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US History Geography and Philosophers in 1776!

US History Geography and Philosophers in 1776!


1. New England (North)

-flat along the coast so they were perfect for harbors

-hilly and mountainous farther inland

-dense forests that would provide a source of lumber for building houses

-rocky soil made farming difficult along with the harsh winters they experienced

-only farmed enough to feed their families

-the wood was important for the shipbuilding industry, they would build them for the colonies, and some to send to England

-coastal colonies meant that many people fished, so the fishing industry was able to grow and provide for the other colonies (included whaling and cod)

-they imported agricultural goods and foods that they couldn’t grow from the other colonies

-cold winters lessen the spread of diseases

-the mountains running through the middle would separate the people on either side

-very few people would try to cross the mountains because it would cut them off from the rest of the colonies

-contains the Connecticut river that many people settled around

-Hudson River was also used similarly to the Connecticut River, and was also used for fishing and to provide water

-settling near a river gave better access to the sea for trade or exports

-mountains made it harder to travel to the other colonies

-needed the stuff to do during the winter, so they had to be more creative in how the economy would work and it allowed it to grow faster

-whaling industry provided whale oil for lights

-need people with a variety of different jobs which attributes to a more diverse economy

-the landmasses like mountains, forests, and rivers would have separated some groups, while also making them more reliable on each other is the goods they needed couldn’t be found in their area

-trade in New England would have been very important because of how little agriculture they produced

-other colonies relied on them for ships and fish products

-would have made their living from shipbuilding, fishing, or whaling

2. Middle

-warm summers and cold winters

-plains near the coastline, and hilly farther inland, and even farther were mountains

-big area for shipping because of the harbors

-the land conditions and climate were perfect for farming

-big cities like New York and Philadelphia were big centers for shipping, and because of this there were many craftspeople in the area too in order to sell their wares

-Delaware river provides fresh water and routes for trade

-people built their settlements around rivers

-the fertile soil made it possible to grow a surplus of agricultural products and trade goods, although it wasn’t as much as the south

-large areas of land made way for more jobs

-became a big center for trade and exports

-relied on those around them but didn’t need them to function

-living near a body of water would put you near many other cities

-attracted a lot of settlers

3. Southern

-warmer climate with hot summers and mild winters

-coastal plains that were suited for growing crops, and the growing season was longer than any other region

-the farthest west area of the southern colonies contained the bottom of the Appalachian mountains 

-hot summers led to an increased spread of disease

- biggest center for farming and trade

-the ports to the Atlantic Ocean were really important because they could be used for exports or imports

-many docks were used to import slaves for farming

-hilly with thick forests

-growing season lasted almost all year

-these colonies for filled with plantations

-became the largest area for agriculture

-they grew more plants than they needed in order to supply for other colonies like those in New England

4. Frontier regions (West)

-people didn’t want to pass the mountains

-Native Americans settled there in order to escape the ever-growing population of the US

-people only started moving out west when the idea was made more common, and people believed in manifest destiny

-wasn’t near any good coastlines that could be traded at

-separated them from the other colonies

-they thought of the frontier as the area for the Native Americans, but later felt entitled to it

-the Mississippi would have been an important big waterway

-with fewer avenues to import or sell goods, they would need more to be sent from their supervisors



-Plato hated democracy

-wrote a lot of his opinions in Republic

-believed that people were born with natural skills

-only a few were equipped to deal with big political powers

-philosopher kings are the only ones who can make decisions for the benefit of all people

-elitist, aristocracy, the small educated groups should run the government

*In America only the select few were given the privilege of voting (rich white men)

*property requirements to vote, senate, president, electoral college were not chosen by the common people

**Thomas Hobbes: 

-Hobbes believed that power should not be divided

-viewed people as naturally self-interested, unaligned interest will lead to fighting

-people can only see what's in front of them, not what will help the broader society

-constant warring of people will lead to chaos

-consolidate power into one group about the others

-absolute government, an absolute monarchy with a divine right would be the most useful

-social contract meant the ruler is saying they get all the power and will in exchange protect the people from themselves

-the people are giving up their rights in order to have security

-wanted royal blood as the leader because it gave legitimacy to the leader

*judicial system shows Hobbes because of limited rights

*legislative system has a lot of authority to do things, but they are checked

*people give up their rights in order to get different things, like education, travel, or security

John Locke:

-believe the government is necessary to control people

-all people are equal and are free

-natural rights to life, liberty, property

-right to live without fear of being killed by the government

-liberty provides freedom, and from there freedom of speech, thought, religion, freedom of movement, occupation, do what you want without impediment from government, pick your job

-can’t take these rights away from other people

-the ability to acquire your own land and for it to be yours without the government taking it away from you

-government's job is to protect everyone’s rights, and that it is there to actually protect you

-government needs a certain amount of power in order to protect people

-his social contract was the individual gives up their rights besides the three natural rights, so that they can protect the natural rights and can do everything else

-similar to Hobbes who believes gov needs to protect people from themselves, and Locke believes they need the gov to protect their rights

