Marriage and the Family in Christianity (copy)

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What is marriage?

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What is marriage?

The legal union of two people in a relationship.

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What is the importance of marriage within society?

Encourages stable relationships; Provides a secure environment in which to bring up children; Provides legal protection for the couple and their children; Nurtures feelings of self-esteem and value; Structures societies into family groups which can form the basis of a comunity

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What are Christian beliefs about marriage?

Marriage is seen as a sanctity, meaning it is a gift from God which makes it special. Catholics view marriage as a sacrament, an important Christian ceremony. The Bible teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman, therefore same-sex marriage is sinful in Christianity. Christianity also teaches that marriage is an exclusive, loving relationship in which faithfulness is important.

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What Biblical verse links to marriage?

'But at the beginning of creation God "made them male and female". "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together let no one separate.' (Mark 10: 6-9)

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How does the Mark 10: 6-9 verse link to marriage?

God intended that men and women should marry; the couple are joined together by God. It also teaches that marriage creates a unity that is both physical and emotional.

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What are non-religious views on marriage?

Non-religious people accept marriage as a legal union and a public declaration of commitment, but do not believe it is ordained by God. Many also think that cohabitation is equally acceptable, and can be just as secure a basis for a loving relationship and family life. Cohabitation also offers the freedom to separate without the legal consequences of divorce.

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What is cohabitation?

Living together in a sexual relationship but without legalising the union through marriage

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What are arguments for cohabitation?

It allows couples to get to know each other before marrying; a divorce is not necessary if the couple wants to split up; Marriage is not necessary to bring up children successfully; Partners can commit to each other without getting married,

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What are arguments against cohabitation?

It can encourage a casual attitude towards relationships; It makes it too easy to break up without trying to bend the relationship; Children should be raised in a stable home with two married parents; The Bible supports marriage; Christianity teaches that sex outside of marriage is wrong.

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What are athiests?

People who do not believe in the existence of God

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What are Humanists?

A non-religious person who looks to reason and empathy in order to live a meaningful life

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What are traditional Christian views on same-sex relationships?

Some Christians, for example most Catholic Christians and some Church of England Christians, believe that sexual relationships should be between men and women only (heterosexual) as the Bible describes marriage as a man being united to his wife.

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What Biblical verse links with the condemnation of homosexuality?

'Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.' (Leviticus 18: 22)

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What are divergent Christian views and non-religious views on same-sex relationships?

Some Christians belief homosexual sex with a committed and loving relationship is acceptable, but marriage should still be reserved for a man and a woman. Humanists believe same-sex relationships are okay as long as they don't cause harm to those involved. Many atheists accept same sex relationships however some oppose them for social or cultural reasons.

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What are Christian views on premarital sex (sex outside of marriage)?

Christians believe that sex is the highest expression of love. Most Christians believe that sex should only take place within marriage; some say it is acceptable before marriage if the people are committed to each other.

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What are Christian views on adultery and promiscuity?

Adultery is forbidden under the Ten Commandments and breaks the trust between a couple and undermines the stability of family life. Some people accept adultery if it does not cause physical or emotional harm to people involved.

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What are the five main family types in society today?

Nuclear family, same sex family, extended family and single parent family.

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What is a nuclear family?

A traditional family; two parents (mother and father) and their children

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What is a same-sex family?

Two same-sex parents and their children

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What is an extended family?

Parents, children and other relations (e.g. grandparents) living closely together

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What is a single-parent family?

One parent living alone with their children

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What are Christian views on the different type of families?

Traditional Christians like Catholics disapprove of same-sex relationships and believe that children should grow up in a nuclear family with a male and female role model. Some Christian churches have became more understanding of different family types and aim to welcome everyone into church life.

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What are Christian teachings about the purpose of the family?

Most Christians believe that family life is the best setting for procreation and raising children. The family helps to provide a secure and loving environment for children to grow up in. Educating children in the faith is another important purpose of Christian families.

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What Biblical verse supports the education of children in the Christian faith?

'Children, obey your parents [...] Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.' (Ephesians 6: 1, 4)

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What does the Ephesians 6: 1 -4 verse teach to Christians about the purpose of family?

Children are expected to respect and obey their parents; parents are expected to teach their children about God and the Christian faith.

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What Biblical verse link to respecting parents and what does it teach?

Honour your father and your mother.' (Exodus 20: 12)

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What is the importance of supporting families in Christianity?

Christians hope that by helping children to develop an interest in Christianity, they are helping to ensure there will be a new generation of believers. It is also a way to provide support for parents, helping them to raise their children in a stable environment and to educate their children in the Christian faith. It also demonstrates inclusion and helps to foster a sense of comunity.

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What Biblical verse supports the idea of children being raised in the Christian faith?

'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' (Matthew 19: 14)

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What does the Matthew 19: 14 verse teach Christians about raising children in the Christian faith?

The disciples possibly felt that Jesus had more important things to do than pay attention to children. Jesus responded by blessing the children and reminding his disciples of their importance. Today, Christian Churches acknowledge the importance of children within the faith community, and help parents to raise their children as Christians.

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What are the features of family services offered by Churches?

A talk or part of the service aimed at children; Opportunities for children to participate; Opportunities for teenagers to lead worship; A welcoming atmosphere for children

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What is a rite of passage?

Special events that mark key stages in a person's life

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What is thanksgiving service?

A short ceremony where a family gives thanks for the birth of a child

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What is a baptism or christening?

When a child is doused in holy water and made a member of the church

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What is First communion?

When a child receives their first Holy communion

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What is confirmation?

When a person confirms they want to be a member of the Church

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What groups do Churches offer for children?

