Ap Euro: Unit 1 Intro to Europe

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What does the word "renaissance" mean?

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What does the word "renaissance" mean?

"Rebirth" (French word)

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Define the word "patronage".

Financial support of writer and artists by cities, groups, and individuals, often to produce specific works or works in specific styles.

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_____ ____________ _____________________ ________________ was led by northern Italian cities in the 11th century and by the middle of 12th century many cities all had large fleets for merchandise which allowed them to profit from their overseas trade (they were rich).

The Great Commercial Revival

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Define "secularism".

An indifference to religion and a belief that religion should be excluded from civic affairs and public education.

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Art progressed into an item to be enjoyed and not just to highlight God. This new way of thinking exhibited _____________ ideas.


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The _________________ family ran the renaissance in Florence, Italy.


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The Medici Family members:

Giovani, Cosimo, and Lorenzo the Magnificent

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Northern cities were ______________ where free men built/ regulated trade in and out of their walls.


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Define "Popolo"

Disenfranchised common people in Italian cities who resented their exclusion from power. They overthrew government in many cities (13th century) but couldn't keep order.

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Define "Condottieri"

Foreign mercenaries who were hired for security purposes in the Italian city-states.

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Many Italian cities had ___________- where man had right to pass rule on to son.


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In the 15-16th century _________ were established. They were well liked because they showed off their palace for ceremonies and visiting leaders.


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What hindered the development of Italy becoming a unified country?

Renaissance Italians loved tiny city-states.

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Mantua, Naples, Papal States, Florence & Milan.

Five powers dominating 15 century Italy.

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Why was the Resident Ambassador a success for renaissance Italy?

Permanent representative of one state to another, started up by Italian city states. There were embassies in each city-state with a representative that way when one city-state would get to powerful others would have knowledge of it and align to even the power.

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Who was Dominican Friar Girolamo Savonarola?

Leader of Florence after expelling Medici Family. Passed laws against same- sex, adultery, and drunkenness. Had men patrol streets for pretty dress and had bonfires of the vanities. Wildly popular but people grew tired of him, so Pope had him burned, tortured, killed. Medici once again returned to power.

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What are "bonfires of the vanities"?

In the time of Savonarola- things that celebrated human beauty would be burned.

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Habsburg-Valois Wars

rivalry between Charles V and Valois king of France, Francis I that became in conflict after disputed territory in southern France, the Netherlands, the Rhineland, northern Spain and Italy.

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When did Italy unify?


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______________ ____________ spread ideas through Europe quickly.

Printing Press

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What ancient ideas did the Italians admire?

Greek and Roman

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Define "Vernacular".

the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region (local dialect)

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Giorgio Vasari

Italian painter and art historian (1511-1574); wrote The Lives of the Artists. Massive patronage of the arts came from this and was led by families like the Medici's and also the churches, who saw art as a means of glorifying God. He was first to use the word Renaissance.

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Francesco Petrarch

Known as the father of Renaissance Humanism. He lived from 1304-1374 as a cleric and committed his life to humanistic pursuits and careful study of the classics. He resisted writing in the Italian vernacular except for his sonnets, which were composed to his "lady love" who spoke no Latin.

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What does Petrarch's Sonnets to Laura represent?

It represents and unattainable goal- he was writing to someone else's wife.

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Define "Humanism"

A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements.

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Rome's greatest public speaker: he argued against dictators and called for a representative government with limited powers. He was well known for his use of language, literary style, and political ideas.

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Leonardo Bruni

First to use the term "humanism", and among the most important of the civic humanists. He was clear in that when this era ended the next would be "Middle Ages".

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Civic Consciousness

you know what's going on in your city-state. Those humanists wanted people to be involved in Florence.

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Five humanists who advocated civic consciousness.

Salutati, Bruni, Poggio, Valla, and Della Mirandola.

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Marsilio Ficino

Founded the Platonic Academy at the behest of Cosimo de' Medici in the 1460s. Translated Plato's works into Latin, giving modern Europeans access to these works for the fist time.

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Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

"Wrote Oration on the Dignity of Man which has been called the ""Manifesto of the Renaissance."""

