The 1920's

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1920's America Review

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installment buying

method of purchase in which buyer makes a small down payment and then pays off the rest of the debt in regular monthly payments

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borrowing money now to pay for something, and paying it back over time.

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The New York City neighborhood that became the center of the African American artistic and creative outpouring of the 1920s.

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Harlem Renaissance

A period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished

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A style of music that became popular in the 1920s

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Young women in the 1920s who challenged social traditions with their dress and behavior

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Roaring Twenties

the decade of the 1920's got this nickname because of the times prosperity and rising standard of living for Americans. The economic boom helped raise America's status in the world.

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Scopes Monkey Trial

1925, the trial that pitted the teaching of Darwin's theory of evolution against teaching creationism. Traditionalists vs. Modernists

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common culture

The shared values, traditions, history, experiences, and behaviors that are common across groups in society. Mass media helped to create this commonality.

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standard work week

8 hour days, 5 days a week meant 40 hour work weeks and more leisure time for Americans.

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18th Amendment

Prohibited the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Made many Americans criminals because they continued to drink after alcohol was prohibited.

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21st Amendment

Amendment which ended the Prohibition of alcohol in the US, repealing the 18th amendment

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KKK (Ku Klux Klan)

Organization that promotes hatred and discrimination against specific ethnic and religious groups. It grew to 3 to 4 million members during the 1920s.

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the period from 1920 to 1933 when the sale of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the United States by a constitutional amendment. It led to increased government corruption, as local police and politicians took bribes from gangsters to ignore the movement and sale of alcohol.

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Red Scare

fear that communists were working to destroy the American way of life

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Warren G. Harding

Elected President in 1920. Died after 3 years in office of a heart attack, VP: Coolidge took over

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Calvin Coolidge

Became president when Harding died. He will win the election of 1924. He was known for practicing a rigid economy in money and words, and acquired the name "Silent Cal" for being so soft-spoken.

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Herbert Hoover

Elected President in 1928, promising the American people prosperity and attempted to first deal with the Depression by trying to restore public faith in the community. Will take the blame for the depression.

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Valentine's Day Massacre

On Feb. 14, 1929, several of Al Capone's gang, some of them disguised as cops, wheeled into the Chicago garage used as the headquarters of the rival Bugs Moran organization, simulated a police raid and gunned down seven men with sub-machine guns as they faced the wall waiting to be frisked.

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consumer culture

Created by advertisement, and began American's need to buy things.

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mass media

Forms of communication, such as newspapers and radio, that reach millions of people.

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1920s women

  • Gained the right to vote

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  • Found new employment opportunities

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  • Housework was made easier by electric appliances

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Jazz Age

Name for the 1920s, because of the popularity of jazz-a new type of American music that combined African rhythms, blues, and ragtime

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19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote

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Tulsa Race Riot

1921 racial battle in Tulsa that killed 119 people and burned most of the Greenwood neighborhood

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Teapot Dome Scandal

A government scandal involving former United States Navy oil reserves in Wyoming and California that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921

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Consumerism in the 1920s

Americans were fascinated with new consumer products in the 1920s and began overspending and borrowing on credit. Would later lead to causes of the Great Depression

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Radio in the 1920s

It brought the outside world into the homes of average families. Everyone wanted a radio and the boom of popularity for the radio happened in the 1920s.

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Automobiles in the 1920s

The demand for automobiles rose in the 1920s making it a must have for people in the 20s. The automobile industry stimulated other industries and helped drive the economic boom of the decade.

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