?

    • Stalin is paranoid

  • Purges/Show Trials

    • Those who opposed or threatened Stalin were forced to confess to crimes they did not commit.

    • Even old Bolsheviks that worked with Stalin…

    • Those who did not support or fulfill the five-year plans were called “wreckers” and put on trial. 1/3 of the trained officers were taken.

  • Stalinist Architecture -Moscow

    • VDNH--think of it as Soviet Epcot center

    • Republics represented

    • Soviet achievements in Science and Technology

    • Moscow had no syscrapers

    • 7 buildings like this dominate the skyline

    • Large boulevards

  • border war with finland and societ russia 1939

  • hitler swallows austria and checkslovakia

  • poland gets split in half

Russian Revolution

  • Bolsheviks → a small Marxist group led by Vladimir Lenin that wanted to overthrow the czar so that the (industrial workers) could gain power to rule Russia as a Socialist country.

  • the Bolsheviks gained inspiration from Marxist ideas but their plan was different.

    • Marxist Idea: predicted a spontaneous uprising of industrial workers to overthrow capitalism

    • Bolsheviks: an elite group - themselves - to lead a revolution and keep much of the power over Russia.

  • Russia had gotten economically so bad that the arrival of WWI provided some relief for Nicholas and his top government officials.

  • war and fighting helped to provide patriotism

    • Russia was doing so bad in the war militarily that the Czr Nicholas took command even thoigh one of the military commanders said he sucked.

  • Czar Nicholas lost control of the nation as no one was listening to him.

  • March 15 → Nicholas was forced to abdicate, or step down, as Czar (march revolution but is now known as the february revolution as their calendars were off)

  • Bolshevism is now known as Marxism - Leninism

    • lenin was forced to live outside of Russia bcs of his revolutionary ideas but returned in April 1917

    • this return was arranged by Germany, which hoped lenin would stir unrest in Russia and weaken the Russian effort in WWI

  • Bolshevik Revolution : Kerenskys government ordered a final military offensive against the Central Powers and it didn’t work leading to a widespread rebellion in the Russian army. Officers were being slaughtered by their own men and Lenin saw these conditions ideal for a Bolshevik takeover.

  • November 1917 → Bolshevik factory workers known as the red Guard attacked the provisional government. (October revolution in Russian calendar time)

  • Russia was now in Bolshevik hands, and lenin becamethe nation's leaderr.

Lenin Radical Communist Program

  • he made private ownership of land illegal