APUSH Enduring Vision Chapter 8 Terms

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Thomas Jefferson

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US History

42 Terms


Thomas Jefferson

-elected as president in 1800 -more popular during first term -fluent in French, read Latin and Greek, studied several Native American languages -president of the American Philosophical Society for over 20 years -designed his own mansion in Virginia -invented a device to duplicate letters -principal author of the Declaration, governor of Virginia, ambassador to France, secretary of state under Washington, VP under John Adams

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Sally Hemings

-a house slave at Jefferson's mansion in Virginia, Monticello -had affairs with TJ and he was the father of some of her children -he never freed Sally as a slave -proved that Jefferson was a hypocrite

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Albert Gallatin

-Jefferson's secretary of the treasury -rejected Hamiltons idea that debt would strengthen the govt -secured the repeal of many taxes -was alarmed by the 10 mill $ growth in the national debt under the Feds -slashed expenditures by closing some embassies overseas and reducing the army

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Barbary pirates

-from Islamic states in North Africa that gained tribute and ransom from nations whose merchant ships were sailing the Mediterranean -seized American vessels and enslaved their crew

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Midnight appointments

-last minute appointments of Federalist judges made by John Adams before his term ended -lead to the Marbury v. Madison case

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Judiciary Act of 1801

-reduced the number of Supreme court judges from six to five and threatened to strip Jefferson of an opportunity to appoint a justice -created 16 new federal judgeships, which John Adams filled with midnight appointments -Judiciary Act of 1801 was repealed in 1802

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John Marshall, Marbury v. Madison

-the new chief justice who was appointed by Washington and Adams -federalist; -William Marbury was a federalist John Adams had appointed as justice of the peace in Washington DC last minute -James Madison refused to appoint him and Marbury petitioned leading to this case

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John Pickering, Samuel Chase

-republicans tried to impeach them -Federalist judges -Pickering: insane alcoholic who was quickly removed; Chase: -partisan Federalist notorious for jailing several Republican editors under the Sedition Act of 1798 -was not convicted because he did nothing wrong

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"Empire of Liberty"

-what the president had long envisioned as the inevitable expansion of the free and virtuous American people -some obstacles such as other countries were in the way

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James Monroe, Robert Livingston, Louisiana Purchase

-VA senator and anti-federalist who became the 5th President of the U.S. -Purchase negotiated by Robert Livingston and James Monroe; initially only wanted New Orleans and Florida, but bought whole territory as Bonaparte lost interest in establishing a Caribbean empire and needed the funds; land went to U.S. for 15$ million -Jefferson was conflicted with strict interpretation of Constitution vs. purchasing Louisiana; dropped his initial belief as he hurried to have the purchase ratified, though he feared the rush would destroy Native Americans and cause an orgy of land speculation

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Lewis and Clark expedition, Sacagawea

-Lewis and Clark were to trace Missouri River to its source, cross western highlands, find best water route across the continent to boost China trade, and learn about Indian culture and American wildlife -"navigator" for the two explorers -16 years old, carried her baby with her -Native American

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James Wilkinson

-tipped of the Spanish to object the Lewis and Clark expedition -shared the honor of taking possession of the Louisiana Purchase

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Burr Conspiracy

-led to the secession of the Louisiana Territory from the U.S -captured in 1807 and charged with treason, Burr was convicted by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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John Randolph, Yazoo Land Compromise

-Led the group of quids; turned on Jefferson for backing a compromise in the Yazoo land scandal -Event in which the Georgia legislature had sold the Yazoo tract for a fraction of it's value to land companies that had bribed the legislature; the compromise was itself a scandal for Randolph because it was further evidence of the decay of republican virtue

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Rule of 1756, British Orders in Council

-trade closed in peacetime couldn't be reopened during war; violated by America's "broken voyage", in which American shippers would unload sugar from French West Indies in U.S. ports, then export it as an American produce

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-British royal navy press gangs had scoured the docks and taverns of British ports and forced civilians into service

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Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

-June 1807 -British, HMS Leopard attacked unsuspecting American frigate, USS Chesapeake and forced it to surrender -enraged Americans and TJ remarked that he hadn't seen this kind of American spirit since 1775

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Embargo Act, "peaceable coercion"

-prohibits vessels from leaving American ports for foreign ports; eliminating both exporting and importing from other countries

