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APUSH 2.6- Slavery in the British Colonies Notes 9/17/21

2.6 Slavery in the British Colonies


Learning Objective: Explain the causes and effects of slavery in the various British colonial regions.

Theme Focus: Work, Exchange, and Technology

Slavery in the British Colonies

  • Began with indentured servants

  • Headright system: encouraged importation of servant workers by giving masters parcels of land for importing servants

  • All colonies participated to some degree in the Atlantic slave trade

  • Fueled by abundant land, shortage of indentured servants, and growing demand for goods

  • Almost 7 million Africans were taken from their home and shipped to the new world to be used as slaves

  • Brutal middle passage

  • Chattel Slavery

  • Slave codes decreed that blacks and their children belonged to white masters

  • Creation of a strict racial society

  • Harshest in the deep South

  • Hostile climate with hard labor

  • Quickly growing African population in the New World, thanks to the continued importation of slavery

Bacon’s Rebellion

  • A growing class of impoverished white men, mostly former servants,

  • Accused of causing disturbances

  • 1676: Almost 1,000 Virginians began a rebellion, led by Nathaniel Bacon

  • Retaliation against Native American attacks (because the governor had done nothing)

  • Attacked and murdered Natives

  • Attacked and burned the capital, chasing Governor William Berkely out

  • Bacon died suddenly of disease in the middle of the rebellion

  • Berkely put down the rebellion and hung more than 20 rebels

  • Scared plantation owners began looking around for other labor sources

African-American Slave Culture

  • Resist the dehumanizing nature of slavery

  • Maintain some semblance of family unit & culture

  • The blending of speech, religion, and traditions

  • New York slave revolt and North Carolina slave revolt


APUSH 2.6- Slavery in the British Colonies Notes 9/17/21

2.6 Slavery in the British Colonies


Learning Objective: Explain the causes and effects of slavery in the various British colonial regions.

Theme Focus: Work, Exchange, and Technology

Slavery in the British Colonies

  • Began with indentured servants

  • Headright system: encouraged importation of servant workers by giving masters parcels of land for importing servants

  • All colonies participated to some degree in the Atlantic slave trade

  • Fueled by abundant land, shortage of indentured servants, and growing demand for goods

  • Almost 7 million Africans were taken from their home and shipped to the new world to be used as slaves

  • Brutal middle passage

  • Chattel Slavery

  • Slave codes decreed that blacks and their children belonged to white masters

  • Creation of a strict racial society

  • Harshest in the deep South

  • Hostile climate with hard labor

  • Quickly growing African population in the New World, thanks to the continued importation of slavery

Bacon’s Rebellion

  • A growing class of impoverished white men, mostly former servants,

  • Accused of causing disturbances

  • 1676: Almost 1,000 Virginians began a rebellion, led by Nathaniel Bacon

  • Retaliation against Native American attacks (because the governor had done nothing)

  • Attacked and murdered Natives

  • Attacked and burned the capital, chasing Governor William Berkely out

  • Bacon died suddenly of disease in the middle of the rebellion

  • Berkely put down the rebellion and hung more than 20 rebels

  • Scared plantation owners began looking around for other labor sources

African-American Slave Culture

  • Resist the dehumanizing nature of slavery

  • Maintain some semblance of family unit & culture

  • The blending of speech, religion, and traditions

  • New York slave revolt and North Carolina slave revolt