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Poppy Biology

Poppy Biology

Animal cells and plant cells

Animal cells usually have an irregular shape, and plant cells usually have a regular shape. Cells are made up of different parts.

Animal cells and plant cells both contain:

Plant cells also contain these parts, which are not found in animal cells:

Cell membrane - Controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell

Cytoplasm - Jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen

Nucleus - Carries genetic information and controls what happens inside the cell

Mitochondria - Where most respiration reactions happen

Vacuole - Contains a liquid called cell sap, which keeps the cell firm

Cell wall - Made of a tough substance called cellulose, which supports the cell

Poppy Biology

Poppy Biology

Animal cells and plant cells

Animal cells usually have an irregular shape, and plant cells usually have a regular shape. Cells are made up of different parts.

Animal cells and plant cells both contain:

Plant cells also contain these parts, which are not found in animal cells:

Cell membrane - Controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell

Cytoplasm - Jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen

Nucleus - Carries genetic information and controls what happens inside the cell

Mitochondria - Where most respiration reactions happen

Vacuole - Contains a liquid called cell sap, which keeps the cell firm

Cell wall - Made of a tough substance called cellulose, which supports the cell