English Spring Exam 2024

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annotated bibliography

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annotated bibliography

A list of the sources used for research and a one paragraph summary of each source

Can be used for helping the writer introduce quotes/sources

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an organized tool that helps to organize and clarify your thoughts

Can help the essay flow easier and organize writer's thoughts

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works cited

a complete listing of references cited parenthetically in the report and keyed on a separate page

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MLA format

1" margins, Times New Roman, 12 Point Font, Double Space, In text citations are written using the author's last name and page number.

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Where was William Shakespeare born?

Stratford-upon-Avon, England 1564

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Who was Shakespeare's wife?

Anne Hathaway - he was 18 she was 26

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Why did the theater close?

Black Plague

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Who were Shakespeare's children?

Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith

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How many Sonnets did Shakespeare write?

154 sonnets

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What was The Globe?

Shakespeare's main theater - was built after The Theater was closed down

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What were groundlings?

People who paid a penny to stand around the stage - usually poor people

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What was Elizabethan Theater?

theater in the time of Queen Elizabeth I

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Sonnet 116

if two people truly love each other, then their love cannot change or fail. It will last a lifetime no matter how much the people themselves and the world around them might change.

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Sonnet 29

examines the speaker's life and expresses his unhappiness with the state he finds himself in. Towards the end, he reminds himself that if he was someone else he wouldn't have his love

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Sonnet 94

the speaker issues a word of caution to the fair youth. The speaker describes the great power, but equally great responsibility, that comes with the gift of beauty. He praises those who "have the power to hurt," to take advantage of others with their beauty, but choose not to.

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Sonnet 130

The speaker's lover does not look the way that poets often describe their lovers. She has pale lips and her skin is not the luminous white often prized by writers. She has dark, wiry hair and lacks rosy cheeks. However, he notes that she is beautiful in her own unique way

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the rhythm of the poem - the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables and the number of times that pattern is repeated in a line of poetry

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when a line of poetry continues to another line to complete its meaning

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rhyme scheme


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stops or pauses created by punctuation that occur within a line of poetry

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a stanza with four lines

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a stanza with two lines

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iamb/iambic foot

combination of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one

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true rhyme/exact rhyme

provides cohesion, order, and pleasure (hot and pot)

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slant rhyme/near rhyme

Rhyme that is similar but not exactly the same. (love and remove)

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A comparison without using like or as

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A comparison using "like" or "as"

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exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

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A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes

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A reference to another work of literature, person, or event

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The Four Lovers Conflict

  • Helena isn't loved by Demetrius

  • Egeus is forcing Hermia to marry Demetrius when she loves Lysander

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The Four Lovers Climax

  • Puck accidentally uses the flower on Lysander and he falls in love with Helena instead of Hermia

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The Four Lovers Resolution

  • Demetrius gets the potion, falling in love with Helena while Lysander is reversed back to love Hermia

  • The Lovers get married

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The Mechanicals Conflict

  • They want to perform at Theseus' wedding

  • They aren't great actors

  • They don't have the resources for Pyramus + Thisbe

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The Mechanicals Climax

  • Bottom is changed into a donkey by Puck

  • Titania falls in love with him, making him believe they can perform at the wedding

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The Mechanicals Resolution

  • They assign parts to play the resources they don't have

  • They perform at the wedding

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Titania and Oberon Conflict

  • Oberon wants Titania's changeling boy as his servant

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Titania and Oberon Climax

  • Oberon uses the flower on Titania

  • She falls in love with Bottom

  • Oberon takes her boy

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Titania and Oberon Resolution

  • Oberon gets the boy and reverses the spell

  • Titania forgives him

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Shakespeare's theme of Love & Relationships

Shakespeare is trying to convey that true love doesn't come easily because of the obstacles he illustrates the characters going through. (Quote: "The course of true love never did run smooth)

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Shakespeare's theme of Dreams & Reality

Shakespeare presents that dreams can often mix with reality by displaying the lovers' confusion and struggle when they wake up. (Quote: Are you sure that we are awake? It seems to me that yet we sleep, we dream)

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Shakespeare's theme of Power & Control

Shakespeare exhibits the importance of power and a woman's role in society by highlighting Egeus' control over her marriage.

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Who is Guy Montag?

A 30 year old fireman.

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Who is Clarisse McClellan?

A 17 year old girl, "crazy", Montag's neighbor

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What do Montag and Clarisse talk about?

Clarisse's uncle getting arrested for driving too slow

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What does Montag do for a living?

He is a fireman, but he burns books instead of putting out fires.

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How does Montag react when Clarisse asks if he's happy?

He tells her he is but then reflects and realizes he isn't.

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What happened to Montag's wife Mildred?

Mildred overdoes on her sleeping pills

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How was Mildred saved?

A tube was stuck in her and her blood was replaced.

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Is what happened to Mildred common?

It was common because the man said that they had more cases to get to. No one in the society is happy so everyone tries to kill themselves

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What do Montag and Clarisse do with the dandelion?

They rub it on their chin to see if they're in love. Montag apparently is not.

