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Catholic Moral Life Commandments vocabulary

idol-a representation of a false god

doubt-the sin of voluntarily disregarding or refusing to hold as true what God has revealed

heresy-obstinate denial after Baptism of a truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith

schism-division caused by differences in belief

presumption-sin of presuming that we can save ourselves through our own efforts

despair-sin of voluntarily giving up hope in our salvation from God

indifference-neglect or refusal of God’s love in contradiction to the 1st commandment

ingratitude-the failure or refusal to acknowledge God’s love to him

lukewarmness-hesitation or negligence responding to divine live

Acadia-spiritual sloth or refusing the joy that comes from God

hatred of God-cursing of God for forbidding sinful actions

superstition-attribution of a kind of magical power to certain practices or objects like charms or omens

irreligion-sins forbidden by the 1st commandment

sacrilege-the profaning or treating unworthy the sacraments

divination-practice of seeking knowledge, practices, and artifacts associated with power

YAHWEH-i am who i am

perjury-act of giving ones word falsely

blasphemy-speech, thought, or action involving hatred etc


domestic church-phrase that describes the christian family, the original cell of society where we first learn the faith

common good-the sum total of social conditions which allow people either as groups or individuals to reach their fulfillment


Catholic Moral Life Commandments vocabulary

idol-a representation of a false god

doubt-the sin of voluntarily disregarding or refusing to hold as true what God has revealed

heresy-obstinate denial after Baptism of a truth which must be believed with divine and catholic faith

schism-division caused by differences in belief

presumption-sin of presuming that we can save ourselves through our own efforts

despair-sin of voluntarily giving up hope in our salvation from God

indifference-neglect or refusal of God’s love in contradiction to the 1st commandment

ingratitude-the failure or refusal to acknowledge God’s love to him

lukewarmness-hesitation or negligence responding to divine live

Acadia-spiritual sloth or refusing the joy that comes from God

hatred of God-cursing of God for forbidding sinful actions

superstition-attribution of a kind of magical power to certain practices or objects like charms or omens

irreligion-sins forbidden by the 1st commandment

sacrilege-the profaning or treating unworthy the sacraments

divination-practice of seeking knowledge, practices, and artifacts associated with power

YAHWEH-i am who i am

perjury-act of giving ones word falsely

blasphemy-speech, thought, or action involving hatred etc


domestic church-phrase that describes the christian family, the original cell of society where we first learn the faith

common good-the sum total of social conditions which allow people either as groups or individuals to reach their fulfillment