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Word Choice Notes 

- The precision to the word choice that Eighner uses when discussing dumpster diving shows that Eighner has thoroughly researched and is a well-informed person in the context of science, and can inform his audience in the context of clinical nature.

- An example from the text of dumpster diving is seen within the word choice that Eighnet uses, as the words scrounging and foraging have negative connotations.

- The word scavenging has a positive connotation, as he is scavenging for things and is not associated with materialism, and simultaneously paying attention to other people's needs as he does not take the things that he does not need, but rather leaves the rest for the other scavengers that are with him.

- Therefore, Eigner provides a deeper analysis of dumpster diving and the credibility that he is educated.

- Eighner addresses homelessness in America. He debunk's the stereotype of homeless people as indolent and uneducated.

- Eighner successfully debunks the stereotypes of homeless people as indolent and uneducated by debunking the myths by emphasizing the things he found when dumpster diving, showing aspects of his personal life.

- Eighner is able to debunk the stereotype with his own experiences in America and emphasize the lessons he learned throughout his experiences, also showing that materialistic objects are useful to others and materialistic options are given too much emotion to them. - -

- According to the text of Dumpster Diving, it states, “For myself, I avoid game, poultry, pork, and egg-based foods whether I find them raw or cooked. I seldom have the means to cook what I find, but when I do I avail myself of plentiful supplies of beef which is often in very good condition. I suppose fish becomes disagreeable before it becomes dangerous. The dog is happy to have any such thing that is past its prime and, in fact, does not recognize fish as a food until it is quite strong.”

- This shows that Eigner successfully debunks the stereotypes of homeless people as uneducated as he is extremely informed in the context of science, as he has to differentiate between spoiled food and unspoiledare.

- The food that Eigner carefully examines is done on a scientific basis as there is discoloration, stench, and even categorization (by game, poultry, pork, and egg-based, and even by raw or cooked) before Eigner desires to consume the food that he found.

- An example of the value given toward materialistic objects is seen in the context of when people eat food, as food gives happiness and comfort.

- Love letters thrown out signify pain and sadness, showing that Eighner is debunking the stereotype by elucidating his first-hand experience of being encountered with love letters.

- Therefore, Eighner successfully debunks the stereotype of homeless people being considered as a majority of people that are educated, by utilizing himself as an example.

- Eighner is an educated person that is going diving through the dumpster and can be associated with the other homeless people that also dive through the dumpster.

- The association between Eighner and other homeless people can be illustrated as Eighner is an educated person that is dumpster diving, in a state of which most educated people would not be doing.

Word Choice Notes 

- The precision to the word choice that Eighner uses when discussing dumpster diving shows that Eighner has thoroughly researched and is a well-informed person in the context of science, and can inform his audience in the context of clinical nature.

- An example from the text of dumpster diving is seen within the word choice that Eighnet uses, as the words scrounging and foraging have negative connotations.

- The word scavenging has a positive connotation, as he is scavenging for things and is not associated with materialism, and simultaneously paying attention to other people's needs as he does not take the things that he does not need, but rather leaves the rest for the other scavengers that are with him.

- Therefore, Eigner provides a deeper analysis of dumpster diving and the credibility that he is educated.

- Eighner addresses homelessness in America. He debunk's the stereotype of homeless people as indolent and uneducated.

- Eighner successfully debunks the stereotypes of homeless people as indolent and uneducated by debunking the myths by emphasizing the things he found when dumpster diving, showing aspects of his personal life.

- Eighner is able to debunk the stereotype with his own experiences in America and emphasize the lessons he learned throughout his experiences, also showing that materialistic objects are useful to others and materialistic options are given too much emotion to them. - -

- According to the text of Dumpster Diving, it states, “For myself, I avoid game, poultry, pork, and egg-based foods whether I find them raw or cooked. I seldom have the means to cook what I find, but when I do I avail myself of plentiful supplies of beef which is often in very good condition. I suppose fish becomes disagreeable before it becomes dangerous. The dog is happy to have any such thing that is past its prime and, in fact, does not recognize fish as a food until it is quite strong.”

- This shows that Eigner successfully debunks the stereotypes of homeless people as uneducated as he is extremely informed in the context of science, as he has to differentiate between spoiled food and unspoiledare.

- The food that Eigner carefully examines is done on a scientific basis as there is discoloration, stench, and even categorization (by game, poultry, pork, and egg-based, and even by raw or cooked) before Eigner desires to consume the food that he found.

- An example of the value given toward materialistic objects is seen in the context of when people eat food, as food gives happiness and comfort.

- Love letters thrown out signify pain and sadness, showing that Eighner is debunking the stereotype by elucidating his first-hand experience of being encountered with love letters.

- Therefore, Eighner successfully debunks the stereotype of homeless people being considered as a majority of people that are educated, by utilizing himself as an example.

- Eighner is an educated person that is going diving through the dumpster and can be associated with the other homeless people that also dive through the dumpster.

- The association between Eighner and other homeless people can be illustrated as Eighner is an educated person that is dumpster diving, in a state of which most educated people would not be doing.