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New Note

Strand NameDefinitionExamples
GeographyThe study of people, places, and the environment.

Physical features: longitude and latitude

Political features: maps and borders.



CultureThe beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living of a group of people.Arts and recreation, religion and traditions, food, dress, language.
History A record of the past.

People who changed society.

Events that changed the way people live today. 

GovernmentThe laws of society. Citizen participation, personal freedom, type of government, structure of government. 
EconomicsHow a society moves their money. Trade, jobs, resources

New Note

Strand NameDefinitionExamples
GeographyThe study of people, places, and the environment.

Physical features: longitude and latitude

Political features: maps and borders.



CultureThe beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living of a group of people.Arts and recreation, religion and traditions, food, dress, language.
History A record of the past.

People who changed society.

Events that changed the way people live today. 

GovernmentThe laws of society. Citizen participation, personal freedom, type of government, structure of government. 
EconomicsHow a society moves their money. Trade, jobs, resources