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In contrast to the Queen of England, the Supreme Leader of Iran:

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In contrast to the Queen of England, the Supreme Leader of Iran:

Is not a figurehead and has significant and meaningful power and authority.

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All of the following are appointed by the Supreme Leader EXCEPT the:


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The powers of the president of Iran include all of the following EXCPET the power to:

Determine whether laws conform to Sharia law

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Which of the following is NOT a power of the Supreme Leader:

He chooses the president directly

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What institution in Iran has the authority and responsibility to assess and potentially veto qanun (secular) laws created by the legislature if they conflict with Islam and Sharia Law?

The Guardian Council

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Which of the following describes the difference b/w the Revolutionary Guard and the regular military:

The former protects the country from internal threats whereas the latter protects it from external threats

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The highest official representing democratic principles in Iran is the:


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The two most important policymaking bodies in Iran are:

Assembly of Religious Experts and the Guardian Council

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Which description most accurately depicts the Islamic Republic of Iran today?

A unitary government with dual executive, a unicameral legislature, and an official constitution

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The Ayatollah Khomeini interpreted jurist’s guardianship to mean that:

high ranking clerics have full authority over the entire Shia community

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As of the referendum of 1989, the Supreme Leader is currently supposed to be chose by the:

Assembly of Religious Experts

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The political party system in Iran is characterized by:

One party dominates the system

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The legitimacy and democratic nature of Iranian electoral system has been brought into question due to the role of the:

Teenage Voters

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In order to win the election, candidates running for the Majles and the Assembly of Religious Experts must win:

at least 51% of the vote

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In order to win an election, a presidential candidate must win:

at least 50% of the vote

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Political parties in Iran tend to be organize:

around prominent political leaders/personalities

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Iran’s main economic problem throughout its history has been:

instability of the world oil market

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Which individuals in Iran believe in economic liberalization, foreign trade, modernization and better international relations?


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Statists differ from free marketers in their support of:

State provided welfare benefits and redistributing land

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Unlike the other revolutions, Iran’s Revolution of 1979 was clearly based on


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A country that makes lucrative income by exporting raw materials or leasing out land to foreign countries is known as:

rentier state

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