-agreement is signed, so if it's broken then rebellions are allowed to occur if the gov infringes on the people's natural rights

*Similar to the impeachment of the president, or another leader

*recall elections if the leader breaches the contract or goes outside their abilities

*American Revolution is an example of his idea for rebellion

*quote Locke for “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness”

*didn’t include property because it doesn't always mean wealth and make sure not to include slaves because that would make it difficult to argue against the legitimacy of slavery

*Jefferson is making Locke’s argument by saying they infringed on the natural rights

*US Declaration of Independence is based on the values of Locke 


-needed separation of power in government

-anti-absolute monarchy but not monarchy in general as long as they’re checked

-three branches of government can keep each other in check

-prevent abuse of power

-constitutional monarchy

-people make bad decisions so a higher thinking monarch can check them

Voltaire (François-Marie d’Arouet)

-France didn’t get along with Voltaire, kicked him out of France twice

-against the authoritarian monarchy

-government should be there to serve the best interests of the people

-though people are generally stupid

-constitutional monarchy, needed a parliament where people could voice their concerns

-believed that people should have specific freedoms such as speech and religion

-needed freedom of religion to stop religious persecution, and corrupt deals between church and state

-free speech allows people to express their concerns

-able to petition their government and hold them accountable


-if you remove the structure of organized government and allow men to act freely it will be best for society

-men are pure, free, and goodwill

-Hobbes believes the opposite and that all people are selfish

-the general will is his social contract theory

-you sign a deal with the government that you will go with the decision that is made, direct democracy gives everyone a say

*gives people more liberty, freedom, and democracy

*prepositions and referendums are examples of direct democracy, voting on issues

*Senate and House of Representatives operate in direct democracy


-the way that we punish people should impact society as a whole

-wants society to be more enlightened

-hanging, torture, dismemberment were all very common practices for punishments

-most severe punishment was for treason, they would cut you open while you were alive, and then quarter your body, would leave the head on a pike

-public punishments to spread fear

-Beccaria said it didn’t help society

-fear-based punishments scare people but don’t create community

-fair punishments and rehabilitation helped to bring more rehabbed criminals back into the community

-argued against the necessity of the death penalty

-should be on the government to prove that the suspect is guilty

-the judge and jury needed to be a nonbiased group

-knowing that the system is fair will create a better society because they will respect the government more

*in America people are innocent until proven guilty

*amendments 5-8 are all from Beccaria

*American judicial system is based on these ideals


US History Geography and Philosophers in 1776!

US History Geography and Philosophers in 1776!


1. New England (North)

-flat along the coast so they were perfect for harbors

-hilly and mountainous farther inland

-dense forests that would provide a source of lumber for building houses

-rocky soil made farming difficult along with the harsh winters they experienced

-only farmed enough to feed their families

-the wood was important for the shipbuilding industry, they would build them for the colonies, and some to send to England

-coastal colonies meant that many people fished, so the fishing industry was able to grow and provide for the other colonies (included whaling and cod)

-they imported agricultural goods and foods that they couldn’t grow from the other colonies

-cold winters lessen the spread of diseases

-the mountains running through the middle would separate the people on either side

-very few people would try to cross the mountains because it would cut them off from the rest of the colonies

-contains the Connecticut river that many people settled around

-Hudson River was also used similarly to the Connecticut River, and was also used for fishing and to provide water

-settling near a river gave better access to the sea for trade or exports

-mountains made it harder to travel to the other colonies

-needed the stuff to do during the winter, so they had to be more creative in how the economy would work and it allowed it to grow faster

-whaling industry provided whale oil for lights

-need people with a variety of different jobs which attributes to a more diverse economy

-the landmasses like mountains, forests, and rivers would have separated some groups, while also making them more reliable on each other is the goods they needed couldn’t be found in their area

-trade in New England would have been very important because of how little agriculture they produced

-other colonies relied on them for ships and fish products

-would have made their living from shipbuilding, fishing, or whaling

2. Middle

-warm summers and cold winters

-plains near the coastline, and hilly farther inland, and even farther were mountains

-big area for shipping because of the harbors

-the land conditions and climate were perfect for farming

-big cities like New York and Philadelphia were big centers for shipping, and because of this there were many craftspeople in the area too in order to sell their wares

-Delaware river provides fresh water and routes for trade

-people built their settlements around rivers

-the fertile soil made it possible to grow a surplus of agricultural products and trade goods, although it wasn’t as much as the south

-large areas of land made way for more jobs

-became a big center for trade and exports

-relied on those around them but didn’t need them to function

-living near a body of water would put you near many other cities

-attracted a lot of settlers

3. Southern

-warmer climate with hot summers and mild winters

-coastal plains that were suited for growing crops, and the growing season was longer than any other region

-the farthest west area of the southern colonies contained the bottom of the Appalachian mountains 

-hot summers led to an increased spread of disease

- biggest center for farming and trade

-the ports to the Atlantic Ocean were really important because they could be used for exports or imports

