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Trade-Offs and Thinking on The Margin

The Case of Producing a Drug

  • More testing means that approved drugs will have less side effects, but there’s two important trade-offs (drug lag and drug loss)

  • More testing means good drugs are delayed

    • However, the longer it takes to bring good drugs to the market means the more people that were harmed because of how long it was in testing

  • Drug lag example: you can die because an unsafe drug is approved and you can die because a safe drug has not yet been approved

  • Drug loss example: you can die because an unsafe drug is approved and you can also die because a safe drug is never developed

    • Society faces a trade-off: more testing means the drugs that are approved are safer but it also means more drug lag and drug loss

      • We face trade-off because we don’t have enough resources to satisfy all of our wants

  • Great economic problem: how to arrange our scarce resources to satisfy as many of our wants as possible

Opportunity Cost

  • Opportunity cost: value of the opportunities lost

    • Ex: what is the cost of attending college? Or What are the opportunities you’re losing when you attend college?

      • This would be the ability to have a full-time job

      • Room and board isn’t an opportunity cost because you would have to pay for it either way whether you went to college or not

Thinking on the Margin

  • Example: Depending on where he drives, Robert weighs the cost and benefits and makes a decision if its worth it to go a little faster than the speed limit

  • Thinking on the margin: making choices by thinking in terms of marginal benefits and marginal costs

  • Marginal cost: additional cost from producing a little more

  • Marginal revenue: additional revenue from producing a little more

  • Marginal tax rates: the tax rate on an additional dollar of income

Trade-Offs and Thinking on The Margin

The Case of Producing a Drug

  • More testing means that approved drugs will have less side effects, but there’s two important trade-offs (drug lag and drug loss)

  • More testing means good drugs are delayed

    • However, the longer it takes to bring good drugs to the market means the more people that were harmed because of how long it was in testing

  • Drug lag example: you can die because an unsafe drug is approved and you can die because a safe drug has not yet been approved

  • Drug loss example: you can die because an unsafe drug is approved and you can also die because a safe drug is never developed

    • Society faces a trade-off: more testing means the drugs that are approved are safer but it also means more drug lag and drug loss

      • We face trade-off because we don’t have enough resources to satisfy all of our wants

  • Great economic problem: how to arrange our scarce resources to satisfy as many of our wants as possible

Opportunity Cost

  • Opportunity cost: value of the opportunities lost

    • Ex: what is the cost of attending college? Or What are the opportunities you’re losing when you attend college?

      • This would be the ability to have a full-time job

      • Room and board isn’t an opportunity cost because you would have to pay for it either way whether you went to college or not

Thinking on the Margin

  • Example: Depending on where he drives, Robert weighs the cost and benefits and makes a decision if its worth it to go a little faster than the speed limit

  • Thinking on the margin: making choices by thinking in terms of marginal benefits and marginal costs

  • Marginal cost: additional cost from producing a little more

  • Marginal revenue: additional revenue from producing a little more

  • Marginal tax rates: the tax rate on an additional dollar of income