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Why does Clarisse see a psychiatrist?

Clarisse thinks too much and is seen as "abnormal"

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What is the Mechanical hound and how does it react to Montag?

The Hound is a machine the firemen use that acts like a dog. It does not like Montag.

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Who is Captain Beatty?

The captain of Montag's fire department. Although he is himself extremely well-read, paradoxically he hates books and people who insist on reading them. He is cunning and devious, and so perceptive that he appears to read Montag's thoughts.

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Why doesn't Clarisse go to school?

School isn't about learning anymore. The kids hurt each other and no one asks questions. The teachers say she isn't social enough.

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How do children treat each other?

They hurt and kill each other.

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What is Montag beginning to do in front of the firemen?

Montag is beginning to question society and is asking questions like Clarisse. He is quoting books by saying once upon a time.

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How does the burning of the woman's house go differently?

The woman stays silent and doesn't react to the firemen. She burns herself along with her books.

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How does Millie answer when Montag asks about where and when they met?

Millie doesn't remember how and when they met. She says it's strange that they can't remember why they are married.

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Would Guy cry if Millie died?

He would not because they don't really have a connection

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What is the seashell that Millie wears in her ear?

It is a noise machine, which is similar to airpods

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What happened to Clarisse and her family?

Her family "moved away" but Mildred thinks she got ran over by a fast car.

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How does Montag feel after burning the woman and her books?

Montag feels sick

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What does Mildred find under the pillow?

Mildred finds the book that Montag stole from the woman's house.

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Why does Beatty come to Guy's house?

He knows Montag was sick because every "rookie" feels sick after something strange happens at work

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What has happened to society according to Beatty?

Society kept getting smaller and smaller because less people were reading and they burn books to keep it that way

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How did censorship start according to Beatty?

He said that whenever a book is "controversial", someone is always offended and so that book would be banned

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What did Beatty know about Clarisse?

Beatty says that Clarisse's family has had multiple "false alarms" about having books and they were always "too curious"

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What happens if a fireman takes a book?

The fireman can keep it for 24 hours and if he doesn't burn it after, the other firemen will

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Why did society take away porches?

People used to sit and think on porches

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What does Guy show Millie that he has been hiding?

Guy shows Millie his books and he get her to read them with him

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How does Guy feel about Clarisse?

She's the only person he's really liked and she helped him understand reality

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How does Mildred feel about her "family"?

Mildred still feels passionately about her TV family and hasn't changed

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What rumors has Guy heard about the world?

Guy knows about the war that's going on and how their society is richer than everyone else in the world

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Who is Professor Faber?

The man Montag met in the park a year ago. He is an old English professor

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Why is Montag's copy of the Bible so important?

He has the last copy in the world.

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How is society's view of Jesus changed?

Jesus is viewed as a candy-cane and Christmas instead of a religious figure

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Why does Montag come over to meet Faber?

Montag wants to know if his Bible is the last copy. They talk about "destroying this reality" and burning the firemen.

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What does Faber mean when he says, "It's not books you need, it's some of the things that once were in books. The same things could be in the 'parlor families' today."

He means that the books only described what's in the world, and those things are still there but everyone is too distracted to notice

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Why does Montag rip up the Bible in front of Faber?

He is trying to convince Faber to help him

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What does Faber build?

He builds an earpiece so he can talk to Montag from him house without being seen

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Where are the husbands of Millie's friends?

The husbands are at war for "2 days"

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How do the women change when the screens are unplugged?

The women seem more nervous and jittery

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How do Millie's friends talk about their children and politics?

Mildred's friends dislike their children and only care about the appearance of the politicians

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What does Montag bring out to show the women?

He shows them poetry and wants to read it to them. Mildred tells the women that it's a joke from the firemen

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How does Mrs. Bowles react to hearing Montag read the poem Dover Beach?

She starts crying and doesn't remember why

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What advice does Faber give Montag?

Faber suggests that he should tone down and only say what Faber tells him

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How does Beatty behave during the poker game?

He keeps referencing books and says he had a dream that Montag had books.

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Why did the poker game stop?

The alarm went off and the firetruck stopped at Montag's house.

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What side is Beatty on?

Beatty is on the side of the corrupted government

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How does Montag feel about burning his own house?

He feels like he's destroying his old life and his unhappiness

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Who told Beatty about Montag and his books?

Mildred and her friends

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What happened to Montag's green bullet earpiece?

Beatty took it and threatened to burn Faber

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What happened to Beatty?

Montag shot him with the flame thrower and Beatty let himself die

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What happened to Montag's leg?

The hound stabbed him with the needle

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What is Montag's predicament at the end of the book?

He doesn't know where to go and can barely walk

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Who was chasing Montag in the beetle?

Young kids looking for something to run over

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What saved Montag from being run over and killed by the beetle?

He laid down in the grass

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What is Montag thinking about and overwhelmed by when he says, "[...] the things I've done in a single week!"

Mildred dying, him killing Beatty, burning his own house

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What are Faber's new plans for his life?

He is going to the printer to make copies of the books

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