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Define "virtu"

Reaching for perfection. No limitations to what you can do. Having confidence and that aura.

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Artist who in 1550, coined the term "Renaissance" to capture the sense of artistic advancement and genius of a new age that rivaled the achievement of the Roman masters. Thought he was the best.

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Leon Battista Alberti

came up with the concept of creating a "perfect" individual during the Renaissance which included Having a high regard for human dignity, A realization of all people, and having an ability to have many achievements.

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Define "renaissance man"

Broad knowledge about many things in different fields.

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Baldassare Castiglione

An Italian author who wrote the book The Courtier in 1528. He described the ideal Renaissance man and woman. Had a broad impact on the ideal pic of a young man.

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Define "republicanism"

A form of government in which power resides in the people and is exercised by their elected representatives.

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Define "civic humanism"

Commitment to active political life under the influence of classical models. Often tied with civic pride and spirit, Movement uses Cicero as a model .

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Niccolo Machiavelli

(1469-1527) Wrote The Prince which contained a secular method of ruling a country. "End justifies the means." It was the first secular work about politics. He remarked "much safer to be feared than loved but he ought to avoid making himself hated". Correctly believed good rulers needed virtu.

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Cesare Borgia

A political leader, son of Pope Alexander VI, a member of the Spanish Borgia family, he had ambitions of uniting all of Italy under his control. His father tried to exploit his office for the benefit of his relatives.

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Define "feudalism"

loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to a greater lord

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What two factors play a big role in the feudal system?

Loyalty and Service

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Problem when someone owned two properties from different people and those two went to war.

Mixed Loyalty Problem

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Define "Fiefdom"

Pieces of land.

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Define "Vassal"

Anyone who's below you.

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The manor is completely ________ ________________

self sufficient

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Define "tithe"

Church tax (10%)

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Define "simony"

the selling and buying of positions in the Catholic Church

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Define "Lay investiture"

A ceremony in which kings and nobles appointed church officials

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Concordat of Worms

document they allowed king to choose government officials & pope to choose church officials/clergy (got together and talked about simony).

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Powers of the Pope: Exocommunication, Interdiction, Cannon Law, Outlaw "usury", Punish "heretics", social services.

kick someone out of church, kick someone's peoples out of church instead, church is made legal law, not allowed to loan money for interest, punish person who has no catholic belief, providing orphanage + hospital.

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Define "Cathedrals"

The biggest churches (500 built over middle ages).

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Define "crusades"

A military expedition launched by Catholic Europeans to win back the Holy Land.

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3 feild system

Farmers grow crops on 2/3s of their field instead of 1/2. this leads to food production increasing>healthier people>growth in population

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New class born out of the growth of towns:


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The Plague (1347)

This plague, also know as the "Black Death" quickly spread throughout Europe and killed thousands during the Middle Ages

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Fillippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)

Build dome on Cathedral.

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Lorenzo Ghiberti

Designed bronze doors for the San Giovanni Baptistry in Florence. The doors were nicknamed "The Gates of Paradise" by Michelangelo.

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Lorenzo de Medici

spend thousands of dollars on art to glorify himself.

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Pope Julius II

The "Warrior-Pope"; most involved in war and politics; personally led armies against enemies; instituted reconstruction on St. Peter's Basilica.

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(1475-1564) An Italian sculptor, painter, poet, engineer, and architect. Famous works include the mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgment, and the sculpture of the biblical character David. Discovered and hired when just 15 years old.

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In what ways did nobles flaunt their wealth?

Less weaponry and more elaborate household goods bought. Strazzi Family had a private chapel within their palace.

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Procession of the Magi

Benozzo Gozzoli, covered 3 walls of the Medici chapel.

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Peter Bruegel

Known as "The Elder" - Flemish - landscapes and characters - The Fall of the Rebel Angels. Portrayed scenes of peasants. He had a distorted view of peasant life.

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Describe "Realism"

Portrayed people in realistic situations instead of idealizing them. Giotto led to the style.

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What did Piero Della Francesca and Andrea Mantegna influence?

They pioneered perspective of linear representation or distance and space on a flat surface- artists had to grasp math concepts.

