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MKT Terms (Chapter 6)

Institutional markets: schools, hospitals nursing homes, prisons, and other institutions that provide goods and services to people in their care

Users: someone who actually uses a product or service

Influences: the person who supplies information and advice

Buyers: a person who negotiates purchase terms

Deciders:  the person who actually makes the decision

Gatekeepers: the person who controls the flow of information

Straight rebuy: the buyer purchases the same products again routinely under the same term of sale

Modified rebuy: the buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers

New task buy: a company places an order with a supplier for the first time


MKT Terms (Chapter 6)

Institutional markets: schools, hospitals nursing homes, prisons, and other institutions that provide goods and services to people in their care

Users: someone who actually uses a product or service

Influences: the person who supplies information and advice

Buyers: a person who negotiates purchase terms

Deciders:  the person who actually makes the decision

Gatekeepers: the person who controls the flow of information

Straight rebuy: the buyer purchases the same products again routinely under the same term of sale

Modified rebuy: the buyer wants to modify product specifications, prices, terms, or suppliers

New task buy: a company places an order with a supplier for the first time