Space Physics

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What are the phases of the moon?

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What are the phases of the moon?

new moon - waxing crescent - first quarter - waxing gibbous - full moon - wanning gibbous - third quarter - wanning crescent

<p>new moon - waxing crescent - first quarter - waxing gibbous - full moon - wanning gibbous - third quarter - wanning crescent</p>
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How long do the moon phases last?

29 days

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What is average orbital speed?

the average speed taken for a body to make one full orbit around another body

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What is the equation for orbital speed?

v = 2(pie)r/T

where r is the radius of the object and t is the time

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What are the eight planets of the solar system?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

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What are dwarf planets?

Dwarf planets are small, rocky bodies orbiting the Sun, but they are not big enough to be called planets.

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What is the asteroid belt that orbits the sun?

The asteroid belt consists of large rocks called asteroids, which orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The dwarf planet Ceres can be found in this asteroid belt.


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Define Natural Satellites

A natural satellite is an object that orbits a planet or another body that is larger than itself. Natural satellites are not man-made.

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What are comets?

Comets are balls of ice that orbit the Sun in elliptical orbits. When they come close to the Sun, they heat up and some of the ice evaporates, becoming a visible tail.


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Define elliptical orbits.

When an object moves around another object in an oval shaped path. Elliptical roughly means oval like.

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What is the speed of light?

3 x 10^8

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What is the relationship between gravitational field strength, distance and mass

the greater the distance, the smaller the gravitational field strength

the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational field strength

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What is the law of conservation of energy?

the law that states, in terms of space physics, that planets further away from the sun will have high gravitational potential energy but low kinetic energy as well as speed while planets closer to the sun will will have high kinetic energy and speed while having low gravitational potential energy.

planets move faster as they are closer to the sun

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What is a star?

A star is a ball of gas which radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.


Stars come in different sizes, but they are usually (unless they are dying) made of hydrogen and helium.

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What type of radiation does the Sun (and other stars) emmit?

Our Sun emits most of its energy in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum

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What process allows stars to emit energy?

The energy emitted by the star comes from reactions called ‘nuclear fusion’ reactions.


Inside a star, hydrogen atoms are joined together with enough force to make them stick together (or fuse) into helium atoms.

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Define Redshift

the increase in observed wavelength when the light source is moving away from an observer

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What are galaxies?

a collection of billions of stars all orbiting a black hole

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What is CMBR?

Light from the beginning of the Universe is called the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)


It is detectable everywhere in the Universe.

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What is the hubble constant?

2.2 x 10^-18

<p>2.2 x 10^-18</p>
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What is the equation for the age of the universe?

1/hubble’s constant = distance/velocity

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Milky Way Galaxy Definition

the galaxy in which the sun and out solar system exist

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What is a light year?

the distance travelled by light in one earth year

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What is a protostar?

the beginning of a star, where hydrogen heats up and emits raditation

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What is a stable star?

a star where the inward force of gravity and outward force due to the high temperature of the star are in equilibrium

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What is a redgiant?

a star of relatively small mass that has run out of hydrogen

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What is a red supergiant?

a star of relatively large mass that has run out of hydrogen

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What is a white dwarf?

the remnants of a red giant after fusion has stopped

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What is a planetary nebula?

the dust left over after the outer layers of the red giant have cooled

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What is a supernova?

an enormous explosion when a red giant has run out of fuel

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What is a black hole?

occurs when a very massive star runs out of fuel and gravity is strong enough to pull all the star’s matter into one single point.

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What is a neutron star?

when a massive star runs out of fuel and gravity is strong enough to crush atoms together to form enormous block of neutrons

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What is a nebula?

what is left after a supernova, a cloud of dust and gas that can form new stars

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What is a heliocentric model?

model of a planetary system where the planets orbit a central star

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What is an orbit?

a curved path an object follows around another

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What is the equator?

an imaginary line around the earth splitting the north and south of the earth, also hottest point

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What is a satellite?

an object in orbit around another object which is already in orbit

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What is a solar system?

a collection of cosmic objects in orbit around the star

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How many seconds are there in a year?

31536000 s

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How many meters is one light year?

9.5×1015 m

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