-many docks were used to import slaves for farming

-hilly with thick forests

-growing season lasted almost all year

-these colonies for filled with plantations

-became the largest area for agriculture

-they grew more plants than they needed in order to supply for other colonies like those in New England

4. Frontier regions (West)

-people didn’t want to pass the mountains

-Native Americans settled there in order to escape the ever-growing population of the US

-people only started moving out west when the idea was made more common, and people believed in manifest destiny

-wasn’t near any good coastlines that could be traded at

-separated them from the other colonies

-they thought of the frontier as the area for the Native Americans, but later felt entitled to it

-the Mississippi would have been an important big waterway

-with fewer avenues to import or sell goods, they would need more to be sent from their supervisors



-Plato hated democracy

-wrote a lot of his opinions in Republic

-believed that people were born with natural skills

-only a few were equipped to deal with big political powers

-philosopher kings are the only ones who can make decisions for the benefit of all people

-elitist, aristocracy, the small educated groups should run the government

*In America only the select few were given the privilege of voting (rich white men)

*property requirements to vote, senate, president, electoral college were not chosen by the common people

**Thomas Hobbes: 

-Hobbes believed that power should not be divided

-viewed people as naturally self-interested, unaligned interest will lead to fighting

-people can only see what's in front of them, not what will help the broader society

-constant warring of people will lead to chaos

-consolidate power into one group about the others

-absolute government, an absolute monarchy with a divine right would be the most useful

-social contract meant the ruler is saying they get all the power and will in exchange protect the people from themselves

-the people are giving up their rights in order to have security

-wanted royal blood as the leader because it gave legitimacy to the leader

*judicial system shows Hobbes because of limited rights

*legislative system has a lot of authority to do things, but they are checked

*people give up their rights in order to get different things, like education, travel, or security

John Locke:

-believe the government is necessary to control people

-all people are equal and are free

-natural rights to life, liberty, property

-right to live without fear of being killed by the government

-liberty provides freedom, and from there freedom of speech, thought, religion, freedom of movement, occupation, do what you want without impediment from government, pick your job

-can’t take these rights away from other people

-the ability to acquire your own land and for it to be yours without the government taking it away from you

-government's job is to protect everyone’s rights, and that it is there to actually protect you

-government needs a certain amount of power in order to protect people

-his social contract was the individual gives up their rights besides the three natural rights, so that they can protect the natural rights and can do everything else

-similar to Hobbes who believes gov needs to protect people from themselves, and Locke believes they need the gov to protect their rights

-agreement is signed, so if it's broken then rebellions are allowed to occur if the gov infringes on the people's natural rights

*Similar to the impeachment of the president, or another leader

*recall elections if the leader breaches the contract or goes outside their abilities

*American Revolution is an example of his idea for rebellion

*quote Locke for “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness”

*didn’t include property because it doesn't always mean wealth and make sure not to include slaves because that would make it difficult to argue against the legitimacy of slavery

*Jefferson is making Locke’s argument by saying they infringed on the natural rights

*US Declaration of Independence is based on the values of Locke 


-needed separation of power in government

-anti-absolute monarchy but not monarchy in general as long as they’re checked

-three branches of government can keep each other in check

-prevent abuse of power

-constitutional monarchy

-people make bad decisions so a higher thinking monarch can check them

Voltaire (François-Marie d’Arouet)

-France didn’t get along with Voltaire, kicked him out of France twice

-against the authoritarian monarchy

-government should be there to serve the best interests of the people

-though people are generally stupid

-constitutional monarchy, needed a parliament where people could voice their concerns

-believed that people should have specific freedoms such as speech and religion

-needed freedom of religion to stop religious persecution, and corrupt deals between church and state

-free speech allows people to express their concerns

-able to petition their government and hold them accountable


-if you remove the structure of organized government and allow men to act freely it will be best for society

-men are pure, free, and goodwill

-Hobbes believes the opposite and that all people are selfish

-the general will is his social contract theory

-you sign a deal with the government that you will go with the decision that is made, direct democracy gives everyone a say

*gives people more liberty, freedom, and democracy

*prepositions and referendums are examples of direct democracy, voting on issues

*Senate and House of Representatives operate in direct democracy


-the way that we punish people should impact society as a whole

-wants society to be more enlightened

-hanging, torture, dismemberment were all very common practices for punishments

-most severe punishment was for treason, they would cut you open while you were alive, and then quarter your body, would leave the head on a pike

-public punishments to spread fear

-Beccaria said it didn’t help society

-fear-based punishments scare people but don’t create community

-fair punishments and rehabilitation helped to bring more rehabbed criminals back into the community

-argued against the necessity of the death penalty

-should be on the government to prove that the suspect is guilty

-the judge and jury needed to be a nonbiased group

-knowing that the system is fair will create a better society because they will respect the government more

*in America people are innocent until proven guilty

*amendments 5-8 are all from Beccaria

*American judicial system is based on these ideals