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James Madison

-Supported Jefferson's principle that govts. were strong to the extent that they earned the affection of a contented people; refused to release the commission from Marbury (Marbury v. Madison)

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Non-Imtercourse Acts, Macon's Bill No. 2

-opened trade to all nations except Britain and France, who trading with would be reopened if either nation recognized America's neutral rights

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War hawks

-Promoted the War of 1812 -preferred war over debating

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William Henry Harrison, Tecumseh, and the Battle of Tippecanoe

-General-Indian fighter-president -hero of Battle of Tippecanoe and Battle of the Thames in the War of 1812--major asset to America by keeping Indians at bay, redcoats from massacre's, and gaining/clearing land in West

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War of 1812

-Republicans in populous states propelled the war message in an effort to return shipping prosperity -Impressment of American sailors -Continued presence of British ships in American water -British incitement of Indians -Economic recession was leading cause (affected South and West), bolstered by Calhoun -eliminated Federalists as a national political force -convinced Republicans that nation was strong -since federalists were no longer a force, republicans embraced Federalist doctrines

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Oliver H. Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie (Put-in-Bay)

-battle fought in the War of 1812 -U.S won and led to Britain demilitarizing the Great Lakes

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Battle of Bladensburg

-American Defeat in war of 1812 in Maryland -allowed the Brits to enter Washington (James Madison and wife fled to Virginia) and burn the white house.

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Treaty of Ghent

-no gain or loss of territory; boundary disputes raised by war were solved in later commissions; no concessions for impressments (neutral rights = dead issue)

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Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans

-a major-general -he defeated British at New Orleans in the War of 1812 -7th pres -represented Tennessee as a Congressman and Senator

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Hartford Convention

-Federalist held convention at Hartford; moderates took control and passed series of New England grievances (most lay in belief that New Englanders were becoming permanent minority) -proposed:- abolishment of 3/5 clause (gave South more votes) -require 2/3 vote of Congress to declare war -admit new states into Union -limit president to one term-prohibit election of two successive president from same state -bar embargoes lasting more than 60 days

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Francis Scott Key, "The Star-Spangled Banner"

-composer of our country's national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner -good song-I would recommend it -such beat -much jam

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Henry Clay and the American System

-Whig party leader, KY congressman and senator, Sec of State under John Quincy Adams -was never president

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Second Bank of the United States

-president Madison -plan to get US out of debt

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James Monroe, "Era of Good Feelings"

-meant to describe war's elimination of dividing issues and Monroe's effort to avoid controversies

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Dartmouth College v. Woodward

-centered question of whether a private corporation, Dartmouth, could be made into a state university; Marshall ruled that this transformation was unconstitutional; established that once a state chartered a business or college, it surrendered power to alter the charter and authority to regulate the beneficiary

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McCulloch v. Maryland

issue whether Maryland had power to tax a federal corporation; Marshall engaged in "loose" interpretation, saying that the federal government had implied power to create a bank, and a state could not tax a federal institution (power to tax was power to destroy)

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Loose v. Strict Interpretation of Constitution

-Federalists loosely interpreted Constitution -Democratic Republicans were strict -caused dispute between parties

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Panic of 1819

-was the first widespread economic crisis in the United States which brought deflation, depression, backrushes, bank failures, unemployment and soup kitchens -set back nationalism to more sectionalism and hurt the poorer class, which gave way to Jacksonian Democracy

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Missouri Compromise

-Missouri would be an admitted slave state and Maine an admitted free state to keep the balance -Relaxed sectional tensions for 30 years, but marked a stain on the otherwise good feelings of the era

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John Quincy Adams

-6th Pres of US -he served as secretary of state under James Monroe -close race with Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford, and Henry Clay, the decision was left up to the House of Representatives -Speaker of the House Henry Clay threw his support behind Adams insuring his victory.

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Rush-Bagot Treaty, British American Convention, and Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty

-demilitarized the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, where many British naval armaments and forts still remained, and laid the basis for a demilitarized boundary between the US and British North America -indicative of improving relations between the United States and Britain during this time period following the end of the War of 1812 -known as transcontinental treaty, purchased Florida from Spain established western boundary for US and prevented Seminoles from invading Georgia

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Monroe Doctrine

-James Monroe -statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere.

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-Tecumseh's brother -known as "The Prophet" -saw visions :O

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-Shawnee leader who attempted to unite Indians in their struggle against the onslaught of settlers taking over their lands.

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