Sunday school, music, art and drama classes, tuition classes for schoolwork, confirmation preparation classes, youth groups for teenagers and childcare groups to support working parents.

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What groups do Churches offer for adults?

Parenting classes, parent and baby groups, family counselling, baptism preparation classes and marriage enrichment groups.

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What are Catholic Christian views on the use of contraception?

Some Catholics are against forms of artificial contraception, while some are against all forms as they say it is wrong to prevent new humans from being conceived. Sex should always be open to the possibility of contraception, and artificial contraception prevents this. The Catholic Church encourages families to use natural methods of birth control instead of artificial contraceptives.

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What is contraception?

The deliberate prevention of pregnancy

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What Biblical verse is against the use of contraception?

'Be fruitful and increase in number' (Genesis 1: 27-28)

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What are the Anglican Church and other Christian views on contraception?

The Anglican Church have supported the use of artificial contraception since 1930, 'in light of Christian principles'. Many Christians approve the use of contraception to aid responsible family planning but not to encourage promiscuous behaviour. Some Christians are against contraception that work after conception has or may have happened as it is seen as a form of abortion.

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What are non-religious views on contraception?

Most non-religious people, including Humanists and atheists, are not against contraception and have no ethical objection against it.

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What is divorce?

The legal ending of a marriage

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What are Catholic Christian views about divorce?

In the Catholic Church, marriage vows are considered a covenant made before God, so it cannot be broke. As a result, remarriage can't happen and divorced Catholics cannot remarry in a Catholic church. In some circumstances, annulment is sometimes allowed such as if the couple were forced to marry.

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What is annulment?

Declaration that a marriage is null and void; in effect, as if it had never happened, for reasons such as being under age or being forced to marry

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What Biblical verse is against divorce?

'... anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.' (Matthew 19: 6-9)

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What are Protestant Christian views about divorce?

Protestants understand that relationships break down and God forgives mistakes and wrongdoing. Therefore, after asking for God's forgiveness, a couple may divorce and remarry other people if the local clergy allows it. However, most conservative protestants disapprove of divorce and remarriage.

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What are non-religious views on divorce?

Some non-religious people are against divorce for social and cultural reasons. They argue that divorce has made it too easy for couples to end a relationship and that it negatively affects any children involved. Others believe that divorce is the compassionate response when relationships have broken down and that remarriage can create happiness.

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How can situation ethics be applied to divorce?

Many situation ethicists will approve of divorce in certain situations but not in others. Their response to divorce and remarriage will depend on what is the most loving thing to do

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What SOW supports non-religious views on divorce?

'Though marriage is a useful social institution, humanists do not believe that it is 'sacred', recognise that some relationships fail, and so support liberal divorce laws.' (Family Matters, British Humanist Association)

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What are Christian teachings on gender equality?

Many Christians think that men and women are equal but should have different roles within a marriage. For example, husbands should love and protect the family; wives should love, submit to and respect their husbands. Some more liberal Christians do not agree with the idea that there should be a head to the family, and believe that both partners should submit to each other. Other Christians say that Jesus clearly demonstrated equal respect for women and men; this has led to wedding vows being changed and to women taking on more Church leadership roles. Some Churches now allow women to be ordained as priests.

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What are divergent Christian views on women taking roles in the Church?

The Catholic Church does not ordain women. They refer to the fact that Jesus' disciples were male, and women were not given authority by God to be leaders in the Church. The Church of England now also allows women to be ordained as bishops. However, not all members of that Church agree with this.

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What SOW is against the ordination of women in the Catholic Church?

'The Lord Jesus chose men to form the twelve apostles [...] For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.' (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1577)

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What Biblical verses support the idea of gender equality?

'So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.' (Genesis 1: 27). 'There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.' (Galatians 3: 28)

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What does Genesis 1:26-27 suggest about gender equality?

Men and women are both described as being made in God's image. Many Christians think this means that men and women are equal.

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What does Galatians 3: 26 suggest about gender equality?

Paul teaches that all Christians are equal, using the most dramatic contrasts he could think of in the society of his day

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What Biblical verse supports the idea that men and women are equal but have different roles?

'Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord [...] Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church' (Ephesians 5: 22, 25)

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What is gender discrimination?

Acting upon prejudice about someone's gender; for example, not appointing a woman to a high-pressure job on the assumption that she must be too fragile for the role; or expecting a man to do a heavy physical task on the assumption that he must be strong

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What is gender prejudice?

Making judgements about men or women on the basis of their gender; for example, judging all women to be emotionally fragile or all men to be emotionally strong

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What are Christian teachings on gender prejudice and discrimination?

Jesus treats men and women equally with the same respect. His female followers are important to him and there are examples where he shows kindness to women who have been treated badly by others. For example, he heals a sick woman who has been casted out by her community.

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What are examples of Christian opposition to gender prejudice and discrimination?

Previously, Christian wedding vows included the promise that wives would 'obey their husbands'. The word 'obey' was dropped from Methodist vows in 1930, and in 2006, the Church of England approved of the alternative vows that left out the word 'obey'. The current Catholic wedding service has identical vows for men and women. In the Church of England, women are also allowed to get ordained as priests, however in the Catholic Church women are not.

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What are arguments for the ordination of women in the Christian Church?

It is discriminatory to not allow women to be ordained; Women have different skills to offer their congregation; Women may be able to deal more sensitively with pastoral issues; Women priests can relate better to women in their community.

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What are arguments against the ordination of women in the Christian Churches?

In the Bible, the Apostle Paul teaches that women are not permitted to teach a man; Jesus only chose men to be his disciples; Women have not been given authority by God to be leaders in the church.

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What Biblical verse supports the idea of women NOT being ordained?

'I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man' (1 Timothy 2: 12)

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