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1_2 vocab (english)

초보자 - beginner, novice

도전하다 - to challenge, to attempt

즐기다 - to enjoy

전문가 - an expert, a specialist, a professional

-는 시간은 갖다 - to spend time (doing something)

맛을 보다 - to taste, to try (food)

모임을 갖다 - to hold a meeting, to gather together

뜨거운 관심을 갖다 - to be passionate about, to be very interested in

인생 - (one’s) life

타악기 - percussion instrument

타 - to hit (타자 - hitter, 구타 - assault)

전국 - around the country, nationwide

전 - all, whole, complete (전체 - all, 전교 - whole school)

긴급 구호가 - emergency aid worker

급 - urgent, fast (급하다 - to be in a hurry, 특급 - express)

-을 모으다 - to gather together, to bring together

건강 관리 - taking care of one’s health, staying healthy

여행 경비 - travel expenses

마련하다 - to raise (funds), to prepare (items that are needed)

오지 - the wild, a remote area

소 똥 - cow dung

-에 머무르다 - to stay, to be put up (when traveling)

독하다 - to be strong, to be potent

약이 독하다 - the medicine is strong

이동하다 - to move (from one place to another)

이 - leave, separate (이별 - breakup, 이혼 - divorce)

태워주다 - to give (someone) a ride

10일 이상 - more than 10 days

신문에 나다 - to be in the paper (as in a person or event)

계기 - opportunity, chance (used when explaining how one ended up doing something)

난민촌 - refugee camp

촌 - countryside, village (농촌 - farming, 촌사람 - country person)

-을 살리다 - to save (someone’s life)

도움을 구하다 - to seek help

삶 - life

사는 방식 - the way one lives, lifestyle

기본적이다 - basic, fundamental

방문하다 - to visit (a place)

번개 모임 - a spontaneous meeting

사물놀이 - a traditional form of music played on four percussion instruments

기초 - the basics, fundamentals

기 - foundation (기본 - basis, foundation, 기독교 - Christian)

벌레 - bug

말라리아 - malaria

목적지 - destination, the place one is going

목 - eye, item (목표 - goal, objective, 제목 - title)

장의차 - a funeral car

마음먹다 - to make up one’s mind


1_2 vocab (english)

초보자 - beginner, novice

도전하다 - to challenge, to attempt

즐기다 - to enjoy

전문가 - an expert, a specialist, a professional

-는 시간은 갖다 - to spend time (doing something)

맛을 보다 - to taste, to try (food)

모임을 갖다 - to hold a meeting, to gather together

뜨거운 관심을 갖다 - to be passionate about, to be very interested in

인생 - (one’s) life

타악기 - percussion instrument

타 - to hit (타자 - hitter, 구타 - assault)

전국 - around the country, nationwide

전 - all, whole, complete (전체 - all, 전교 - whole school)

긴급 구호가 - emergency aid worker

급 - urgent, fast (급하다 - to be in a hurry, 특급 - express)

-을 모으다 - to gather together, to bring together

건강 관리 - taking care of one’s health, staying healthy

여행 경비 - travel expenses

마련하다 - to raise (funds), to prepare (items that are needed)

오지 - the wild, a remote area

소 똥 - cow dung

-에 머무르다 - to stay, to be put up (when traveling)

독하다 - to be strong, to be potent

약이 독하다 - the medicine is strong

이동하다 - to move (from one place to another)

이 - leave, separate (이별 - breakup, 이혼 - divorce)

태워주다 - to give (someone) a ride

10일 이상 - more than 10 days

신문에 나다 - to be in the paper (as in a person or event)

계기 - opportunity, chance (used when explaining how one ended up doing something)

난민촌 - refugee camp

촌 - countryside, village (농촌 - farming, 촌사람 - country person)

-을 살리다 - to save (someone’s life)

도움을 구하다 - to seek help

삶 - life

사는 방식 - the way one lives, lifestyle

기본적이다 - basic, fundamental

방문하다 - to visit (a place)

번개 모임 - a spontaneous meeting

사물놀이 - a traditional form of music played on four percussion instruments

기초 - the basics, fundamentals

기 - foundation (기본 - basis, foundation, 기독교 - Christian)

벌레 - bug

말라리아 - malaria

목적지 - destination, the place one is going

목 - eye, item (목표 - goal, objective, 제목 - title)

장의차 - a funeral car

마음먹다 - to make up one’s mind