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Fillipo Brunelleschi

(1377-1446) Architect that was interested in bronze and painting. Created massive dome on Cathedral of Florence (Il Duomo).

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How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance?

It was much darker than the Italian renaissance. It was also further from the center of the church and so its ideas strayed from the Florence beliefs.

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What Rogier van der Weyden and Jan van eyck contribute?

They discovered a new type of oil paint.

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Albrecht Durer

Famous Northern Renaissance artist, he often used woodcutting along with Italian Renaissance techniques like proportion, perspective and modeling. (Knight Death, and Devil; Four horseman of the Apocalypse). "The German Leonardo".

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Raphael Sanzio

Italian Renaissance artist who painted the Madonna, Child and the School of Athens. In the school of Athens he painted in all of his idols and in the painting he put himself- he believed he was as impressive (vitru).

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made portraits and mythological paintings. He used mannerism.

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What is "mannerism"

A style from the 16th century that suggested elegance, self-awareness, and sometimes artificial grace. The figures are distorted, exaggerated, and the color is heightened.

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Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)

The Mighty Line, most well known play is The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus (died at 29), dramatic poetry. He wanted knowlegge and sold his soul to the devil for it.

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Botticelli, Primavera

Florentine Renaissance painter.

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Spanish writer best remembered for 'Don Quixote' which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form (1547-1616). About a knight that is a moron and sancho- his servant he travels with- is the brains.

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________________________ ____________________ believed that, if people read the classics, and especially the basic works of Christianity, they would become more pious..

Christian Humanists

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Thomas More (1478-1535)

-English social and intellectual figure

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-Wrote the book "Utopia" (1516)

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-Focused on 3 main points: 1. People are naturally good

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  1. Private Property should be abolished

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  1. Social Institutions need to change

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-Also stressed education

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-Was very radical for the 16th Century

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Define "Utopia"

means "no place" and was a book written by Thomas More and is all about A BETTER MODEL OF SOCIETY

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Dutch humanist and theologian who was the leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe. Works include, praise of folly, education of a Christian prince, Latin translation of the New Testament, and printed first bible in Greek. Most lauded intellectual of all time and no one would come at him- he could poke fun at anyone but wouldn't get in trouble.

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Francois Rabelais

Former monk. French humanist, wrote the comic masterpieces Gargantua and Pantagruel, stories contained gross humor. It was attacking society. The monsters were hideous but beyond friendly and just trying to get acceptance. Represents society.

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What themes ran in Erasmus texts?

Education in the bible and the classics was means to reform and renewal should be based on the philosophy of Christ and inner spirituality. Thoughts are like Luther's, but he denied ever supported Protestantism.

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Who was Johann Gutenberg?

the inventor of the moveable printing press.

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What was the word "type" referring to?

metal stamps with letters that were pressed into the paper.

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Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?

He was a wealthy Portuguese explorer who wanted a direct route to the gold in Africa.

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Vasco de Gama (Portugal)

Discovered a route to India for Portugal by s a was very profitable for both the country and sailor with his cargo. The trip was a disaster with a run in with Arab merchants. Made 3000% profit.

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Christopher Columbus

He mistakenly discovered the Americas in 1492 while searching for a faster route to India. He was employed by Spain and then they sent him back and that was conquest phase (conquistadores).

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Conquered Aztecs (Mexico). Aztecs were cruel and harsh. They thought Cartes was Quezoctol (old prophecy that meant end of the world). Montezuma gave him money to leave but instead Cartes continues to get more. Banquet is held for "Quezoctol" and everything erupts in war.

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A conquistador who in 1532, marched into South America, and conquered the Inca Empire. Atahualpa offered a room filled with gold and twice and silver for his release, but they strangled him.

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He was the leader/captain of the first people to circumnavigate the world, led Spanish expedition to Philippines.

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Line of Demarcation

The boundary between Spanish and Portuguese territories in the New World.

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Social class in new world:

Peninsuleres (born in Spain), creoles (American born whites), mestizos (Indian-white mix).

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belief that God governs the world and each moment through hew will and that all events occur as part of His plan.

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