AP World History: Modern 1750-1900s

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scientific revolution in europe (1543)

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scientific revolution in europe (1543)

stemming from renaissance era, a period of scientific innovation. i.e. Newton publishes principalia in 1687. focus on deductive reasoning.

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natural law

a doctrine that society should follow. don't hurt others, help one another, preserve mankind, don't impaire the lives of others except for justice

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the belief that accurate knowledge can be acquired through observation

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John Locke (1632-1704)

Political theorist who defended the Glorious Revolution with the argument that all people are born with certain natural rights to life, liberty, and property. created main ideas of enlightenment. believed that government's weren't natural

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tabla rasa

everyone is born as a clean slate with the ability for reason. aka. everyone is equal

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natural rights

born with life, liberty, right to property

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individual rights

derived from Locke's ideas. freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly peacefully, petition the gov.

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social contract

an agreement between people about how to live. the idea that for government's to exist, the people have to consent.

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Jean-Jaques Rousseau

invented social contract. contradicted divine right of kings. believed that general will of the people is all the matters. abolisionist, natural rights and gov. but wasn't a feminist

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compiled major encyclopedia. believed aim of art was to be an honest depiction of humanity.

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helped Emilie du chatlet translate principalia mathematica. wrote satire against french gov.

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Mary Wollstonecraft

English writer who wrote against Rousseau (Vindication of rights of women 1792). part of reactionary lit against first-wave enlightenment.

wrote frankenstein

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Coffeehouses in London

used by elite to discuss enlightened ideas.

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goal of enlightenment

improve society

included individuality, logic and reasoning, natural/individual rights, separation of church and state. etc.

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7 years war

war between France and Britain. French - Haiti, Brit - jamaica. fought over indian subcontinent, british won

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salutary neglect (1690s-1760s)

period where britain loosened control of trade. americans got used to freedom

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thomas paine

wrote common sense. enlightened literature:

  1. monarchy is unnatural

  2. gov. should be made up of the people

  3. colonies are already financially dependent, can separate from brit

  4. the USA will thrive economically if britain stops being involved

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continental congress (1774)

provided leadership during USA revolution. had enlightened ideals that only applied to white, rich, landowning men.

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Declaration of Independence (1776)

a document with ideas from Locke regarding american independence. written mostly by thomas jefferson. excluded POC, poor, women.

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Stamp Act (1767)

taxed everything on paper, everything written.

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Townshend Act (1767)

a series of acts to control trade. taxed tea, paint, lead, industry goods.

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tea act (1773)

EIC was going bankrupt. Brit gov. allowed EIC to sell directly to americans --> monopoly of trade

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Boston Tea Party (Dec 16 1773)

colonists threw tea into boston harbor in reaction to tea act.

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intolerable acts (1774)

british reaction to boston tea party. punished ppl in Massachusetts, ie. boston harbor bill: harbor closed

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Boston Massacre (1770)

a riot between american colonists and a british soldier. ended in a slaughter --> anti-british sentiment

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Concord and Lexington (1775)

battles fought in lexington and concord. started after british authorities seized an arms stash in boston. Paul Revere and other riders sent out word and started mobilizing forces. one of battles won by american colonists.

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Race during revolution

both sides promised freedom for slaves who fought for each side. it was a problem for the south if enslaved people joined british, as the south had cashcrops.

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Aftermath of Revolution (slavery)

race was not resolved and african americans/POC were seen as lower class.

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3/5 compromise

african americans counted as 3/5 humans so that the south had an even number of votes in congress. dehumanized african americans.

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slave trade clause (until 1808)

put tax on enslaved ppl. federal government said they wouldn't stop enslaved ppl from being imported.

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Trans-atlantic slave trade

abolished in 1808

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slavery ends in USA


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Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen (DoRMaC)

Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution. similar to declaration of independence. only gave rights to men.

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sugar production in san domingue

haitian plantations made more $ for france than any other colony. helped france fight 7 year war. also supplied american revolution

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Black Codes (1685)

rules of slavery in Haiti. ie. jews banned in haiti, baptise slaves, some slaves could be freed as colonial subjects

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Class in San Domingue

Gran Blancs: all power, privileges, right to vote, wealth

petit blancs: everything but less

Free POC: regular commoners. not a lot of power.

Enslaved peoples: no power, no say in life

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Dutty Boukman

part of isolated enslaved ppl compound. made a prophecy of ending plantation slavery. started a rebellion with a vodoo ritual.

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sent to haiti 1792 to put down revolt. decreed slavery was over in the colonies.

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Decree of 16 Pluviose (Feb 4 1794)

the french parliament officially abolishes slavery in the colonies.

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Toussaint Louverture

escaped enslaved person. writes to french directory for support for liberty, as haiti was being attacked by other euro. 1801: declared governor for light and angered napoleon

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1799-1800, becomes emperor. sends brother in law Charles Leclerc after toussaint declares governor. eventually banished. started napoleonic wars against the rest of euro.

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Jean-Jaques Dessalines

toussaint's lieutenant. becomes leader after toussaint. unites rebels and leads haiti to victory in 1804. fought against Rochambeau.

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french general who killed people horribly.

