Macbeth Act One Test

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What does hurly-burly mean?

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What does hurly-burly mean?

noisy disorder and confusion

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What does thane mean?

a member of an aristocratic class and holds land

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What does whence mean?

from what place

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What does valor mean?


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What does minion mean?

loyal servant

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What does aught mean?


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What does prophetic mean?

predicting future events as if by supernatural forces

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What does surmise mean?

guess based on incomplete facts

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What does harbinger mean?

sign of future events

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What does adage mean?

a saying that expresses a common observation; proverb

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Who is Bellona?

ancient Roman goddess of war. Notice the word stem bell in her name. Bell means war, and appears in words like belligerent, bellicose, rebel, and ante bellum.

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What type of literary device is Bellona?


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What is a couplet?

a pair of lines that rhyme

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What is a aside?

a remark made quietly so as to be heard by a select group of people and not by others who are nearby. In Shakespeare’s plays, sometimes a character makes an aside to the audience.

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What is a soliloquy?

lines spoken by one character on stage. These lines are not meant to be heard by anyone. Soliloquies function to communicate a character’s inner thoughts and usually communicate an internal conflict. A monologue

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What is an antithesis?

rhetorical device where the author places an idea next to one to which it is sharply contrasted or directly opposed. Think of this word meaning opposite. The function of antithesis is to give emphasis to an idea by placing it next to a contrasting idea.

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(i,v) How does Lady Macbeth find out about her husband’s encounter with the witches?

A letter Macbeth had delivered to her about the predictions the witches had made.

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(i,v)What is Lady Macbeth afraid stands in the way of Macbeth becoming king?

Lady Macbeth is afraid that Macbeth is too kind to kill the king in order to become king.

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(i,v)What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts,unsex me here,/ And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/ Of direst cruelty” (lines 46-50)?

Lady Macbeth wants these spirits to remove her womanly kindness and fill her with evil so she can have the motivation to help macbeth kill the king

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(i,v)What does Lady Macbeth compare her husband’s face to?

“Your face, my thane, is as a book where men/ May read strange matters” (i,v,73-74)

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(i,v)What does Lady Macbeth instruct her husband to do when Duncan visits?

“To beguile the time,/look like the time. Bear welcome in your eye,/ your hand, your tongue. Look like th; innocent/ flower,/ but be the serpent under’t./ He that's coming/ must be provided for;” (i,v,74,79)

“Only look up clear./ To alter favor ever is to fear” (i,v,34-35)

She wants him to be welcoming and act normal in order to deceive them so he can make his move and kill the king without being suspected.

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(i,vi)How does Lady Macbeth give an example of what she told Macbeth to do at the end of scene v?

Lady Macbeth is extremely kind and welcoming to the king in this scene. She says things like “for those of old,/ and the late dignites heaped up to them, we rest your hermits” (i,vi,22-24), and “your servants ever have theirs, themselves, and what is theirs in compt,/ to make their audit at your highness’ pleasure,/ still to return your own” (i,vi,32-35). She told Macbeth to be welcoming and try his best to limit suspicion and she did that as well while she was welcoming the king and his men into his home.

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(i,vii)In Macbeth’s opening speech, what does he say is the consequence of murder?

Karma. If somebody commits murder then something bad will eventually come around to them since they committed this act.

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(i,vii)What are two reasons given as to why Duncan trusts Macbeth at this moment?

  1. Because Macbeth is hosting him at his house and is being very polite

  2. Because Macbeth won the battle for them and was recently promoted, so why would Macbeth do anything to Duncan if he was recently promoted?

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(i,vii)What reasons does Macbeth give for why the people will cry like crazy over Duncan’s murder?

Because he is praised and a great king and his death will be very unexpected.

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(i,vii)Why does Macbeth feel hesitant in going through with the murder of Duncan?

He's grateful for all the king has provided for him so far and he is scared about getting caught.

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(i,vii)Lady Macbeth refers to her husband as “the poor cat i’th’ adage” (line 49).  How is Macbeth like this cat?

Because the cat is cowardly just like Macbeth and is scared to take risks even if it benefits him.

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(i,vii)What does Lady Macbeth say she will do to Duncan’s chamberlains?

Feed them wine and make them drunk so the blame can be put on them for Duncan's death and so they won't cause any more complications while committing Duncan's murder.

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(i,vii)How does Macbeth propose they will get away with murder?

Drunken Duncan's chamberlains cause them to pass out and forget the night, then cover them in blood while they are passed out and use their knives to kill duncan

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(i,i) Describe the mood and atmosphere in this scene. What makes the audience uneasy?

There is a storm with thunder and lighting.

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(i,i)Who will the witches meet? When?  Where?

Macbeth, after the battle, upon the heath.

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(i,ii)What does the Captain recount for Duncan?

How Macbeth was very heroic and helped them win the war. He talked about how he fought well against the rebel forces and was extremely brave

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(i,ii)What name does the Captain say Macbeth well deserves?

“Brave macbeth”

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(i,ii) The captain says, “till he unseamed him from the nave to the chops/ And fixed his head upon our battlements.”

Who is doing the “unseaming”?

Who is the person being unseamed? 



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(i,ii)Who is the “most disloyal traitor”?

The original thane of Cawdor

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(i,ii) What title does Duncan give to Macbeth at the end of this scene?

The thane of Cawdor

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(i,ii)Provide one example of personification from this scene.

“My gashes cry for help”

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(i,iii)What are the three titles the witches greet Macbeth with?

A.Thane of Glamis

B.Thane of Cawdor

C.The King

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(i,iii) What prophecy do the witches provide Banquo?

His children will become kings.

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(i,iii)What does Banquo say the “instruments of darkness” do? (line 136)

“Tell us truths”

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(i,iii)In lines 144-146, why does Macbeth argue that the witches’ prophecy cannot be “ill”?

Because one of the propechys (that he would become Thane of Cawdor) came true.

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(i,iii)What “shakes” Macbeth’s “single state of man”?

Thoughts of murdering the king.

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Duncan says, “There is no art/ To find the mind’s construction in the face./ He was a gentleman on whom I built/ An absolute trust.”

  1. Who is he referring to?

  2. What does he mean by this statement? 

The original thane of Cawdor

That it's impossible to tell someone's inner thoughts by just looking at them, and he trusted the thane fully and would never have expected him to have betrayed him like that. 

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What does Duncan announce about Malcolm?

That he is the heir to his throne.

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What is Inverness?

Macbeths castle that he lives at with lady macbeth.

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