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AP Euro: Unit 13.2 - Second Industrial Revolution

Life in Industrial Europe

  • women in the workforce :

    • unions won shorter workdays , better conditions , age restrictions , etc . in the first industrial revolution

    • women working was controversial :

      • men believed women need to be at home in order to tend to family , bear children , and it was easier to control women when they had no money

    • women wanted new opportunities out of home  ( they were outspoken about this ) which led to the development of trades for women

    • some women found white collar jobs

    • some women took marginal work :

      • 'sweating' / sweatshops - poorly paid outsourced tailor work

    • many women who went to cities turned to prostitution :

      • they preyed upon

      • prostitution was regulated by govt

      • prostitutes who passed diseases were imprisoned ( men weren't penalized )

    • women were not allowed to get jobs in heavy manufacturing so they had to find jobs available in other industries ( ex : secretaries , clerks , typists , nurses , teachers , etc . )

      • these types of jobs represented freedom from social constraints

      • job options were limited but they were opportunities to escape from lower class work

  • organizing the working classes :

    • new parties and labor unions in the late 1800s embraced Marxism and socialism

    • the strongest and most influential socialist party was the German Social Democratic Party ( GSDP ) :

      • the GSDP won seats in Reichstag ( the German parliament ) and attempted to pass legislations to improve the condition of the working class ( not working conditions )

  • socialist parties unite :

    • the GSDP organized into a loose association with Second International ( another socialist group ) which coordinated actions

    • the GSDP and Second International organized international labor day where socialists around Europe would strike and hold labor demonstrations in order to disrupt the capitalist system

      • cooperation with all socialists was difficult because revisionism and nationalism divided them

  • revisionism :

    • socialists divided into 2 groups - pure Marxists and revisionists ( aka evolutionary socialists )

      • pure Marxists believed in the class struggle between rich and poor , and that a violent overthrow would correct the system

      • revisionists believed Marx got some stuff wrong ( because the middle class was growing , the working-class gained new rights , there was a higher standard of living , etc . ) so Marxists should form political parties in order to attempt change from within the system

  • nationalism :

    • nationalism hurt the efforts of the Second International because people saw themselves as a member of a nation first and socialists second

    • loyalty to a nation outweighed loyalty to a party because European countries had complicated and hostile relationships

  • anarchism :

    • in less democratic and industrialized nations , anarchist movements formed

    • at first , anarchist movements were peaceful but then became violent

    • in anarchism , people are good but the state and society corrupt them so they should abolish state and social institutions

  • violent anarchism :

    • anarchists used assassination as the primary instrument of terror

    • despite high profile assassinations , no govts collapsed


AP Euro: Unit 13.2 - Second Industrial Revolution

Life in Industrial Europe

  • women in the workforce :

    • unions won shorter workdays , better conditions , age restrictions , etc . in the first industrial revolution

    • women working was controversial :

      • men believed women need to be at home in order to tend to family , bear children , and it was easier to control women when they had no money

    • women wanted new opportunities out of home  ( they were outspoken about this ) which led to the development of trades for women

    • some women found white collar jobs

    • some women took marginal work :

      • 'sweating' / sweatshops - poorly paid outsourced tailor work

    • many women who went to cities turned to prostitution :

      • they preyed upon

      • prostitution was regulated by govt

      • prostitutes who passed diseases were imprisoned ( men weren't penalized )

    • women were not allowed to get jobs in heavy manufacturing so they had to find jobs available in other industries ( ex : secretaries , clerks , typists , nurses , teachers , etc . )

      • these types of jobs represented freedom from social constraints

      • job options were limited but they were opportunities to escape from lower class work

  • organizing the working classes :

    • new parties and labor unions in the late 1800s embraced Marxism and socialism

    • the strongest and most influential socialist party was the German Social Democratic Party ( GSDP ) :

      • the GSDP won seats in Reichstag ( the German parliament ) and attempted to pass legislations to improve the condition of the working class ( not working conditions )

  • socialist parties unite :

    • the GSDP organized into a loose association with Second International ( another socialist group ) which coordinated actions

    • the GSDP and Second International organized international labor day where socialists around Europe would strike and hold labor demonstrations in order to disrupt the capitalist system

      • cooperation with all socialists was difficult because revisionism and nationalism divided them

  • revisionism :

    • socialists divided into 2 groups - pure Marxists and revisionists ( aka evolutionary socialists )

      • pure Marxists believed in the class struggle between rich and poor , and that a violent overthrow would correct the system

      • revisionists believed Marx got some stuff wrong ( because the middle class was growing , the working-class gained new rights , there was a higher standard of living , etc . ) so Marxists should form political parties in order to attempt change from within the system

  • nationalism :

    • nationalism hurt the efforts of the Second International because people saw themselves as a member of a nation first and socialists second

    • loyalty to a nation outweighed loyalty to a party because European countries had complicated and hostile relationships

  • anarchism :

    • in less democratic and industrialized nations , anarchist movements formed

    • at first , anarchist movements were peaceful but then became violent

    • in anarchism , people are good but the state and society corrupt them so they should abolish state and social institutions

  • violent anarchism :

    • anarchists used assassination as the primary instrument of terror

    • despite high profile assassinations , no govts collapsed