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Louisiana Purchase (1803)

napoleon gives up on americas and gives lousiana and lots of central USA to americans.

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Haitian Declaration of Independence (1804)

liberty or death. very enlightened as included POC.

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Aftermath of Haitian Revolution

france doesn't recognize haiti for 20 years. charges 90 million + interest. paid back in 1947. sanctions put on haiti by france and allies

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Vincent Oje

wealth POC who tried to get rights for free POC in Haiti. 1790: all landowners are citizens --> can vote.

but oje's revolution wasn't successful as it didn't include enslaved ppl.

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abolition of slavery (france)

1762: Rousseau publishes social contract. includes excerpt about how all ppl are equal, and how slavery is illogical.

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Class of new spain

Peninsulares > Creoles > Mestizos > POC.

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Creoles vs. Peninsulares

peninsulares had more power in state and church. creoles had restrictions in wealth and trade, etc.

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free POC in americas

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cowboy-like people who roamed latin america. fought for independence of americas.

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native americans

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1st conflict in spanish social class

creoles vs. peninsulares for privelege and wealth

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2nd conflict in spanish social class

spaniards vs. POC.

privelege, wealth, racial, rights, oppression.

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Napoleon's invasion of Spain (1808)

Sparked revolutions in Latin American as napoleon's brother was on spanish throne.

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self-governing bodies in latin america that took control after napoleon took control of spain as there was a power vaccum.

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Simon Bolivar (1783-1830)

a military leader who fought and won independence for lots of latin america. formed ally ship with llaneros and POC, which helped give troops to bolivar. tried to create gran columbia.

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Bolivars letter from Jamaica

Simon Bolivar writes about the possible future nations that should be set up in the Americas after Spain's collapse, the successes and reasons for American independence from Spanish rule, and a call for Europe to support the liberation of the Latin American peoples

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Jose de San Martin (1778-1850)

shared values with miranda and bolivar. eventually took rio de la plata.

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Francisco de Miranda

A Venezuelan military leader and revolutionary. the teacher of bolivar, and helped start the revolution.

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gran columbia

a plan by bolivar to unify venezuela, colymbia, panama, ecuador, peru.

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Bernardo O'Higgins (1778-1842)

son of irish immigrant. with san martin, kept independence for regions in peru.

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andean revolution

revolution was imminent after tupac amaru II rebellion. helped with bolivar in 1824, it became free of spain.

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tupac amaru II

last incan leader. rebelled against spanish in Peru.

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mexican independence (1810-1821)

napoleon's brother on spanish throne --> mestizo/native uprising. upper class was scared of reforms in madrid, so joined revolution and turned against spanish.

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Miguel de Hidalgo y Costilla (1752-1811)

rallied poor during mexican independence. defeated by agustin de iturbide. beheaded as symbol of defeat.

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brazilian independence (1808-1835)

brazil became its own empire after the Portuguese royal family escaped to it during the Napoleonic wars. 1821: king returns to Portugal and leaves son Pedro

1824: Pedro leads the independence movement and becomes monarch.

1835: still had social problems --> muslim uprising.

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caribbean independence (1831-21)

Jamaican/christmas uprising.

led by baptist priests as the enslaved ppl left their plantations.

1834: British parliament abolished slavery. jamaica was freed.

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specialized labor

in industrial europe, as energy became more efficient, the separaction of skilled and unskilled labor became promiment.

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assembly line

Production method that breaks down a complex job into a series of smaller tasks. allows for low-skilled laborers.

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standardization of tools and parts

allowed factories to produce mass amounts of a standard of things. cheaper to make, can sell more, can used less skilled laborers --> more profits

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coal revolution

The new machinery of the Industrial Revolution benefited from a new power source, more efficient than water. (Fossil Fuel). used in transportation and energy. led to production of steam engine. s

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oil revolution

a fossil fuel that helped during industrial revolution. led to creation of internal combustion engine.

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helped with industrialization, especially in non-western states, as it allowed for quick transportation of people and resources across great distances.

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industrial-age innovations that allowed for the transportation of resources efficiently over water.

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urban public transportation

creation of trains, automobiles, bikes, telegraphs, radio, etc. allowed for the connectivity of the world

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suez canal

canal in north egypt. a place of conflict in Ottoman empire. british and france wanted to reach asia quicker, so both supported egyptian independence to destabilize region.

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Panama Canal

The United States built the Panama Canal to have a quicker passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic and vice versa. Ppl didn't want to build, but USA supported a Panamanian Revolution. The new ruling people allowed the United States to build the canal.

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An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements. generally, people from rural areas flocked to those more urban cities like london or paris.

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Gendered Migration Patterns

migration to urban cities was predominantly young males, therefore other demographics were stuck in society with no upward mobility.

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Free Markets vs. mercantilism

the idea of capitalism is that the government gives businesses general regulations, but allows businesses to run on their own. mercantilism is government controlling everything, ie. taxes, imports, etc.

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the invisible hand

a term coined by Adam Smith to describe the self-regulating nature of the marketplace

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export economies

goods produced in that region were not meant for domestic consumption and were shipped to other places. ie. africa, asia, latin america

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