03. Respiration & Gas exchange

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Respiration definition

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Respiration definition

Release of energy from food [usually glucose]

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Respiration (3)

  1. Goes on in every cell in the body

  2. Some energy is transferred by heat

  3. Energy transferred by respiration can’t be used directly by cells [used to make ATP]

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ATP function (2)

  1. Stores the energy needed for cell processes

  2. When cell need energy → ATP molecules are broken down and energy is released

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Aerobic respiration (4)

  1. Respiration with oxygen

  2. Produces CO2 + H2O

  3. Produces lots of ATP

  4. Used most of the time

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Anaerobic respiration (4)

  1. Respiration without oxygen

  2. In animals : Produces lactic acid
    In plants/fungi : Produces ethanol + CO2

  3. Produces small amt of ATP

  4. Glucose partially broken down

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Anaerobic respiration during exercise (5)

  • Vigorous exercise

  • Not enough oxygen even if heart & breathing rate increase

  • Respire anaerobically to repay oxygen debt

  • Lactic acid produced

  • Lactic acid build up and leads to cramps

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Aerobic respiration equation (symbol)

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O

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Aerobic respiration equation (word)

Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + ATP

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Anaerobic respiration equation (plants)

Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + ATP

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Anaerobic respiration equation (animals)

Glucose → Lactic acid + ATP

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Parts in respiratory system (9)

  1. Trachea

  2. Cartilage

  3. Rib

  4. Intercostal muscle

  5. Bronchus

  6. Bronchioles

  7. Alveoli

  8. Pleural membrane

  9. Diaphragm muscle

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  • Tube linking nose & mouth to lungs

  • Splits into 2 tubes - bronchi

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Stop trachea from collapsing [support]

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Support + protect the heart & lungs

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Intercostal muscles

  • Shrink & expand chest cavity during breathing

  • Form & move the chest wall

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Carry air to & from the lungs

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Tree of tubes spreading throughout the lungs

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Alveoli (3)

  • Air sacs

  • Site of gas exchange

  • Alveolar air - high conc. of O2, low conc. of CO2

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Pleural membrane (2)

  • Surround the lungs

  • Contains lubricating fluid within membrane sac

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Diaphragm muscle (2)

  • Sheet of tendon separating thorax & abdomen

  • Contract & relax during breathing

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Cilia (3)

  • Found in lungs & trachea

  • Catch dust & bacteria

  • Keep trachea clear by sweeping mucus back

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Gas exchange in alveoli (5)

  1. Deoxygenated blood arrives from rest of the body via blood capillary

  2. Diffusion [high to low]
    O2 diffuses out of alveoli into the blood
    CO2 diffuse out of the blood into the alveoli

  3. Oxygenated blood leaves

  4. Blood reaches body cells
    O2 is released from red blood cells and diffuse into body cells
    CO2 diffuse from body cell into blood

  5. Deoxygenated blood carried back into lungs [repeat]

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Alveoli adaptation (5)

  1. Many - increase SA

  2. Moist lining - gas can dissolve into lining [help diffuse]

  3. One cell thick wall - short diffusion distance

  4. Good blood supply - maintain conc. gradient

  5. Permeable walls - gases can diffuse across easily

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Inhalation (6)

  1. Intercostal muscles + diaphragm contract

  2. Diaphragm muscles pull down + flatten diaphragm

  3. Ribcage move up & out

  4. Volume of thorax increase

  5. Pressure decrease

  6. Air dragged in by higher pressure outside

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Exhalation (6)

  1. Intercostal muscles + diaphragm relax

  2. Diaphragm return to domed state

  3. Ribcage move down & in

  4. Volume of thorax decrease

  5. Pressure increase

  6. Air forced out due to higher pressure inside

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Harms of smoking (6)

  1. Damages alveoli walls - Reduce SA for gas exchange [emphysema]

  2. Tar damages cilia in lungs & trachea

  3. Tar irritates bronchi & bronchioles - Produce more mucus but cannot be removed due to damaged cilia [smoker’s cough, Chronic bronchitis]

  4. CO [carbon monoxide] - binds irreversibly to haemoglobin - reduce amt of oxygen blood can carry

  5. Carcinogens [tobacco smoke] can lead to cancer

  6. Nicotine is addictive + narrows blood vessels [increase blood pressure]

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Yeast in food production (bread) (7)

  1. Enzymes break down carbs in flour into sugars

  2. Yeast use sugars in aerobic respiration [produce carbon dioxide]

  3. Oxygen run out - anaerobic respiration [produce carbon dioxide & ethanol]

  4. Carbon dioxide produced is trapped in bubbles inside dough

  5. Gas pockets expand - dough rise

  6. Dough is baked in the oven [increase heat - increase speed of reaction]

    1. Yeast ferment till optimum temp is reached

    2. Alcohol [ethanol] produced is boiled away

  7. Bread stops rising [gas pockets still present]

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